Welcome and congratulations to JohnLee501:
The fact your son is chosen, means that he is a outstanding young man. My congratualtions.
Let's just get over the word: volunteer. The program said it IS volunteer. I am a volunteer in many occasions. I might get free meals, I might get free lodge. But I don't take manoy home!
Not to mention the fact that Taiwan government is actually using this excuse to bribe!
I can see where you come from: I would want my kids to go back to Taiwan and have oppertunity to learn the language and become connected to the people back home. Be it the love boat in 劍潭, live with relatives or teach English. Now there is this oppertunity for voluneer that makes money, why not?
Definitely, I have nothing against you, your son or any people involved. Just against the government using this money in such a way they are actually lying to the tax payers. Not that they don't lie everyday. I am just copying from the paper another act caught red handed.
A suggestion for you: please use the edit function to clean up your article. At least, make sure all the words are spelled correctly. The first letter M in My son is missing. This must be the windows environment. Since UDN spent so much time and effort to provide such feature, please take advantage of it. I got sick and tired about reading bad English here.
Last but never the least, please translate to Chinese if you would. Many people here doesn't read English. I would love for them to hear your objection. I will translate mine once yours is in place!
Again, thank you for posting.
恭喜令郎拿到這個機會, 明年還不知有沒有呢.
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