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    回應給: 麥芽糖(myata) 2007/08/13 05:33 推薦1


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two china (尚未發行)
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                      Two Chinas
By Heather Bell - August 07, 2007 13:16 PM

It's safe to say that China's stock market is unique. Because of capital controls on foreign investment and limits on the ability of its domestic investors to invest outside the country, the market is very isolated.

In an effort to attract foreign investment, many companies domiciled in mainland China list shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Those shares are known as "H" shares, and foreign investors can freely trade these stocks. Meanwhile, domestic investors are allowed to invest in "A" shares, which foreign investors cannot trade unless they are an institution licensed by the Chinese government. It is not uncommon for a company to have both A and H shares listed.

Because the shares trade completely separately, pricing spreads can be significant. It's almost as if the two share classes are trading in parallel universes, with supply and demand driving prices, much moreso than fundamental analysis. With the recent surge in mainland China's economy in the year or so, the spreads between the two share classes have grown to epic proportions, with the prices of the A shares far outstripping those of the H shares.

HSI Services Ltd., which maintains and calculates the benchmark Hang Seng indexes, has decided to address the issue with the launch of its Hang Seng China AH Index series, which tracks only stocks that list both A and H shares. The index family includes four indexes-one that combines A and H shares, one for A shares, one for H shares, and one that tracks the spread between A and H shares.

HSI Director and General Manager Vincent Kwan says the idea first arose roughly a year ago. "At that time, the market witnessed a very strong market in A shares," he says. When A and H shares began to diverge significantly, they began to catch some attention at the global level. And although some investors kept track of the differential for certain stocks, no one had yet begun to track the "average" difference between the share classes.

The series currently tracks 27 stocks with A and H listings. Components must either have their H shares listed as members of the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index or their A shares must meet strict requirements regarding size, liquidity and quality. In addition to the dual listing, component companies also cannot have any unlisted share capital. Kwan says the indexes provide more transparency to the market and give investors a way to track the trend and its evolution. He believes the indexes would be ideal for use as the bases for structured products.

By far the most interesting index in the series is the Hang Seng AH China Premium Index, which tracks the premium/discount between the two share classes. The backtested data on the index presents an interesting phenomenon. The index itself has back-data starting from January 2006. At that time, H shares traded at a premium to A shares. However, by early 2007, the A shares has clearly outstripped the H shares. Only a couple of days ago, the premium index hit a new high, with A shares trading at a stunning 64% premium over H shares. The A shares of one company, Datang Power, were trading at a premium of well over 300% as of the close of trading on Tuesday!

"There's been a lot of debate on whether the prices should be the same and if anything should be done to help make the difference narrower," Kwan says, describing the premium index as an objective way to measure the difference between the two types of shares. He cited the strong A shares market and buoyant market sentiment in China as some of the underlying reasons for the price divergence. After all, China's economy has been booming, and its citizens have more disposable income than ever before. With their access to foreign markets severely limited, it seems only natural that domestic investors would pour their money into the investments available to them.

The three price indexes also offer an interesting perspective on the A and H shares. The Hang Seng AH (A+H) Index combines the market caps of each component's A and H shares to track the total value of the company. Meanwhile the A and H indexes track the performance of those shares respectively. However, the weights of the components in those indexes are reset on a monthly basis to coincide with their weights in the A+H index.

Although currently the A shares and H shares markets remain largely separate, there has been some relaxation of restrictions by the Chinese government over the years. Foreign institutions are now allowed to invest in the A shares market with permission from the Chinese government (the B shares market available to foreign investors has never been very popular), and a few domestic firms are now allowed to invest in foreign stocks, meaning domestic investors in China now have some access to foreign markets. Kwan says it is the general feeling that, over the long term, prices will converge as the markets become more flexible, but he also points out that no one knows when this will happen.

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2008/01/24 13:39 【不平則鳴】 老兄頭腦﹐還是清楚呢﹖












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    回應給: 曾太公(et13808) 推薦1


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看臺商如何談咱們的政府吧! 餐館偷偷把小費計入, 客人不知, 另外打賞, 業者稱為殺兩刀.

    回應給: 麗貝卡在上海(rebeccashanghai) 2008/01/28 19:07 推薦1


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What's on the earth?
    回應給: 麥芽糖(myata) 推薦1


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What's on the earth?   How dare you mention about "standard" in America?  Are you living in Hilter's Germany?  If you are talking about America where you have lived, you should know better than me, right?

No, there is no Double Standard in USA.  I've never heard it. 

Who says so?  GWB or Al Gore?  All I've heard is they are talking about freedom of "choice" or family "value."  I've never heard of "standard" out of those VIP's mouths.   

If we have something close to Standard, there are Multiple Standards in America, since our core value of culture is based on "decentralization."  No center exists, how could you expect us to have a "central" thing or standard? 

Nothing you should expect as a "standard." or you will be caught in a Suprise.   So, don't expect anything.  Or simply put, there is No Standard or Logics upon that you can act or reason. 

Don't you know the famous phrase: "too much choice is no choice at all," my dear?

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Apple and Orange
    回應給: 曾太公(et13808) 推薦0



You started this, in Chinese, this is chicken talking to duck!

So, do you think USA have double standard?

Japan does! Their highest ranking citizen is NOT their money making enterprenor who took lion's share of the world market, say, SONY, Toyota etc. But quite interesting, is their farmer, who doesn't have lot of gross, but the group is lots of votes.

I don't want to give excuses to the mainland government; however, I can point out their stress: if they can't rule their people, a spit from every citizen is going to flood and drawn ANY government. What else do they do besides supressing their own people? It has been done thousand of years after our great leader who successfully fix the flood after his father was killed after failure?

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I'm the guy in the middle
    回應給: 麥芽糖(myata) 推薦1


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I'm a pragmatist.

This is a dumb idea but I'll play ball. You got one guy looking this way, the other guy looking that, and I'm the guy in the middle saying "Whaddayawantfromeme?"

p.s.  Are you sure I am naive this time, not you?  

Give you a hint:

We can make a comparion only when we DO have a "common base" in between. 

Do you have it when you talked about Japan or Taiwan?  Are both strong enough to set the rule to the world?  Do they treat their citizen worse than a foreigner in their own territory in which they can control?   Say, did Japanese administration give a foreigner 10 years license instead of her citizen's 6 years as those guys in Mainland China charge 3 times more to her own citizen than a foreigner?   Did ROC ask her citizen to pay 1,000 share minimum and a foreigner could have the priviledge to buy just 1 share? 

To a person with double standards, there is no way to make a debate that makes sense.

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Ruler and the players
    回應給: 曾太公(et13808) 推薦1


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Well, now it's your turn to be naive!

American view the world as it should be the same as their home. Is it a correct statement? OK, how come, you and I need to get a green card before becoming a citizen? Not to mention, the Mexicans now can't get a SS number nor DL. Is USA a level field for all the people they want to deal with? Sure NOT!

We look at Japan: a Toyota in Japan can only get tag for six years. It sold more than what it sells in USA. Dumping, right? What can anybosy else do? Nothing. That's exactly how Toyota sell more cars to the world than anybody else: their government made their citizen pay for the fast turn over!

Just knowing the fact that not too many people are looking, I got the freedom to just write in English. This is actually faster. And, yes, besides you, if anybody does look at it, I felt lucky!

Now back to China. You call it: 血統原罪. Well, have you purchased stock in Taiwan? Back in the days that you have to buy 1,000 share. Yes, that is the smallest unit you can deal with.

Anybody complaint about this shut out most of the people? Did anybody complaint about being out of the presidential race?

Do you know the US dollar account in Taiwan? You have to buy US dollar to deposit into such account.

I am not familier with all the red tapes in China. They sure have their reason and rediculous processes. Just like what we see in UDN.

Thank you for bringing this to my attension. Heck, if I get my way, I will be the next Dr. Sun Yi-Sheng. But, what do I get?

I was talking about Washington was better to USA than Dr Sun; however, even as Dr. Sun has many wifes. He doesn't have slaves. On the other hand - the American presidant, not only have royal blood, he also spread it out far. At least, Jefferson has documented black offsprings that he just slept on his black slaveries.

I am with you on the fact this IS 血統原罪. But, what do you do? When I flew home, I observed the commonly cursed fact that many of our fellow stuardess flirt with white passengers and look down upon our fellow citizens through their noses.

Well, get over it! Being a small grass, just make sure you don't stick up too high when the mowers come. Then you enjoy the sun, the rain and not worry too much about the strong wind. Just make sure when the big tree falls, you don't get crushed.

Money is just money!

You taught me: think in meditation and the super wisdom will come! Yes, you sure are very advance to give such good advice. I got a gift that I understand your suggestion IS right!

I also experienced that money will apear beyond normal perception; however, I also know it's zero sum game. You get extra one place, you pay it back some other time and place.

So, I got over it.

Never understood why I would care about politics or UDN as much.

While I meditate, I should be eagering to advance for realization. Heck, politics and UDN were occupying my thought and actually kept my heart away!

Clock is ticking! Mr. Soong still is not showing signs of jumping into the ring.

Well, we can wait four years or eight years. We might hope Ma become Taiwan's Washington and secure the presidancy for Soon after himself. Well, now I am dreaming again.

Stay in touch. Sun rise, sun set. Tree grow tree fall. Small grass "blowing in the wind!"

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