窮兵黷武的美國, 請遠離臺灣海峽!
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看新聞, 這兩天, 中華民國和美國的國會, 都被排滿軍人的節目. 美國的伊拉克戰區司令, 高喊不可撤軍. 臺灣的國防部長, 拿美國的航空母艦, 恐嚇臺灣人民. 美國的國會, 成為總統候選人做秀和布希讓將軍為他背書的舞台劇. 伊拉克戰區司令, 高喊伊拉克混亂不可撤軍. 呵呵! 美國在伊拉克, 跟日本佔領中國(以及臺灣), 是一樣的: 鐵蹄暴行, 殺人十萬, 自損四千. 伊拉克是波斯灣的主要國家, 人民不是省油燈, 當然全力抵抗. 美國扶植的所謂軍警, 在當地人眼中, 是國賊漢奸走狗, 怎麼可能維持秩序? 麥肯要維持佔領軍的利益, 所以他的質詢, 普遍被美國媒體列為首席. 希拉芮的問題, 是"何種條件, 你覺得可以撤軍?" 在美國被戰爭超級龐大的赤字與經濟衰退所迫, 媒體列為下個重要問題. 阿巴馬為了自己"凱達會重回伊拉克"的失言, 扳回一城. 問:"怎麼樣知道: 凱達在伊拉克的影響力消失?" 企圖為自己的伊拉克政策背書. 被戰區司令修理: "這不是數學理論, 軍事不能用簡單的公式來預測!" 口花花的政客, 被將軍修理. 最高人氣的候選人, 在媒體報導, 敬陪末座! 臺灣更慘: 美2航母巡弋台海 國防部知情 臺灣的趙括, 替美國買辦, 恐嚇臺灣人. 窮兵黷武的美國: 請遠離臺灣海峽! 兩岸血濃於水, 不需要美國來分化, 玩兄弟鬩牆, 搞鷸蚌相爭, 讓美國漁翁得利. 滾!
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重重大論﹐是投降論﹖願聞何謂也。您是龍眼還是雞眼﹖至少請說明﹐是誰向誰投降。 太公不論國事﹐不能食言而肥﹔一年後﹐看您聖主『蘇起』﹐再說吧﹗ 開放黨禁﹐在雞鴨看﹐是好像很『高明』﹐在仙鶴觀﹐卻是阿九流的可憐。事非求人﹐自己的主張﹐有賴他人『配合』﹐此非天助自助。這與『無求於人』的高痞原則大異﹐太公做不來。 謹提供以前馬市紅寫手『開放黨禁』高論﹐太公批其謬見的文章供參﹐如果您更高明﹐能不像K君無詞以對﹐太公會回答。蓋屬前帳未清﹐非太公食言﹐再論國事也。 引用文章開放黨禁﹐三民主義統一中國﹐算什麼東東 引用文章此路不通﹐只會淹死﹐好好架構平台吧﹗
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可別像重重大論, 喊了半天, 出來個投降論! 不該說是投降論, 卻比不了麥芽糖的要求共產黨開放大陸黨禁! 您的兩岸去美日牛肉, 端上來吧!
呵呵呵﹗天下本無事﹐庸人自擾之。 一大堆假設﹐太高估咱美國的能耐﹐也太低估中華民國的能力。當然﹐不管您好扁﹐他壞扁﹐只會搞三角戀﹐意境超不脫﹐自作其繭﹔就人為刀俎﹐您為魚肉吧﹗ 可別怪黨國政大﹐沒培育人才﹐就行唄﹗
英雄所見略同! 這個回答, 是拿燒餅去烤的路上想到的. 回來就看你文章又增加了好牛肉! 記得美國買辦, 公然威脅宋公阻擋軍售的嘴臉嗎? 如果宋總統當家, 兩岸破鏡重圓, 您以為美國會謀殺宋總統嗎? 如果霄龍和甦愷戰鬥機保護臺灣, 小鷹號戰鬥機和導彈頭, 被運到太原, 讓二砲部隊研究, 日本要向兩岸買臺灣海峽通行證, 美國會像阻撓三十八度線拆除一樣, 硬把兩岸架上新戰火, 不惜像海地一樣, 把宋總統從總統府綁架流亡, 逼他成為第二個達賴喇嘛嗎? 至少, 他們會幫助阿扁, 搞個二二八, 完全跟高雄市的美麗島事件一樣! 如果, 臺灣換裝霄龍和東風飛彈, 美國要把臺灣當成伊朗啦!
好主張﹗ 但是您用『請』的﹐他就做嗎﹖對君子可能有效﹐對如歪市長﹑黑語之流﹐光叫是沒用的。 拿點高痞功﹐讓他人非照做不可吧﹗有何具体方案啊﹖說來聞聞。 如果只是過去二十年的李﹑扁功﹐或是未來四年的好扁功﹐就留著給您自個。太公沒有任何誘因﹐也沒空﹐不是太公『瞧扁』兩位好壞阿扁﹔而是要學李敖﹐不跟雞鴨﹐談啥國事。 您能讓太公有點雅興﹐重起宋公報國母火嗎﹖ A Funny World (25): God gives you a chance to stand up again (edit/delete) A Funny World (23): Mail Your Keys In and No Foreclosure Record Out? fyi... i have 5 properties... i'm mailing in the keys. forget real estate!
03/20/2008 02:41 PM | by steve | | Delete Report as Spam |
Steve, Don't get me wrong, please! Don't mail your keys in. Hang on there to get even with a banker. Don't move out until the day eviction officers show up. If you do that, you save at least 9 month rent. That is about tens of thousand dollars. Even those money don't count as your income, but they are indeed your savings in a different perspective. Why move out to pay your rents? As I mentioned in my earlier article, I had once stayed in a house located on the 8th Street, Arcadia, CA for about two years. When I got a divorce, lost my house and was forced into real estate as an agent. I can't afford an apartment rent and my listing seller let me move into the house to work out a short sale deal. See I don't pay a dime to freely use the house for 2 years while I'd kept it up for paying the utilities only. In those 2 years, I save (or maybe earn) $20,000 at least. The best part of it is it is tax-free, like tax credit. Your gain is even bigger. Is it enough to use as your down payment for your next house purchase? When you see those Wall street big fat cats collect hefty money, tens or hundreds of millions dollars as their retirement fund when they are forced out of their corporate door. You see all the average Joe on the main street suffered. Don't just say what kind of justice we have in the American society? Get even with the system! I mean to take advantage of the situation, but I strongly oppose your making damages to the house that doesn't do any good to you or our economy. Compliant is of no use, of course. Just evaluate the whole situation and be benefited from the worst. God treats everyone pretty fair if you know how to be cool and deal with it, sometimes.
Recently I read a news report that some guys have occupied a $2 million McMansion in Florida for more than 2 years. I am smiling at them. They are genius to enjoy the worry-free financial "freedom" as I did 10 years ago. Sure, they don't make any monthly payment to their bankers who are not willing to foreclose the properties as their Japanese counterpart did in the past 10 years. I wish I could be so lucky again. God gives you a chance to save your money for a fresh start. Grasp the opportunity and please don't ignore it. If you don't have a rich dad, where you can get a better deal by staying in your houses without paying rent or payment every month? Just pretend the God is your father as everyone says. You will be glad you do it. For your reference:
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