實在無法想像: 為啥有人, 非要阻撓藍橘結合?
老宋還沒有下桌! 他和子弟兵, 一定要回國民黨.
馬宋兩人, 可以帶來臺灣十六年的休生養息, 讓臺灣有足夠實力, 逼使中南海坐下來談!
非要把藍橘分開, 讓綠營 以少數 漁翁得利 ? 兩千年的教訓, 還不夠 ?
永遠藍鬥橘, 藍鬥綠, 兩岸鬩牆, 美日漁翁得利?
Both of you are saying the wrong thing: exactly what DPP would like to see happens!
Mr. Soong has not yet totally got out. His future should still be back to KMT!
What I can conceive, is that Mr. Ma and Mr. Soong can give Taiwan 16 years of recovery, growth and become strong enough to have mainland go on table to discuss reunion.
Xuser is totally wrong trying to kick Mr. Soong out and still want his followers as a seperate group from KMT. This way blue and orange stay apart, the green can easily become bigger than either blue or orange as the relatively bigger party. We saw this in 2000. Xuser still insist this seperation between orange and blue!
Sorry I don't have Chinese input now. Will come back and translate into Chinese.
Mr. Xuser:
Who are you working for? Do I ever see you write anything makes sense other than make the green party further ruin Taiwan?
Please do not reply to me. Go home and think REALLY hard!
It has been four years! You closed two cities. YST has repeatedly saved you from your self contraditory statements.
Go home and think hard! Good luck!