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Name:Bill *****
Email Address:Bill ******@***.net
Subject:US Bank REO dept url

Hello Ed,

I have a client who has a full price offer into US Bank since July 24. We were informed on July 30 that another offer was submitte3d on July 28 that wasw 15k less than ours. Yet the bank has never addressed our offer (my buyer is strong with a 28% down payment, and excellent credit.

Yesterday I was informed that our offer was still on top. Today we were informed that the bank is not considering our offer and (bye bye, so to speak). I asked if the other offer they are considering is higher than ours. The respose was that she things they are talking to a cash offer.

I think they are wanting me to disappear so they can get the property to a friend at a bargain price. There is also a $3000 bonus to the buying agent.

I want to talk to the REO department to confirm that they have received my offers, but I can't find a url. Do you have one that will get me there?


Bill *****
Re*** *****

Bill ******@****.net



******  *******  ******

Dear Bill,

I don't blame you for coming up the idea of "plot" in our profession.  I have seen it all in my past, even my present.  Believe me even God can't do nothing about the reality of Real estate practice, let alone our Congress.

It is true there are a lot of sharks in business, and a whole bunch of wolfs working together in RE.  Even at this moment, I still can point out some cases that some loan brokers are still doing the same SUBPRIME loan plots with reputable big bank.  They care less about the damages made by the current credit crunch to our economy than their surviving needs.  In fact, it is a JUNGLE out there on that justice can't have a say. 

As it said: "different days, same old shits."  Out there time has been changed, but something (such as "inside trading", "big brothers", still stay.  

Here is the information you requested.  Please use these two web-links. 



Also, there are US Bank's mailing address:

SAINT PAUL MN 55107-2292

FORT MILL SC 29715-7203

I just pull them out of my file so that I am not sure they are working or not.  In addition, it seems to me all the banks are lazy so that they don't spend time to improve their computer, communication or filing system.  They don't improve the effectiveness so that their right hand doesn't recognize their own left hand.  They don't care to let you catch 22.  So expect you are getting nowhere and nobody is taking care of the shop.  Don't expect too much from a conservative banker, he is just a 9-5 employee if not a bureaucrat, let alone she is an entrepreneur.

Wish you a good luck in this situation, even I really doubt on "Justice shall prevail and overcome the tyranny of status quo". 

*******  ******  ******

2 Comments on Wish you a good luck, Here are the Reo department web-linKs

As a person who sells REO properties I am always amazed at the opinions of those who know nothing about it. First there is no way a banker told you what another offer was. Second most of the bankers in these departments are emailing me after 9 at night and often on Sat and Sun; so much for your 9-5 job. US Bank is serviced at the address you are referring to but they use an outsourcer; therefore, you addressed your letter to the wrong company exposing your lack of knowledge. The offer as described should have gone to the loss mitigation department not the REO department. The bank employees are not perfect but in may ways they are much more professional than the Realtors I deal with on a daily basis.  The are certainly more professional than those commenting on this page.

08/05/2008 07:58 PM by Cliff Roe

To Cliff,

Please don't go so fast.

Did Bill mentioned that he was informed by a US Banker?  As I remembered, Bill says "We were informed".  Where you come up the idea of that a banker told or emailed him?  That's ridiculous under our professional ethic code.  Don't you know that a client relationship do exist between seller/ buyer and their agency?  Well, I know that is in theory, not applied to the real real estate world as the legal attorney/client world.  Good example for theory and practice!

On July 28, I made an all cash offer of $260,000 to buy a condo in California.  It was foreclosed for $297,000 about 40 days ago.  The bank immediately put it on market.  So, the patient me asked my agent Randy write up the offer for me.  Before I submitted the offer, Randy checked into it and confirmed by listing agent that nobody made an offer in the past 3 week.  Randy told the listing agent we would present an offer. 

Right after our offer was given, the listing agent informed Randy the very next day that there was a higher offer coming.  Randy was told the exact amount of $320,000 offer with loan contingency and he was suggested to increase our offer to $300,000 all cash to beat it.  I declined it.  That's my philosophy of naturalist: if it is mine, it is mine; if not, it is not mine. 

Outsourcer?  What's that?  Don't tell me that is an asset management company located in India.  If that's the case, you don't have to wonder why you got emails in midnight: that is 9-5 in India. 

Yes, I agree with you that HUD has hired so many asset managers that none of them knows other assets managed by others.  For example, Southwest Management used to just take care of HUD's assets located in Arizona and Texas.  Two years ago, Southwest has no idea about other HUD properties beyond these two states.  Even I asked a Texan property in San Marcos that clearly has on its main door a post of HUD warming of winterized treatment, My friend who is used to be a HUD listing broker and I got an answer back from Southwest saying that there was"no record" showing HUD owns it.  note: Southwest improved its website to cover the whole states now; but I don't know when it happened.

Well, you just confirm what I said sometimes a banker's right hand doesn't know his own left hand by your saying that REO department don't know its Mitigation department.   Tell us from your selling REO experience why these two internal units of the same bank are supposed not to communicate each other as your comment implied? 

 I sure don't want to argue with you about your first sentence: "The bank employees are not perfect but in may ways they are much more professional than the Realtors I deal with on a daily basis."  Because you deserve your observation, but I had been with a branch manager of ShimitomoBank in 90's.  She has no slight idea of what a piece of Trust Deed means.  It is my observation: A banker is not more professional than a realtor.  Both has different expertise. Please don't judge people by their label or profession and look down at others.

However, I believe that you don't know what you are talking about when you said: "The(y) are certainly more professional than those commenting on this page." So far, there is only one person commenting on this matter.  That's me. I take your comment as compliment, Okay.

BTW, just curious.  Are you a god or so smart, far-sighted to know whoever is going to come up and response to this page? Don't shut up other's mouths.  Everyone is free to speak out his true belief, disbelief, or doubt as long as he is not lying or fabricating, right? 


08/05/2008 08:28 PM byEdward Tseng 

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2008/08/06 11:30 【曾太公落美洲】 對老美可說理論道﹐對老中就要言性話情
2008/08/06 11:27 【不平則鳴】 對老美可說理論道﹐對老中就要言性話情
Reality Check


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To answer why are two internal units of a bank not supposed to communicate to each other-  Banks are large Corparations.  (The same applies to Government agencies as well)  I've done both.  Each department in the organization are set up differently and have their own Director.  They are allocated monies to operate their department.  In essence, they are the CEO of their Division.  Loss Mit and REO are 2 seperate companies within the Corporation.  They are FUNDED diffently. 

When the bank outsources the unit, they have approval power.  The out sourcer takes care of the asset.  US BAnk has serveral Out Sourcers that they use.  So the Banker is relying on other info, he is not the AM.  The out sourcer acts as a property manager for the owner. 

And as Ed said.  Sending a letter to US Bank for an REO Asset, its not going to work.  Even if it gets to the REO Division management he will funnel it to the Asset Managers manager within the servicer, which will flow down to the Asset manager, then flow up the Asset manager manager, to the REO manager.................. 

It is easy for the Buyers agent to blame the Listing agent and accuse of trying to take both sides of the deal (which is rare that it happens).  Every bank deal I have in pre-list sure I hype my investors up for it.  Thats what I get paid to do, thats why my investors return to for and AMs continue to send me listings.  Results! 

When I do traditional listings I start hyping the property prior to the MLS listing.  I work for the seller. 

08/06/2008 12:51 PM by Chad, ReMax ******

Thank you, Chad.

You seem a real guy who knows the traditional mechanism of REO practice.

Can you tell us more about the current channel or system for REO marketing and how you feel about this grandfather-old style can fit in the Cyberspace.

Maybe I will tell you what I have observed to let you know something is so fishy, not as you said so "rare" as Japan's Sashimi, in our American gourmet kitchen.

08/06/2008 04:51 PM by Ed Tseng 

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