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 | 【聯合晚報╱編譯彭淮棟/綜合報導】 | 2011.03.05 02:16 pm |
| | | 為期九天的巴黎時裝周,4日的「迪奧日」本該是熱鬧非凡的「加里亞諾日」,卻由於這位迪奧創意總監上周反猶太言論禍從口出丟差,變成加里亞諾告別式,全場約一千位媒體時裝版主編、記者和時裝設計師如同出席喪禮,清一色黑色裝扮。
| 迪奧創意總監加里阿諾無法參與自己的時裝秀。 美聯社、歐新社 |
為期九天的巴黎時裝周,4日的「迪奧日」本該是熱鬧非凡的「加里亞諾日」,卻由於這位迪奧創意總監上周反猶太言論禍從口出丟差,變成加里亞諾告別式,全場約一千位媒體時裝版主編、記者和時裝設計師如同出席喪禮,清一色黑色裝扮。 伸展台上呈現的,是加里亞諾15年迪奧生涯的最後作品,但衣在人不見。往年,作品由模特兒展示結束後,他都像戰場凱旋歸來的拿破崙,滿面傲色,洋洋得意上台接受歡呼,這回換成為他製衣的數十位裁縫上台一鞠躬。 加里亞諾的神魂籠罩全場,氣氛淒黯,有人紅眼睛,有人掉眼淚。這是英國天才時裝設計家亞歷山大麥昆自殺以來時裝界最難過的日子。 4日開展前,迪奧執行長托雷達諾加里亞諾走上伸展台,念一段聲明,全文沉重如輓詞。托雷達諾為加里亞諾「令人無法接受的有害」言論道歉,這些言論出自「一個創造才華如此出色的人,特別令人難過」。 聲明說,加加亞諾的言論「違反迪奧的創辦精神」,迪奧創辦人克里斯提安有一個姊妹被納粹送進集中營,他經歷戰爭的黑暗恐怖年代後創辦迪奧,創業的價值觀至今不變。 加里亞諾上周在巴黎酒吧和人爭吵,口出反猶辱語,馬上被拎進警局問話,此事在時裝界扔下炸彈,迪奧迅速回應,將他停職,網路隨後出現視頻,明顯醉醺醺的加里亞諾自稱「我愛希特勒」,迪奧高層1日宣布開除他。 28日獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角金像獎的娜塔莉波曼是迪奧香水Miss Dior Cherie代言人,風波伊始,她就表示看了加里亞視頻而「震驚和惡心」,「身為猶太人,我不要和他有任何關連」。 迪奧旗下的加里亞諾產品線John Galliano,命運未卜,但已知6日不上伸展台。加里亞諾自己的未來也非常不確定。巴黎法院已諭令他出庭受審,罪名是「根據出身、宗教關係、種族、族裔身分,公然侮辱」三人。開庭日在4到6月之間,巴黎檢方表示,如果罪名成立,他最高面臨六個月監禁和2萬2500歐元罰款。 【2011/03/05 聯合晚報】 |
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(轉貼)The Masonic Building of The USA
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The layout of these streets and avenues is such that the apex angle of the pentagram at the White House is the same as the apex angles of the isosceles triangles in the hexagram: The apex angle of the pentagram formed by the intersection of Connecticut and Vermont Avenues at the White House is 48� 48'; the angle formed by the intersection of Massachusetts and New York Avenues at K street is 48� 48'; and the angle formed by the intersection of Pennsylvania and Rhode Island Avenues at K street is 48� 48'.

Dave Parker pointed out that the pentagram and the hexagram form three arms of a Templar Cross Pattee centered on the White House. Extending Connecticut and Vermont Avenues to the lower corners of the White House lawn completes the pattern. This reinforces the connection the Masons maintain with the Templar Knights.

A guided tour of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial will quickly dispel any illusions one may have concerning the true faith of the Father of Our Country. The following report will provide information on:
George Washington, who is widely acclaimed to be a Christian by evangelical leaders such as: David Barton, Peter Marshall and D. James Kennedy
The present day Knights Templar, showing the infiltration of Masonry into the Christian churches
The leading role of Freemasonry in the American Revolution
The George Washington Masonic National Memorial, which is just off the Capitol Beltway, adjacent to Old Town Alexandria, VA and six miles from Washington, D.C, sits atop Shooter's Hill, a lofty peak about 3 miles west of the western shore of the Potomac River. Because of its vantage point, Shooter's Hill was the site of a Revolutionary War fort, although the only remains of the fort are some irregularities in the soil line that can be viewed from the monument's observation deck.
The Masons purchased the 36 acre site and laid the cornerstone in 1923. Assisting in the ceremonies were President Calvin Coolidge, Chief Justice William H. Taft and the Grand Masters of all the Grand Jurisdictions in the nation. The edifice, which has a broad rectangular base and soaring steeple, was completed and officially dedicated in 1932. President Herbert Hoover assisted in the dedication ceremonies.
The entrance to the Memorial displays two large plaques with George Washington's words of approbation and devotion to the Masonic Order, a portion of which states:
"Being persuaded that a just application of the principles on which the Masonic Fraternity is founded must be promotive of private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be happy to advance the interest of the Society and to be considered by them as a Brother."
The Memorial Hall contains a 17 ft. high bronze statue of Washington wearing his Masonic apron as the Charter Worshipful Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22 - to which office he had been elected in 1788 and held at the time of his election to the Presidency of the United States in January, 1789. The statue was presented to the Memorial by the Order of DeMolay for Boys in 1950 and unveiled by President. Harry S. Truman, Past Grand Master of Missouri.
N.B. The Order of DeMolay is named after the martyred 14th century Order of the Temple Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay. The DeMolay Order for Boys is also highly recommended by the Rev. Billy Graham whose status as a 33rd degree Mason is documented.
A book sold at the Masonic Memorial, The Age of Washington, describes President Washington's participation in laying the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol with full Masonic rites:
"On September 18, 1793, President Washington officiated at the laying of the cornerstone for the United States Capitol building. It was a major event in the creation and development of the federal city, a project very dear to the heart of George Washington. It was also what the Masonic Fraternity refers to as one of the most memorable days in the life of George Washington, in the life of Freemasonry, and in the life of the United States.
"Washington, dressed in Masonic regalia, lead a procession of officers and brethren of the Masonic Fraternity from Maryland and Virginia to the site in the District of Columbia. Upon arrival, the music stopped playing, the drums stopped beating, the flags were anchored, and the artillery fired a volley. A large silver plate was handed to President Washington. Using a small trowel with silver blade and ivory handle, Washington deposited the plate and laid it on the corner-stone. A prayer followed. Then there were heard Masonic chanting honors and then a 15-volley from the artillery. According to a newspaper's eyewitness account, when the proceedings ended 'The whole company retired to an extensive booth, where an ox of 500 pounds weight was barbecued . . . Before dark the whole company departed with joyful hopes of the production of their labor.'
"The apron and sash worn by George Washington together with the trowel he used are today preserved in the Alexandria- Washington Masonic Lodge. George Washington, a member of the Masons since 1752, the Master Mason, the Past Master, the President of the United States had personally participated in the laying of the U.S. Capitol's cornerstone. He did so 'as a Freemason and President,' wrote Allen E. Roberts in G. Washington: Master Mason." (38)
In conjunction with emphasis on the Masonic influence on the founding of the U.S. Government, the religious tolerance aspect Freemasonry was advanced to promote the fraternal order. George Washington, in the ecumenical spirit of the Masons, sent a message in 1798 "'To the Clergy of Different Denominations Residing in and Near the City of Philadelphia.' In that message he wrote: 'Believing as I do that Religion and Morality are the essential pillars of civil society, I view with unspeakable pleasure, that harmony and brotherly love which characterizes the Clergy of different denominations, as well in this, as in other parts of the United States.' He added that he hoped 'your labours for the good of Mankind will be crowned with success...'"
The Memorial's various exhibitions on the Shriners, Royal Arch Masonry, the Knights Templar Chapel, a replica of King Solomon's Throne Room (based on legend of Hiram Abiff) and the Tall Cedars Room (a reconstruction of Solomon's Temple) attempt to present Masonry as a faith that is based on Scripture. The propaganda made available to the public, however, is far from an accurate portrayal of true Freemasonry, which is based on Kabbalism assimilated by the Knights Templar who occupied the Holy Land during the Crusades. The Masonic emphasis on Old Testament types and figures is, in fact, derived from Kabbalah, which symbolism is designed to lead men into the ancient mysteries.
The Royal Arch Room features Egyptian and Hebraic paintings, a reproduction of the Ark of the Covenant and a large mural of the ruins of King Solomon's Temple. A new addition to the Memorial, the Tall Cedars Room, is a reconstruction of Solomon's Temple with statues of King Solomon, the High Priest, Prince Azariah, the Master Overseer, the Grand Master of Workers and others. These figures and are supposedly found in I Kings 4 and 5, which chapters describe the building of Solomon's Temple.
The Cedars of Lebanon were the materials used in the Temple by Hiram of Tyre, whom Masons teach is Hiram Abiff, the "First Grand Master" who is impersonated by every man initiated as a Master Mason. According to Masonic legend, Hiram Abiff was the only one on earth who knew the secrets of a Master Mason, including the Grand Masonic Word, the name of God (the 'Ineffable Name' of God identified in Kabbalah as YHVH).
A detailed brochure for the Tall Cedars Room states:
"The floor of the Tall Cedars Room...has as its center the Star of David [an occult symbol] ...Soon to be added will be replicas of other artifacts from King Solomon's Temple including the Altar for Incense Burning, the Seven Branched Menorah, the Altar of Burnt Offerings, and the Table of Shew-Bread."
The Watch Unto Prayer report, A Sacred Assembly of Men, explains the Kabbalistic interpretations of Solomon's Temple, the furniture of the Holy of Holies, and the Masonic legend of Hiram Abiff.

The Order of Knights Templar is described as the only Order of Masonry strictly for Christians. The Knights Templar Chapel exhibits an original suit of armor worn by a Knight Templar of the 12th century and a sword, a Bible and stained glass representations of Knights and Christian themes.
To give an idea of the international scope and organization of Knights Templar membership - that is, Masons Who are Affiliated with Christianity - a brochure on the Knights Templar reads:
Knights Templar
An ancient order serving mankind in the 20th century Pride in our past - Faith in our future Integrity, Obedience, Courage
"The Knights Templar is a Christian-oriented fraternal organization that was founded in the 11 century. Originally, the Knights Templar were laymen who protected and defended Christians travelling to Jerusalem. These men took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, and were renowned for their fierceness and courage in battle.
"Today, the Knights Templar display their courage and goodwill in other ways. They organize fund-raising activities such as breakfasts, dinners, dances, and flea markets. They support Masonic-related youth groups and they raise millions of dollars for medical research and educational assistance.
"Currently, Templar membership consists of people from all walks of life, including doctors, lawyers, clergy, businessmen and entertainment personalities, all of whom profess a belief in the Christian Religion."
Masonic Connection
"All Knights Templar are members of the world's oldest fraternal organization known as 'The Ancient Free and Accepted Masons' or more commonly known as 'masons.' However, not all masons are Templars. Templary is but a part of the Masonic structure known as the 'York Rite of Freemasonry.'"
Three Levels of the Knights Templar
"The Knights Templar operate on a local, state and national level. But their religious activities extend across national borders as well. Nationally, there is the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar. This unit defines the rituals and laws governing state and local level organizations. The state level is called A Grand Commandery of Knights Templar. This organization represents members of a state or an area of equivalent size. Finally, the local level unit is called a Commandery of Knights Templar. There are almost 1,600 Commanderies in communities across the United States, Germany, Italy and Mexico, with over 260,000 members.
"To petition a Commandery of Knights Templar for membership, you must first be a member of a Masonic Lodge and other prerequisite bodies, and must profess a belief in the Christian Religion. Commanderies organize many social activities, including Ladies Auxiliaries, Drill Competitions, Public Divine Services, Family Picnics, Organized Trips, Dinner Parties and Entertainments, Christmas Observances, Easter Sunrise Services, and Memorial Services."
The Knights Templar Holy Land Pilgrimage
"In addition to many religious observances throughout the year, The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar sponsors an annual 'Holy Land Pilgrimage.' The purpose of the pilgrimage is to send a Christian minister to The Holy Land. Masonic membership is not required and the Minister can be male or female."
Support for Young men and Young Ladies
"The Knights Templar also provide financial support, advisors and scholarships to Masonic-related Youth Organizations such as Order of Rainbow, Job's Daughters, and Order of DeMolay."
Patriotic Knights
"The Knights Templar are a uniformed Masonic unit that participates in parades or other public events. They take great pride in their patriotism and respect for the American Flag, which they are often called upon to carry as Parade Color Guard."
Also available in the Memorial is a book titled Freemasonry in American History. The opening chapters make clear that, early on, the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland were planting Provincial lodges and appointing Grand Masters in the colonies to further their scheme of fashioning a new form of government. According to author Allen E. Roberts, the Freemasons considered the Protestantism of Great Britain to be oppressive and looked to the New World as an opportunity to establish a government based on the Natural Law, which maintains that human reason, not supernatural revelation, must be man's guide.
In actuality, British and Scottish Freemasons were frustrated after many failed attempts to restore the Masonically-supportive Stuart dynasty to the throne of England and, as loyal Jacobites, they sought to establish a Masonically-controlled government in the New World. There is evidence that both the American and French Revolutions were planned and perpetrated by Freemasons to overthrow government by monarchies which were unsympathetic to Freemasonry. In 1673 and 1678, the English Parliament had passed the Test Acts, which prevented anyone but Anglicans from holding public office. The Protestant Hanoverian dynasty became firmly entrenched in Great Britain following the deposition in 1688 of King James II who had converted to Catholicism.
According chapters 14 and 15 of Freemasonry in American History, the leaders of the American Revolution were, in the main, Freemasons: Paul Revere was Junior Warden of the 15th St. Andrew's Lodge; Peyton Randolph, a Freemason from Virginia, was President of the First Continental Congress; famous delegates to the Second Continental Congress included Masons John Hancock and Benjamin Franklin; George Washington was elected by the Second Continental Congress to be Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Forces; under Washington was an army led largely by Masonic commanders, including Brigadier Gen. Richard Montgomery, Col. Benedict Arnold, John Sullivan, Col. John Glover, Nathanael Greene; foreign officers who arrived in 1777 to aid the cause of the Continental army were Freemasons Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, Thaddeus Kosciusko and the Marquis de Lafayette.
The Constitutional Committee consisted of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin (past Grand Master of Pennsylvania), John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston (who would become Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York). The Fourth Reich of the Rich, by Des Griffin, states about Thomas Jefferson:
"The Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illluminati was established in New York City in 1785: Members included Gov. DeWitt Clinton and later Clinton Roosevelt, Charles Dana and Horace Greeley. The following year a Lodge was established in Virginia with which was identified Thomas Jefferson." (40)
Freemasonry in American History confirms that, as 3rd U.S. President from 1805-9, Thomas Jefferson's Vice President was George Clinton, Worshipful Master of Warren Lodge No. 17 in New York City in 1800, and also the uncle of DeWitt Clinton who would serve as Grand Master of Masons in New York from 1806 to 1819. (41)
Many other Famous Freemasons were leaders of the American Revolution and Presidents of the United States.
It seems that many colonists initially opposed the Declaration of Independence and Revolutionary War, but were gradually persuaded to join the Masonic cause. A volume cited by Allen, George Washington, Master Mason states:
"George Washington expected to 'fall' during the war. And well he might have such expectations. Some historians claim a third of the colonists were Tories; it would appear this was an underestimation. At any rate, it was evident that not even half were wholeheartedly in favor of a revolution. There was certainly no unity."(42)
American history ought to be reevaluated by Christians in the light of Scripture and the evidence of Masonic control of government -- a fact which has been long suppressed. Scripture -- which enjoins obedience to the governing authorities -- would seem also to preclude organizing a rebellion against said authorities, which are ordained of God (Rom. 13:1; I Pet. 2:13,14,17; Tit. 3:1).
Evangelical leaders, such as David Barton and Council for National Policy members, Peter Marshall and D. James Kennedy, who describe the leaders of the American Revolution as Christians, are in effect promoting the belief that God approves of political revolution. Patrick Poole, who is affiliated with the Free Congress Foundation's Coalition for Constitutional Liberties, even advises Christians as to the evil nature of government:
"Our country was founded upon the presupposition that government is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." (43)
However, the teaching of Scripture is this: "For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." (Rom. 13:1b)
The Lord Jesus Christ exhorts believers to examine the fruit that is brought forth by religious leaders. Are present day evangelical leaders leading people into the Kingdom of God through the preaching the Gospel or are they fomenting rebellion against secular authority in order to establish a theocracy? The popular theme of "reclaiming America's Christian heritage" may well be the patriotic ploy that draws Christians into the final stages of Ordo ab Chao, the revolution that is required to establish a Masonic New World Order.
GEORGE WASHINGTON'S {Masonic} CORRESPONDENCE (1) Michael Biagent and Richard Leigh, The Temple & The Lodge, NY: Arcade Pub., 1989, pp. 239, 240, 256, 260. (2) American Masonic History - What Are America's True Roots?* http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Psychology/mashist.htm See also: America's "Christian" Roots? http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Letter/v4n1-1.htm (3) The Temple And The Lodge, pp. 202, 179. (4) The History Of Freemasonry, Albert Mackey, pp. 408-11. (5) Thomas Paine, Origin Of Free-Masonry, Writings Of Thomas Paine, G.P. Putnam's Sons,1896.http://www.mediapro.net/cdadesign/paine/origins.html (6) Thomas Jefferson letter to William Short, http://www.angelfire.com/co/JeffersonBible/jeffbsyl.html (7) Washington: An Abridgement by Richard Harwell (Abridgement of the Seven Volume George Washington By Douglas Southhall Freeman [Written with research associates Mary Wells Ashworth and John A. Carroll]1948 Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1968, p. 32. (8) Ibid., p. 597. (9) Ibid., p. 638. (10) The Temple & The Lodge, pp. 261-2. (11) Washington: An Abridgement, p. 783 (12) Notes from the Trestleboard, February 1996 http://sykuta.business.pitt.edu/masonic/Trestleboards/trestle_feb96.html#misc2 (13) Architect of the Capitol Home Page http://www.aoc.gov/history/cap_hist.htm#plan (14) "Freemasonry - Is it Satan's Door to America?," Ed Decker, http://www.saintsalive.com/freemasonry/fmsatansdoor.htm (15) The Great Inverted Pentagram of Washington DC http://www.clark.net/pub/klaatu/pentagram.html (16) Cutting Edge Ministries http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1040.html See also: Cutting Edge Freemasonry Corner - http://www.cuttingedge.org/fmcorner.html (17) Cutting Edge Ministries http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1081.cfm (18) Masonic Stones of the Washington Monument http://www.nps.gov/wamo/Monument_Stones_Description.htm (19) Manley P. Hall, The Secret Teaching of the Ages, p. xci. (20) James R. Patrick, America 2000/Goals 2000 Research Manual, p. 35. (21) The Temple & The Lodge, pp. 81, 79. (22) Prince Michael Stewart of Albany, The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland, Element Books, 1998, p. 125. (23) The Temple & The Lodge, p. 92. (24) The Temple & The Lodge, p. 55. (25) The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland, p. 125.
(26) The Temple & The Lodge, p. 94. (27) The Temple & The Lodge, p. 109. (28) Bloodline of the Holy Grail, p. 324. (29) Frances Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, Routledge, 1972, p. 308. (30) Robert Sargent, English Bible: Manuscript Evidence, p. 208.
(31)The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, pp. 123-4. (32) William T. Still, New World Order: Ancient Plan Of Secret Societies, Huntington House, 1990, p. 50. (33) Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, 1911, pp. 913-14. (34) King James I, Daemonologie, Godolphin House, 1597, 1996, back cover.
(35) The Temple & The Lodge, pp. 144-45. (36) Bloodline of the Holy Grail, p. 322. (37) Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience, , 1991, p. 216. (38) George W. Nordham, The Age of Washington, Chicago: Adams Press, 1989, pp. 142-43. (39) The Age of Washington, p. 206. (40) Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich, Emissary Pub., 1976, p. 55. (41) Allen E. Roberts, Freemasonry in American History, McCoy Publishing, 1985, p. 181. (42) Freemasonry in American History, p. 139.
(43) Patrick S. Poole, "The End of Privacy," Covenant Syndicate, Aug.10, 1998
George Washington Memorial

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial Located in Alexandria, Virginia, USA
George Washington Statue

Washington DC is laid out so the gardens and streets form the image of an owl around The US Capitol Building.

See here for more information about the owl - http://www.openyoureyes.web1000.com/index.php?p=1_3

To the right of George Washington's portrait on the front of the American Dollar Bill you will see the Seal of the Department of the Treasury. It comprises of a key, the scales of justice and a square which is a very important symbol in Freemasonry. If you look at the square you will see 13 holes in it.

Persephone and The Capitol Building

On December 8, 1854 Pope Pius IX declared the Ineffabilis Deus, the decree defining the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. It declared that Mary was conceived free of original sin and remained so throughout her life.
Within days the U.S. Congress enthusiastically rushed to put an addition on the top of the Capitol building as the only authorized Symbol of American Heritage. It turned out to be a statue of Persephone, one of the Roman goddesses, whose statues in the 4th century A.D. were taken over by the Church and renamed the Virgin Mary. Few realize that Proclus, head of the Platonic Academy in Athens in the 5th century, described Persephone as having had an Immaculate Conception. She was often known as Libera (Liberty), so the sculptor called his statue over the U.S. Capitol, Freedom.
She stands 19 feet 6 inches, which works out to 6 + 6 + 6 feet, and 6 + 6 + 6 inches. Persephone was placed on the Dome of the Capitol on December 2, 1863 in the middle of the Civil War. The event was marked by a salute of 47 gunshots as a tribute to John Carroll, the Jesuit bishop who had put Washington D.C. under Mary's protection. (John Carroll had died 47 years earlier on December 3, 1816.) The statue of Persephone (supposedly Mary) was placed on the Dome 47 years after John Carroll's last day on earth.
Meanwhile, Constantino Brumidi had arrived from Rome to do the artwork for the Dome of the Capitol. He painted what is called the Apotheosis of Washington, below.

Apothesis of Washington
That means the deification of Washington.According to Webster's Dictionary, Apotheosis means the act of placing a prince or other distinguished person among the heathen deities.Between the deified Washington and the earth flies the Virgin pursuing evildoers with the Roman Eagle at her side. Her position between heaven and earth was meant to identify her as the Mediatrix, the most prominent role of the Roman goddess, Minerva (or Venus). The eagle at her side is the mascot of Jupiter, the ruling god of Rome. It represents Roman justice.

In fact, the motto of The US Justice Department is Qui Pro Domina Justitia Sequitur, He who follows the Goddess Justicia. Persephone, Minerva, (also represented as an owl) or Venus (different names for the same goddess), when judging the dead in Hades, was called Justicia. The Justice Department's motto encircles the eagle, who was said to follow Justicia.
Background on Persephone
Persephone is the goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology. She is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, goddess of the harvest. Persephone was such a beautiful young woman that everyone loved her, even Hades wanted her for himself. One day, when she was collecting flowers on the plain of Enna, the earth suddenly opened and Hades rose up from the gap and abducted her. None but Zeus, and the all seeing sun, Helios, had noticed it.

Above - A tablet that depics The abduction of Persephone
Broken-hearted, Demeter wandered the earth, looking for her daughter until Helios revealed what had happened. Demeter was so angry that she withdrew herself in loneliness, and the earth ceased to be fertile. Knowing this could not continue much longer, Zeus sent Hermes down to Hades to make him release Persephone. Hades grudgingly agreed, but before she went back he gave Persephone a pomegranate (or the seeds of a pomegranate, according to some sources). When she later ate of it, it bound her to underworld forever and she had to stay there one-third of the year. The other months she stayed with her mother. When Persephone was in Hades, Demeter refused to let anything grow and winter began. This myth is a symbol of the budding and dying of nature. In the Eleusinian mysteries, this happening was celebrated in honor of Demeter and Persephone, who was known in this cult as Kore.
The Romans called her Proserpine. And her names means "she who destroys the light."
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(轉貼)The Great American Seal
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The Great American Seal An Expression of Occult and Mystical Ideas

On the back of the U.S. one dollar bill is The Great Seal of the United States of America established by Congress in June, 1782. To some the Seal may look as if it was designed to represent the birth of a new social order from the 13 colonial states. It may seem to depict a nation of Christians and characteristics such as freedom, strength and peace. But it holds many more meanings which are not only secret, but also sinister and anti-Christian.

The front side of the Seal has two Latin phrases around its periphery: "Annuit Coeptis" (13 letters) which means "Announcing the beginning or arrival", and on the lower scroll, "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which translates to "New Secular Order" or "New World Order". The New World Order is an expression that has been used by illuminized Freemasonry since the days of Dr. Adam Weishaupt to signify the coming world government. Weishaupt said “It is necessary to establish a universal regime over the whole world”. President Bush Sr. also announced the New World Orderand David Rockefeller said “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order”.
Also, the lower scroll is enclosed by forked tongues, which are of the false serpent speaking deceitful lies.

The word "MASON" is found by drawing a hexagram.
At the center of focus is a pyramid with a seperated triangular capstone containing an eye which is radiating light in a circular fashion.
This "eye" is called the "third eye" of clairvoyance in the Hindu religion, the eye of Osiris, the eye of Horus or the eye of the sun god Ra in Egypt, and the All-Seeing Eye in Freemasonry. Also refered to as the eye of Providence, “the eye never slumbers nor sleeps,” which alludes to the "Gestapo" or "Big Brother" system of constant surveillance. The all-seeing eye is the favorite symbol of the Illuminati. To them it simply represents the eye of Satan seeing all and is usually atop a pyramid, the symbol for a top-down command and control system of compartmentalization.
The capstone has not come down on the Pyramid indicating an incomplete structure. Only when the New World Order is established upon all nations and once the world leader is enthroned will the plan be complete.
There are 13 steps in the pyramid. The number thirteen not only has a bad connotation as far as bad luck, it also has a very high significance in the occult by representing the 13 bloodlines of the Satanic familys. Thirteen was a mystical number to the Egyptians and Babylonians, and also the Masons.
The 9 Roman numerals, MDCCLXXVI, appear on the foundation of the pyramid and translate to 1776, the year of independence and therefore the founding of the United States of America. However, another important event occured that year, the founding of the Illuminati (the enlightened ones).

The Pythagoreans, believed that the source of all truth was hidden in geometric symbolism, with the triangle especially as the most sacred of all symbols, regarded as the key to unlocking all hidden wisdom. Placing these values in their respective positions of importance, the first Roman numeral of each group being placed as the capstone and the remainder being placed at the base of each pyramid, ...
gives a trinity of 3 symbols each: MDC, CLX and XVI each of which is in decending sequence for 1600, 160 and 16 in arabic numbers. The initials of this unholy trinity are the top numerals MCX which adds up to 1110 while hidden as the remainder are the base numerals DCLXVI, or 666. In the Babylonian sexagesimal system (base 60) 1110 (x 0.6) also becomes 666. So, 1776 has hidden in it 666 in the Babylonian and Roman number systems. 1776 also contains 888, the number of Christ, more prominently, as 888 x 2 = 1776. The Anti-Christ is known to be hiding his true identity, claiming to be Christ.

The back side of the Seal has only one 13 letter Latin phrase: "E Pluribus Unum" or "One Out Of Many" which is the foundation of the New World Order's plan to unify the world's governments, religions and money systems into one.
At the center of focus is an eagle. The eagle is a symbol of ancient, pagan forms of deity. For example, the Assyrian, Roman, and German Nazi empires used the eagle.
The 13 stars above the Eagle head are arranged in the form of a hexagram or Star of David also known as mogen David, the most evil of all occult symbols used to invoke Satan. Each individual small star is five-pointed and is known as the Seal of Solomon wich is used by initiate witches and warlocks as a means of protection.
The eagle has 32 feathers on one wing, and 33 feathers on the other. The highest degree or level of Freemasonry are the 32nd degree in Scottish Rite and the 33rd degree in York Rite. The 9 tail feathers of the eagle represent the nine beings of the innermost circle of the enlightenment in the Great White Brotherhood or Illuminati.
The 13 arrows in the right claw are symbols of war and military might. The olive branch with its 13 leaves and 13 olives is a symbol of peace and the fruits of peace.
The 6 vertical bars comprised of 3 dark lines each and interspaced with 7 white spaces on the lower part of the shield yield the following: Sinful man (6), of the dark trinity (3 dark lines), in opposition to the Seal of God or the seven churches of Christ (7 white spaces). Also 6 stripes + 7 stripes = 13 stripes total.
Click here for the 20 Dollar Bill Mystery
Secret Societies

Masonic initiates elevated to the 33 (Luciferian) degrees are given a "jewel" to wear - three interlocking triangles, with the Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao" (Order From Chaos). Lucifer is rightly called the Author of Confusion. Masonic "wisdom" teaches that out of Chaos shall come Order. Planned chaos will lead to calls for more government control and abandonment of freedoms. Terrorism is a great tool to accomplish this.

This is the Freemason logo of the Skull & Bones Society. 322 refering to Genesis Chapter 3 verse 22 in the Bible. Just as each of the candidates for Skull & Bones membership must pass through an initiation process to obtain perfection and godhood.

Click on red words below to see videos
Both George W. Bush Jr. and John Kerry are publically admitted members of this society finding its origin in Nazi Germany as "Thule Gesellschaft".
Matrix of Evil
Skull and Bones Exposed The Illuminati
Click here for the Washington D.C. Mystery
 Bohemian Grove Exposed
 The Secrets of Bohemian Grove
American Government
Bush denies Jesus Christ The Truth About President Bush
The Kennedy-Lincoln History Mystery
Pyramid Symbolism
Let us mention pyramids first in reference to the Egyptian bondage of the Jews (Ex 1:1-22), the slavery the Jews were put under and the use of the Jews to build pyramids. Thus, making the pyramid a symbol of slavery to Jews and Christians. The pyramid has been used heavily in marketing as well. But that is not the only place we see it, we see it in the occult and in cults.

This in-your-face example of illuminati symbolism is the logo for a new Orwellian DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) division, "Total Information Awareness." The logo depicts the all-seeing eye at the top of a pyramid beaming down on the globe. The writing below reads "Scientia Est Potentia" which translates to "Knowledge (Science) Is Power".

 The logo of Fidelity Investments which is a major financial company just happens to be a pyramid with an uplifted capstone surrounded by a glory.

Ameritrade is a large brokerage company. The "A" shows an abstract version of the all seeing eye on the pyramid.
More pyramids...


See this unfinished pyramid with the capstone removed and a five pointed star inside...

 Founded by illuminati Rupert Murdoch, AOL's logo is a stylized eye inside a pyramid.

Turned upside down, there are 3 pyramids in the logo forming one big pyramid without capstone.
 Mercedes Benz

Two pyramids, one mirror-inverted below the other

The All-Seeing Eye

666 - The Mark of the Beast

The most common kind of barcode is the UPC/EAN-13 format

Carefully examine the Disney logo. Can you find what is alleged to be the number 6 concealed three times (666)?
Ancient Pagan Symbolism

Indeed, in some verses like in Isaiah the eagle has a positive connotation. However, the construct, the refraining that is done by the Illuminati upon these symbols is that the eagle represents Satan's empire (i.e. Nazi Germany).
Other occult car names are the Demon, the Vagabond, Buick's Phoenix, Ford's Cobra, Mercury's Cougar, Eagle Jeeps, the Le Baron Eagle Logo, Navistar Eagle Truck (which may have Eagle mud flaps, and Goodyear Eagle GT tires).
The Prophet Hosea said, "Set the trumpet to thy mouth. He shall come as an eagle against the house of the LORD, because they have transgressed my covenant, and trespassed against my law." (HOS 8:1)
And the Prophet Obadiah said, "Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.. (OB 1:4)
The intention of this page is not to dissuade anyone from buying products from the mentioned manufacturers. The point is that the occult has placed their symbols all over the world, in particular the United States. These symbols are on our money, our canned food, our cars, and our churches. Yes, there are such things as All-Seeing Eyes in some churches and Masonic logos on others, and other occult symbols.
This nation is immersed in the occult and so desensitized that the majority is oblivious to it.
“Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries…By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language…In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable.”
— Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p.25

A bent down cross
Beast Symbolism


A rams horns turning downwards. This logo cleverly makes it a goat head with the horns upward to represent the goat head. (Goat of Mendes)

Historical overview of the Alfa Romeo logo which shows a dragon kind of serpent crowned as king, eating a human being who is pointed towards the Christian cross. Could it be any more explicit?
The name Saturn, and Belair are well-known as occult names for Satan. Electra is a recent car named after a demon. Viper is a slow and deadly creature, why would one want to use it to name a car? Viper is also the name of an important demon. Viper is found in Black Widow Monarch slaves.
The well known chocolate company Lindt uses a reptile symbol on its packages.

This is the logo of the Royal Bank and Royal Financial Group in Canada. The lion or dragon claw separates the royal crown from the planet. Now why would they choose to symbolize this?

Two lizards on each SoBe Ice Tea beverage

The number six and at the same time a snake biting its tail. The Orobouros symbol of Eternity and highly symbolic and Egyptian in nature.

The Symbol of Medicine (Aesclepius, Asklepios; Latin: Aesculapius)
A knotted wooden staff with a mystical snake coiled around it
Sun Worship Symbolism

The resemblance between the NATO logo and the NAZI swastika should not be seen as a mere coincidence.

 Texaco Oil displays the Egyptian tau cross in a black and red coloration.
 The Shell Oil logo appears to be the golden shell of Aphrodite, the goddess who, pagan legend says, rose from the sea (see Revelation 13:1 for details).
It's an eight-pronged cross, very obviously a sun symbol. But what's interesting about it is that the cross is composed of 33 circles: 4 dots on each of 8 branches plus the circle formed by the central 8 dots.

Consider Apple's choice for its corporate symbol? The company's logo is an apple that has had a bite taken out of it. To many occult insiders, this signifies that the eating of the forbidden fruit (symbolically, the apple) by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was a good thing. Occultists and New Agers teach that taking a bite out of the apple gave the first two humans knowledge, or gnosis, putting them on the path to self-divinity and godhood.
In the 70s the entrepreneuers Stephen Jobs, a weird, New Age guru-type, and Steven Wozniak, also an advocate of the Aquarian Age culture first marketed their earliest, crude personal computer with a price tag of $666 on the product. (666 + the snake coiled around the staff)
Eternal Flame Symbolism
 Most people don't realize that America especially, is steeped in Idol worship replete with all of its associated symbology, solid and undeniable proof of its status as the "New Babylon." The Statue of Liberty as an arbitrary example, is actually a replica of the Babylonian goddess "Ishtar" the Mother of Harlots and the goddess of Freedom/Liberty. This "artwork" was created by a European Freemason who wanted to honour a Masonic doctrine that dates back to the time of Nimrod and Babylon! The Statue of Liberty is just another Brotherhood symbol highlighting the lighted torch of the illuminated ones, the Luciferian Initiated Elites.

(轉貼)The Great American Seal 2
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This goes even farther back to the Samothracian and Cretan mysteries that were centered on the worship of sacred cosmic fire and a mother goddess who watched over it. A wooden statue of the goddess, a so called palladium which is a virgin statue held a lit torch symbolizing the secret wisdom of her mysteries.

Golden Sun disk with what at fist glance appears to be a torch of light within. But it is the male Sun God and his Goddess facing each other at a second glance. Fist chairman was J Richard Munro, formerly chairman of Time Warner, Inc a company whose logo is an all-seing eye. Page 81, Dark Majesty, Texe Marrs, Emissary Publications.

The Wellcome Trust (London), depicting a lit torch with two coiled snakes around it. Hmmmmm?
 The Better Business Bureau endorses sites on the net and therefore has a lot of DC authority over who is given 'approval'. It also uses the eternal flame logo.

The light of the torch in the form of 2 blue stripes, 2 red stripes, then 2 more red stripes = 11 11 11 = 33.

What messages are some of the world's top corporations sending with their choices for names of products and companies? For example consider the occultic overtones of the Lucent Technologies' logo--a fiery red circle. The name "Lucent" is itself questionable. Some say it stands for Lucifer's Enterprises. Of course, the corporation's spokesmen vociferously deny it. Lucent Technologie' communications language is Limbo and the protocols are called Styx. Lucent Technologies have moved to 666 Fifth Avenue.

 Lucent Technologies is touting its newest software innovation, brand-named "Inferno." Inferno! What message is this mega-giant company--formerly known as AT&T's Bell Labs--trying to send us?
Well, Lucent may or may not be an evil firm, but if so, it sure has a lot of company. Consider, for example, Reebok International, the athletic footwear company. Reebok recently gave one of its lines of women's running shoes the telling name, Incubus. In medieval magic and lore, the incubus is a demon that has sex with women while they sleep!
Then there's Honeywell, the Minnesota-based computer giant. Honeywell has some of its Christian employees upset because the corporation is reportedly pushing a pro-homosexual philosophy. All workers are required to attend "Diversity Training" seminars during which the virtues of the gay lifestyle are extolled and praised. Honeywell has, for years, had a subsidiary company based in Europe named--believe it or not--Lucifer Manufacturing! That's right, Lucifer. Probably just another embarrassing surprise, right? Are we to believe that Honeywell's top executives had no idea who Lucifer is? Honeywell works closely with Oracle, a software corporation active in Big Brother technologies. Together, Honeywell and Oracle produce computerized control systems for the New World Order, including scanning equipment for security operations. Honeywell's global division has especially found success selling Honeywell's "Smart Distributed System," which, like Superman's fabled x-ray vision, can literally see through materials.
Lucifer Lighting. Not to be outdone, a U.S.A. company in San Antonio also goes by the name of Lucifer: Lucifer Lighting Co. A friend sent me one of this company's sale brochures. The brochure advertises that the firm makes and sells such products as Lucifer light strips and Lucifer halogen lights. Now please, tell me: What corporate CEO in his right mind would name a light company "Lucifer?"
Are the shapes of these logos just coincidences? The corporations mentioned above, and others who have adopted equally questionable marks and logos, would almost certainly deny that their logos are either pagan, occultic, or New Age. It may be that the corporate leadership is, in fact, innocently unaware of the esoteric, sometimes hidden, meanings of these symbols. Moreover, it must be admitted that a given symbol can have a multiplicity of meanings. Therefore, we make no railing accusations against these companies and their products.
But regardless, we do know for sure that Satan, the temporal "god of this world" (II Corinthians 4:4), can be expected to plant his symbols of evil throughout the globe in the last days. He is the father of liars, the blasphemous one, the dragon and serpent. I am convinced that Satan and his agents are very busy these days, conditioning men's minds and programming their senses with stunningly effective visual magic and sorcery.
Our argument, our battle, is not with the corporations of this world. Our struggle is with higher powers. Our holy campaign is against "spiritual wickedness in high places." What we see in many of today's company logos and emblems is no doubt a prime manifestation of spiritual wickedness in high places.
Thank God, He is able and willing to guide us into knowledge and wisdom as we expose today's multiplying, visible manifestations of evil. Only He can protect us from their hypnotic, mind-control effects. To paraphrase one corporation's catchy advertising slogan, it can be said of Jesus--"Don't leave home without Him." He is powerful, and He is the ultimate in personal security in these deceit-filled last days. A symbol is a mere representation, or shadow, of something. But Christ Jesus is real. He is beyond symbolism. He gloriously lives, and He reigns.
For many centuries, the Machiavellian elite have provided the masses with "Bread and Circus". That means "keep the people fed and entertained and they will not rebel." After Americans come home they are kept busy with entertainment. The only exception to their work, and TV watching, are their trips to their churches. Even the various religions are secretly under elite control. The point is that people are kept busy and occupied, and they seldom try to step outside of the path that the elite has them stay in.
Hand Symbolism
Signs of Satan
Satan's "El Diablo" Hand Sign The Origin of the Satanic Hand Sign
The Peace Sign and Satanism
13/33 Numerology

Then there is hidden 13 and 33 in the Microsoft Windows Logo.
 There are 33 sections to the United Nations on the inner emblem logo.
Harry S. Truman. As the 33rd President, this 33rd degree Mason initiated the Nuclear Age, the crowning success of alchemy, when the first A-bomb exploded at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site, Almagordo (Armageddon) White Sands, New Mexico. He was responsible for killing of thousands of Japanese in the Yellow Peril. On August 6, 1945 at 8:15 a.m. United States B-29 bomber Enola Gay, on Mission No. 13, dropped an atomic bomb called "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan right next to the 33rd degree latitude line. This was "Day One" of a new age, the Nuclear Age. It was also 33 days after 169th (13 x 13) anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Afterwards Nagasaki, Japan was nuked as well. Hiroshima lasted from July 4, 1945 to August 6, 1945 which is 33 days.
July 8th 1947, a UFO and bodies of aliens were allegedly found in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico at the 33rd Parallel.
Phoenix, Arizona sits on the 33rd degree latitude line. From the Phoenician Sun God - Pagan (Masonry). UFO Sightings are common here also.
 The explosion of the Apollo 13 spacecraft, named 'Aquarius' occurred at 1:13 in the afternoon (which is 13:13 military time) on April 13, 1970.
The Muslim year is 11 days shorter than the Western calendar system. It is a LUNAR system, where every year consists of exactly 12 moon cycles. The Muslim calendar is known as "hijra", referring to the flight of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib (later Medina). The Hijra LUNAR calendar starts counting its days on JULY 16, 622 CE, which is considered the foundation date for Islam.

Apollo 11 launched July 16th. Apollo is a pagan god, Roman Empire. Columbia module columbia route word in latin is columba, a pagan god Roman Empire. Saturn rocket booster Saturn is a pagan god, Roman Empire. Saturn in old latin is the same word as SATAN. Remember the metaphor in the Bible of the Tower of Babel. Where Satan was erecting a tower to try to climb out of hell to get into Heaven. Earth - Hell, Heaven, The heavens. Somebody was trying to leave this earth, and something was holding them back. Now with Apollo 11 we have the Satan rocket booster lifting off from earth(hell) and the tower that disconnected form the Satan rocket booster had on one side a 6, the top of it a 6, and on the other side a 6 = 666. You can verify this by watching the documentary that is available onwww.afunnythinghappenedonthewaytothemoon.com and www.moontruth.com
Mars Pathfinder landing site (19.50 N by 33.30 W which = 33 x 11 = 333) - July 4th, 1997. which is 7/4/1997

NASA has one runway at Kennedy Space Center: Runway 33
Basketball superstar, international cultural icon Michael Jordan retired from the NBA after completing 13 AMAZING seasons as the most successful sports superstar ever on Wednesday January 13th, 1999. Has since returned.
We even have a rating for movies PG-13.
When President Kennedy was assassinated, he was killed according to the occult number signature of eleven [11]. He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel. He was also killed in the Masonic Dealey Plaza, the most powerful secret society in the world today to whom the number 11 is extremely important.
July 6, 1946 was George Bush's birthday. It can be reduced to the power number 33: 7/6/1946 => 7 + 6 = 13, 1946 => 1 + 9 + 4 + 6 = 20. 20 + 13 = 33 .. .. 11 + 22. George is a member of Skull and Bones (a spin-off of the Brotherhood) just like his father and grandfather. Seems old Dubya is a master in more ways than just President of United States. There is more to George's name then meets the eye as you will soon find out. First let's look at what else the occult has to say about its 'master number'.

The Illuminati illuminated the New York sky on March 11, 2002 for 33 days. The Illumination even made an 11 in the sky.
11 Numerology
To to the Jews the number 11 is bad. The number of trangression of the law, rebellion, war, sin, sorcery, martyrdom; all of which were displayed to the whole world on 9/11.
George Bush Junior announced a national state of mourning on Sept. 11 for 11 days.
George Bush Junior presented his Patriot Act before Congress 11 days after Sept. 11. This was 10,000 pages of legislation. Nobody could write 10,000 pages of legislation in 11 days. That means it was written before Sept. 11. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE.
Flight 11 was the first to enter "New York City" (11 letters). There were 92 (9 + 2 = 11) souls on board, including the 11 crew members, when it slammed into the North Tower:
Flight 175 had 65 (6 + 5 = 11) on board, it struck the South Tower; each tower having 110 stories.
Flight 77 (11 x 7) crashed into the Pentagon
Numerologists use these two methods for calculation with the Chaldean table being the oldest and most accurate.
1 A J S
2 B K T
3 C L U
4 D M V
5 E N W |
6 F O X |
7 G P Y |
8 H Q Z
9 I R |
1 A I J Q Y
2 B K R
3 C G L S
4 D M T
5 E H N X
6 U V W
7 O Z
8 F P |
There is no number 9 in this Numerology chart because, to the ancient Chaldeans, 9 was believed to be a sacred number and was kept apart from the rest. |
Numerologists use the above charts to calculate the number of names and birthdates. Below are two examples:
The Pythagorean Method
S 1
+ +
E 5
+ +
P 7
+ +
T 2
+ +
E 5
+ +
M 4
+ +
B 2
+ +
E 5
+ +
R 9
= 40 => 4 + 0 = 4
The Chaldean Method
S 3
+ +
E 5
+ +
P 8
+ +
T 4
+ +
E 5
+ +
M 4
+ +
B 2
+ +
E 5
+ +
R 2
= 38 => 3 + 8 = 11
Using the Chaldean method "September" adds up to another 11. These two charts are used by the Illuminati. The Chaldean was probably used in the days of the Tower of Babel by Babylonian priests.
Take all the letters in "George W Bush" and add them up:
G + E + O + R + G + E (3 + 5 + 7 + 2 + 3 + 5) =
W ( 6 )
B + U + S + H ( 2 + 6 + 3 + 5 ) =
47 ( 4 + 7 = 11)
The World Trade Center September 11th, 2001

WTC Facts:
The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11.
The local channel 11 used the Twin Towers in their logo
Flight 77, another "twin number", crashed into the Pentagon. So? The Pentagon is on the 77th meridian.
The foundation stone for the Pentagon was laid in a masonic ceremony on September 11th, 1941.
Flight 11, 93, 175, 77 - If these numbers are broken down, 11 actually remains the same in numerology, 93 becomes 12, 175 becomes 13 and 77 becomes 14. 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 Broken down again and you have 2 - 3 = 4 - 5. Add them all up and break them all down!
11 + 93 + 175 + 77 = 356 = 14 = 5 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 = 50 = 5 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14 = 5
Twin Towers =11 + Flight 11 + September, 11th = 33
In Freemasonry 33 is the highest degree there is. Remember on another page I taught you one must be careful in pointing the finger at an instigator? Well, I'll point the finger right now. Certain members of the U.S. Government and the U.S. Military knew the event was going to happen because they are the ones who planned it. They worked together with Osama bin Laden to bring this event to pass.

Flight 11 was a Boeing 767-200. It hit the North Tower at 8:45 AM EST. The length of the aircraft is 159 feet and 2 inches. 1 + 5 + 9 - 2 (planes?) = 13. The number 13 is used extensively within Freemasonry. The 33rd degree Masonic Temple is located just 13 blocks north of the White House. There are many other instances of the number thirteen within Masonry. The Pagan mind is obsessed with numbers and symbols.
Flight 175 was also a Boeing 767-200. This aircraft hit the South Tower. 1 + 7 + 5 = 13. The Twin Towers were hit with planes carrying the occult signatures of '11' and '13', the two most important numbers in the entire occult world. The number '11' symbolizes all that is evil and imperfect [The Old World Order] and the number '13' signifies rebellion against God's constituted authority!
It is interesting that the North Tower was hit first. In Masonic doctrine, North, is designated as the area where darkness, superstition, and ignorance dwells. Albert Pike describes this belief: "To all Masons, the North has immemorially been the place of darkness; of the great lights of the Lodge, none is in the North." [Morals and Dogma, p. 592]
The Elite Mason worships toward the East, because they are pagan Sun worshippers, hence the Eastern Star. Most other Masons do not even realize this. In their Lodges, the North is empty as a symbol of their belief about that direction. Why do Masons believe this way about the North? The Bible states that God sits on His throne in the north [Isaiah 14:13]. By striking the North Tower first, the Illuminist Masons guiding this world into the New World Order may have been symbolically striking at God and His system, the Old World Order!
If you tie these two understandings together, you should realize why the first aircraft designated '11' hit the North Tower first. North is the direction of God's throne.
We know who is behind the terrible tragedy simply by the occult Illuminist signature. Osama bin Laden was only carrying out part of the plan which originated from the Illuminati. If American, British, and Israeli Intelligence really wanted a man out of the way, they would get him no matter how rich or powerful or protected he might be. Osama bin Laden is alive today only because the Illuminati wants him to be alive.

The numbers 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 33 , 39 have special meaning to the ELITE Freemasons. Remember, The Brotherhood of the Serpent was founded clear back in ancient Sumeria and the one who founded it was overthrown by those who were evil. With evil now in control it took this Brotherhood of the Serpent (Big Brother) and made several spin-offs of it. The Bilderberg Group is one, it has 39 members in its core who are broken into 3 groups of 13. And the 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. The 13 who make up the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine.
Did you know that the original number of states within the United States of America was 13? The Stripes on the American Flag represent this. The Constitution also has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention.
The Pagan assigns numbers to objects, planets, or an idea. One of history's greatest Satanist's, W. Wynn Wescott who was extremely influential in the latter part of the 19th Century explains:
"The followers of Pythagoras ... referred every object, planet, man, idea, and essence to some number or other, in a way which to most moderns must seem curious and mystical in the highest degree. 'The numerals of Pythagoras', says Porphyry, who lived about 300 A.D., 'were hieroglyphic symbols, by means whereof he explained all ideas concerning the nature of things', and the same [numeric] method of explaining the secrets of nature is once again being insisted upon in the new revelation of the 'Secret Doctrine', by H.P. Blavatsky. 'Numbers are a key to the ancient views of cosmogony -- in its broad sense, spiritually as well as physically considered, to the evolution of the present human race; all systems of religious mysticism are based upon numerals. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the nought or zero -- symbol of the infinite and boundless universe'." [The Occult Power of Numbers, W. Wynn Westcott, p. 15.]
The entire World Trade Center event was underlined with the occultic number 11. Occultists all over the world knew exactly what had happened and who did it.
Idols of past pagan societies have been formed in the likeness of fish, birds, animals, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. The mathematics underlying science and science itself they also worship. Inherent power is what they believe numbers possess.
To understand this fact, you need to understand that the occultist literally fulfills Paul's explanation of a pagan, of a Satanist, in Romans 1:25, "... they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator ..."
There are events in the past which have the number 11 associated with them.
The Illuminati ended the First World War according to Albert Pike's occult plan to produce Antichrist. They deliberately ended it on the 11th hour, on the 11th day, on the 11th month. (11 x 3 = 33) The signing of the Armistice agreement was undergirded by three eleven's!
We have zeroed in on the number 11, because this tragedy is undergirded by this number.
Why is the number 11 important to the occultist? As Wescott explains, "... so 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect." [Ibid., p. 100] Thus, while 11 is very important, multiplication's are also important, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99.
More About 9-11 Attack
WWW - 666
Each Hebrew letter has a numerical value. W happens to be 6.
enominepatris.com Compiled by Ronny Herbst
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(轉貼)The Masonic Seal of America
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Satan on Our Dollar! The Masonic Seal of America 
“Historian/author Ralph Epperson has spent many years researching the history of the Great Seal, and has discovered that those who designed the two circles committed America to what has been called 'A Secret Destiny.' This future 'destiny' is so unpleasant that those who wanted the changes it entails had to conceal that truth in symbols.” SOURCE: The New World Order, back cover, by Ralph A. Epperson; 1990; ISBN: 0-9614135-1-4; publisher: PUBLIUS PRESS, Tucson, Arizona. 
This is the Great Seal of the United States of America. It was designed by the Freemasons and contains a mass of symbolism that the profane (non masons) are not to understand. This article will once and for all prove that the Seal is a Masonic design. Have you ever asked the question “Why is there a Pyramid on our $1 note?” The religion of Freemasonry and some of it's mysteries have descended from ancient Babylon whose mysteries descended from ancient Egypt. The Great Pyramid has of old been a fascination of Freemasons. It is a pagan temple of Satan worship. Aleister Crowley, Freemason and chief Satanist of the 20th Century performed a satanic ritual in the Kings Chamber. The Masonic founded and controlled cults of the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons have also adored the Great Pyramid. The Illuminati love to hide things in plain sight. As the saying goes, “You can't see the forest for the trees.” Symbolism and occult imagery are subconsciously perceived, but on a conscious level will not be seen. However, occasionally the symbolism is clear and right in our faces. But the meanings behind the symbolism or references are unknown to the majority and therefore are automatically filtered out by the brain as insignificant and meaningless. You must remember that in order for secret groups to show their affiliation, they use symbols as a means to communicate. Although there are many more reasons as to why they hide things in plain sight. Another reason is to mock God. The criminal global elite are not atheists. They fully believe in God, and they hate Him with a passion. They have willfully chosen to follow Satan and are Luciferian worshippers. Satan's purpose is to corrupt and deceive every human being, so they'll end up in Hell with Him when it's all over. The occult-inspired global elite (aka, the Illuminati) are all worshippers of Lucifer. They believe in a Luciferian philosophy which teaches that Adam and Eve were in bondage in the Garden of Eden under God's Laws; but the Devil set them free by convincing them to eat of the forbidden fruit, thus opening their eyes of enlightenment and making them as gods to choose for themselves between good and evil. That's why the world is so messed up today, that is, because men have chosen to do evil and blame God for the consequences of sin and evil. These Luciferian religions teach that such intellect is a gift from Satan and that man ultimately will become “as gods” through occult enlightenment. It is because of these demonic doctrines that God is arrogantly challenged by the architects of the New World Order. Here's a List of Famous CFR Members (most of which are Luciferian worshippers, or at a minimum, supporters of their cause). Here's the evil history of the CFR and how it affects you. The Illuminati openly praise the Devil through the music industry and television. Young budding singers, comedians and actors are told what to do if they want to make it big. That's why Willie Nelson is told to sing a homosexual song or fade away. This is why the Satanists controlling the music industry had Johnny Cash singing Satanist, Glenn Danzig's song THIRTEEN and Dolly (sellout) Parton singing Satanic led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. The truth is as clear as a blue sky day to those who open their eyes. Satan controls every major industry today, as can be traced through members of the CFR, Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. I firmly believe that the Illuminati are planning something big for 2012, like a nuclear attack in America. First of all I will interpret the Latin words on the seal. 'Annuit Coeptis' means 'Announcing The Birth Of' and 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' means 'New World Order'. So therefore it says 'Announcing the birth of the New World Order'. The date in roman numerals is 1776, the year the modern Illuminati was formed and also the year of American independence. The Latin 'E Pluribus Unum' means 'One out of many' which is the foundation of the New World Order's plan to unify the world's governments, religions and money systems into one so the world can be controlled. The capstone has not come down on the Pyramid. This means that the plan is not complete. Only when the New World Order is established upon all nations and the world leader is enthroned the plan will be complete. On the obverse is an eagle whose dexter wing has thirty-two feathers, the number of ordinary degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The sinister wing has thirty-three feathers, the additional feather corresponding to the Thirty-third Degree of the Scottish Rite conferred for outstanding Masonic service. The tail feathers number nine, the number of degrees in the Chapter, Council, and Commandery of the York Rite of Freemasonry. Notice the stars above the eagle's head forms a hexagram the most evil of all witchcraft symbols. Let us now go to Manly Palmer Hall, member of the Illuminati and 33rd Degree Freemason, called “the 20th century's greatest Masonic scholar and philosopher by the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry's official monthly publication, the Scottish Rite Journal in the obituary section of August 1990. The Secret Teachings of All Ages This book is called Manly P. Hall's Magnum Opus, an Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic, and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy. Manly also instructs the reader to bring a human sacrifice to Lucifer each year. This is pure Satanism. See Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer/Satan for this quote. Manly P. Hall states: "European mysticism was not dead at the time the United States of America was founded. The hand of the mysteries controlled in the establishment of the new government for the signature of the mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United states of America. Careful analysis of the seal discloses a mass of occult and Masonic symbols chief among them, the so-called American Eagle. ... the American eagle upon the Great Seal is but a conventionalized phoenix..." "Not only were many of the founders of the United States government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for A PECULIAR AND PARTICULAR PURPOSE known only to the initiated few." SOURCE: Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pp. XC and XCI
The European group he is talking about is the Illuminati. They claimed America to establish the New World Order. This is the peculiar and particular purpose known only to certain high ranking freemasons.
How The Great Pyramid Ended Up On Our U.S. Dollar The New World Order is an expression that has been used by illuminized Freemasonry since the days of Weishaupt to signify the coming world government. “It is necessary to establish a universal regime over the whole world,” Weishaupt had said. (Writings of the Illuminati, 1780) During the first part of the 20th century and up to the time the reverse of the seal was first used, a series of victories over the sovereignty of the United States had already been won. Illuminist agents committed to the one-world interests of the Rothschild-Warburg-Rockefeller cartel had accomplished some important stepping stones to this New World Order: Federal Reserve System (1913); League of Nations (1920); Royal Institute of International Affairs, and Council on Foreign Relations (1920-21); and the Stock Market Crash of 1929. The consolidation of power was complete and the reverse side of the seal, which remained largely unknown to the American people for more than 150 years, could now be placed. The Intervention by the Masonic-Rosicrucian-IlluminatiIn 1934, Secretary of Agriculture, soon-to-be Vice-President (1940-44) and 32nd degree freemason Henry Wallace submitted a proposal to the president to mint a coin depicting the seal's obverse and reverse. President Franklin D Roosevelt, also a 32nd degree freemason, liked the idea but opted to instead place it on the dollar bill. According to Henry Wallace, in a letter dated February 6, 1951, “the Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum impressed me as meaning the 'New Deal' of the Ages.” “Roosevelt as he looked at the colored reproduction of the Seal was first struck with the representation of the 'All-Seeing Eye,' a Masonic representation of Great Architect the Universe. Next he was impressed with the idea that the foundation for the new order of the ages had been laid in 1776 (May 1st, 1776, founding of the Illuminati) but would be completed only under the eye of the Great Architect. Roosevelt like myself was a 32nd degree Mason. He suggested that the Seal be put on the dollar bill rather that a coin.”
Besides being a high ranking freemason and having the distinction of introducing socialism into the American political system, Roosevelt was a member of a secret societycalled the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystics Shrine (Shriners), attaining the grade of a Knight of Pythias. The Order of Nobles and Mystics claimed to be an offshoot of the Illuminati. Freemasons, Walter Flemming and William Florence founded an American branch in New York, 1872. Membership in the order was open only to Freemasons who had reached the 32nd degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite or those who've attained the last degree of the York Rite, the thirteenth degree (Knight Templar). The Order of Nobles and Mystics have origins which date back to the seventh century – apparently founded by a descendent of Mohammed. Author Michael Howard describes the Order's symbols. “The symbol of the Order is a crescent moon, made from the claws of a Bengal tiger, engraved with a pyramid, an urn and a pentagram. The crescent is suspended from a scimitar and in the Order is a representation of the Universal Mother worshipped in ancient times as Isis. The horns of the crescent point downwards because it represents the setting moon of the old faith at the rising of the Sun of the new religion of the brotherhood of humanity.”
According to Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, Roosevelt's Shriner's have a ritual similar to a satanic ritual called "The Ceremony of the Stifling Air", or better known as "L'air Epais." LaVey says that this rite was originally performed "when entering the sixth degree of the Order of the Knights Templar." Remember that if the Masonic candidate chooses to follow the York Rite, after he completes the 13th degree called the Knight Templar, he can apply to become a Shriner. LaVey describes the Templars' ritual thus: “The original Templars' rite of the Fifth degree symbolically guided the candidate through the Devil's Pass in the mountains separating the East from the West (the Yezidi domain). At the fork of the trail the candidate would make an important decision: either to retain his present identity, or strike out on the Left-Hand Path to Shambhala, where he might dwell in Satan's household, having rejected the foibles and hypocrisies of the everyday world. A striking parallel to this rite is enacted within the mosques of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, an order reserved for thirty-second degree Masons. The Nobles have gracefully removed themselves from any implication of heresy by referring to the place beyond the Devil's Pass as the domain where they might "worship at the shrine of Islam." Once the celebrant has taken this degree, he embarks upon the Left Hand Path and chooses Hell in place of Heaven.” - The Satanic Rituals — Companion to the Satanic Bible, p. 21 [PDF Version here] ...
Well, yes! These three "wise men" – by placing the reverse of the Great Seal on the dollar bill – succeeded in announcing to the world that America is on "the path", and is the world's best hope for the spiritual (occult) evolution of the planet. Considering how deep into the occult both Roosevelt and Wallace were already – and Wallace's connections to Theosophy – they had to of known that the most esteemed Theosophist of her time, Alice Bailey, had already declared that the Aquarian Age had begun in 1932. The whole symbology of the reverse is meant to be a mandala announcing this "New Age of Horus." They could not help but see the significance of this. And giving that their fellow illuminists in the Federal Reserve had now taken control of America's currency, it was a shoo-in. SOURCE: The All-Seeing Eye, the President, the Secretary & the Guru
MASONIC LIES There is a cry in Freemasonry today that the eye in the pyramid is not a Masonic symbol and it never was. At Masonicinfo there is a page which states "the eye in the pyramid is not now nor has it ever been a Masonic symbol." The author says that he has looked for 3 years for use of this symbol in Freemasonry and has only found 2 examples. I have been inside about 4 Masonic Lodges and 2 of them including the first I went to used the eye in the pyramid, the first one very prominently. So I know this to be Masonic lies. On another Masonic page entitled 'The Eye In The Pyramid' we read "The Great Seal of the United States is not a Masonic emblem, nor does it contain hidden Masonic symbols." Remember the quote above by one of Freemasonry's highly esteemed men stating it "discloses a mass of occult and Masonic symbols..." Who are we to believe, Freemasonry's GREATEST scholar and philosopher or some other man in Freemasonry with no such credentials. Let me once and for all establish the eye in the pyramid is Masonic. The image below is taken from 'The New Age' magazine which was the official publication of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry, the most powerful Masonic organization in the America if not the world. It is now called the 'Scottish Rite Journal'. It is from April 1960 and it clearly states that the $1 note is covered in Masonic symbols and it also states "Pyramid with the Masonic All Seeing Eye"

If all of this is not enough proof then I will give you another image taken from the headquarters of Freemasonry in Queensland, Australia showing prominently the Masonic eye in the pyramid. See the top of the image, right in the middle. 
One more to firmly establish the eye in the pyramid as a Masonic symbol. 
 Click on image above to see original animated gif in action
Favorite Illuminati Symbol: The All-Seeing Eye. New World Order Currency: The all-seeing-eye on the dollar bill.
To the left is the illuminati pyramid/eye symbol and the words: “Annuit Coeptis” means “our enterprise is now a success” or “our enterprise is crowned with success.” What enterprise are we talking about? “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” which can be translated as: “A new order of the ages” or “a New World Order” Hence, the message means, our New World Order is now a success. The Serpent promised Adam and Eve that their eyes would “be opened” if they ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The key word in this passage is eyes, which in Hebrew can be translated “knowledge.” Opened can be translated “broadened.” What the Serpent promised Adam and Eve was that knowledge would be broadened if they ate of the forbidden fruit. But the most foreboding aspect of this scripture emerges from the fact that the Hebrew word for “eyes” is not plural, but singular. What the Serpent actually told Adam and Eve was that their “eye” would be broadened by knowledge. The “eye” that Scripture wants us to consider is not the physical organ of sight, but the eye of the mind or the soul. This singular “eye” is called the “third eye” of clairvoyance in the Hindu religion, the eye of Osiris in Egypt, and the All-Seeing Eye in Freemasonry. (John Daniel, Scarlet and the Beast, Vol. III, pp. 6-7). The Roman numerals “1776” refers to the beginning of a secret society, the Bavarian Illuminati, known today as the “Columbian Faction” of the Illuminati. This is why we see Columbia Space Shuttle, Columbia TV, Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), Columbia University, Columbia Records, Colombia Movies, our government is in the District of Columbia (they print our money, make our laws, and control the government). They own the government and they own you. They decide who dies and who lives, who to kill and who to protect. The all-seeing eye is the elite's favorite symbol. It represents the eye of Lucifer seeing all and is usually atop a pyramid, the symbol for a top-down command and control system of compartmentalization.
See below for more Masonic hidden symbolism. 
See the following link for more information THE TWO SEALS OF OUR DOOM

Notice the Bohemian Grove priest with the Skull face in the lower left & right hand corners. 

In the image below, notice the 13 stars in the seal...

Notice above that of the 13 stars, 6 outer stars surround the inner 7 stars. Man's number is 6. God's number is 7. This image signifies that men have elevated themselves over God! 
More on the Great Seal
 Many companies use the pyramid within their logos. James Walker, a 32º Mason, shares some facts with us about the above symbols: - 13 leaves in the olive branch
- 13 bars and stripes in the shield
- 13 arrows in the right claw
- 13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon
- 13 stars in the green crest above
- 32 long feathers on its right wing representing the 32º in Freemasonry
- 13 granite stones in the Pyramid. (The 13 layers represent the 13 Illuminati bloodlines)
- 13 letters in Annuit Coeptis
This is called Masonic symbolism. It should also be noted that the Eagle has 32 feathers right wing, but 33 in its left wing. The 32 feathers representing the number of ordinary degrees of the Scottish Rite, and the 33 feathers representing the 33º of Freemasonry. The tail feathers number 9, the number of degrees in the York Rite. The eagle itself is a prominent icon of Masonry, being used extensively in the Scottish Rite. Looking just above the eagles head you will see 13 pentagrams within a cloud. The pentagrams are arranged in the shape of a hexagram - or greater Seal of Solomon. The hexagram is a powerful tool used by pagans to invoke Satan. It is also the sign of Anti Christ with 6 points, 6 angles and 6 planes (666). To the sorcerer, the hexagram is a powerful tool to invoke Satan, and is a sign of Antichrist. (6 points, 6 angles, 6 planes - 666) The 5 pointed pentagrams multiplied by the 13 stars equals 65, the same cabalistic number as mentioned above. This makes one wonder with whom or what, we are to dwell in unity! The eagle replaced the Phoenix in 1841 as the national bird. The Phoenix has been a Brotherhood symbol since ancient Egypt. The Phoenix was adopted by the Founding Fathers (Freemasons) for use on the reverse of the first official seal of the United States after a design proposed by Charles Thompson, Secretary of the Continental Congress. 
To the right of George Washington's portrait on the front of the American Dollar Bill you will see the Seal of the Department of the Treasury. It comprises of a key, the scales of justice and a square which is a very important symbol in Freemasonry. If you look at the square you will see 13 holes in it. There are also 39 green dots which surround the square, key and scale. Remember 39? Thirty nine divided by two is 19.5. The number 19.5 can be seen within the design of Cydonia, Mars, Avebury, England and Washington D.C. 
There is a small owl just to the left of the "1" which appears on the upper right hand corner of the Dollar Bill. From time to time politicians like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush Jr. have been caught with a camera flashing the horned owl symbol with their hands. The Number of the Beast - 666
The letters on the base of the Illuminati pyramid stand for certain numbers. And all those numbers when added up equal 1776, the year the Illuminati formed. More than one method exists for arriving at 1776. However, there is only one way to arrive at the following sequence. The Babylonian numbering system was used by the Masonic designers of the Seal. That numbering system was not based on ten, but on six. For example, “600” would be 1000, “60” would be 100 and “6” would be 10. The Occult is Trinitarian, i.e. it's main teachings are grouped in three's. The Number Sequence "93 and 93, 93"; or 600, 60, and 6 is the "current" of the new age of Aquarius - the Water Bearer, which heralds the end of the age of Pisces - the Fishes (an early symbol of Christianity) in the teachings of the Order of the Eastern Templars or O.T.O. If you want the truth, God will reveal it to you. You have to not want the truth to remain ignorant in today's world, because the truth is all around us. Every U.S. dollarshouts in our faces concerning the occult-driven New World Order; yet the same men who deny any conspiracies carry, view and spend U.S. dollars with conspiracy symbols all over it. What a striking paradox! Men who vehemently deny the government's involvement in orchestrating the 9/11 attacks fail to see the occult All-Seeing-Eye at theGround Zero Memorial mocking them. In your face America! The elite criminals who are destroying America, bankrupting our economy, and stealing our liberties put their mark right in our faces, in our wallets, in religions, in our cities, on television, on music albums, and everywhere we turn to mock our stupidity. They're so obvious and yet completely hidden from view. This is the nature of secret societies. They literally laugh at their elite parties and high-society gatherings at how obvious they make themselves in plain view, and yet people walk by and go about life as usual without giving them a second thought. You fools, wake up and look around you.
God's Word is a Gift Revealing to Us God's Plan, Purpose and Will By David J. Stewart Amen and thank God for the precious gift of His Word. God could have left us in the dark, wondering what His plans are; but God has told us everything. America's Secret Destiny is a best-selling book authored by 33rd degree Freemason, Manly P. Hall; but as Christians we already know what the future holds. Why the Antichrist Must Come Soon! Prophecy is history written in advance. Unlike esoteric Secret Societies which limit knowledge and require men to advance the occult ladder to be enlightened; God has given to all men the Bible, for “no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation” (2nd Peter 1:20). Whether poor or rich, sick or healthy, dumb or intellectual; God wrote the Bible to all men. God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). We've all seen the Masonic pyramid with the All Seeing Eye (see the back of a one dollar bill, pictured to the right). Hundreds of books have been written trying to explain what it means, but if you believe the Bible then you already know what it means. 2nd Corinthians 4:4 teaches that Satan is the god of man's sinful world; but 1st Corinthians 10:26 says, “For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof.”
Thus, it's only evil men that Satan is the god of. By this we know what the eye in the capstone of the pyramid means, representing Lucifer, the angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:14). Tens-of-thousands of woefully ignorant men are Freemasons, errantly thinking they are members of a noble and sincere organization. They are misled, “BLINDED” by the god of this world as 2nd Corinthians 4:4 teaches. Ah, but we see and do know as Christians what the unsaved world and 95% of Freemasons don't know, that is, Satan is “the god of this world.” The Antichrist is coming. That is the mystery behind all Secret Societies today. It's that simple. They are setting the stage for the man of sin to come. The gurus of New Age, Maitreya, and the New World Order are in contact with demons, instructing the architects of the NWO what to do next. It's no mystery to born-again, Bible-believing Christians what is happening in the world today. All the talk we are hearing about “aliens” are actually demons. When people speak of “spirits,” they are really dabbling with demons. Any spirit that is not the Holy Spirit is a familiar spirit (demons). The Bible confirms this truth in Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Notice that the Bible mentions, “THE RULERS OF THE DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD.” That's who we really battle against, not the flesh, not each other, not our neighbor, not our family; our real enemy is the New World Order! Our battle is “AGAINST SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES.” Welcome to Bohemian Grove!!! People are so naive, gullible and woefully ignorant concerning the truth about everything. The global elite put their mark on the 9/11 attacks, boasting and throwing it right in our faces. Look at the All Seeing Eye they placed at the 911 Ground Zero Memorial!!! IN YOUR FACE AMERICA! They got caught blowing up those buildings, red handed, with a preponderance of concrete evidence indicting the Bush Administration; but the American public is so stupid that the newsmedia is able to feed them total lies. Satan told Eve in Genesis 3:5 that she and Adam would become “as gods,” knowing right from wrong if they ate of the tree. Satan deceived Eve, making her think that they'd be equal in power with God. Eve destroyed her family with her rebellion. Eve was the first feminist, despising God's authority over her. Feminism is all about despising God ordained masculine authority. Feminists hate an authoritative husband, father, pastor, Bible or God. That's why they're corrupting the Word of God, catering to the agenda of lesbians and feminists in the NIV 2011 perversion. They're redefining God, teaching a feminine aspect of the Godhead, called Feminist Theology. Biblically, God is all masculine in nature. Lesbian feminists have removed the masculine pronoun “He” referring to the Holy Spirit in the NIV 2011 perversion. The New International Version 2010 (2011) is an evil publication which caters to the evil agendas of this wicked generation. The original NIV was published in 1984. As with the first NIV, homosexuals were on the translating committees and involved with the work of translating. Romans 1:25 told us that homosexuals would corrupt the Bible. The word “eyes” in Genesis 3:5 is the Hebrew word ayin and means an eye (singular). So when Adam and Eve sinned, it was the eye of their understanding that was opened to good and evil. 2nd Corinthians 4:4 teaches that Satan is the god of this world and BLINDS the minds of unbelievers, to hinder them from learning the truth of God's Word and getting saved in Christ Jesus. The greatest weapon of the illuminati (the New World Order gang) is secrecy, for without secrecy their criminal empire would crumble overnight. This is why they operate within secret societies (which is what the words esoteric and occult mean, that is, hidden). Esoteric means, confined to an inner circle, understood only by an enlightened few. Of course, as Christians we already know what's at the top of the food chain of illuminism, Lucifer, the god of this world. New Agers aren't fooling Christians. Did you know that new Age gurus like Sri Chinmoy and many others (known to communicate with demons) are regular attendees at the United Nations to speak? The world elite are waiting for the Antichrist and they'll embrace anyone who has contact with demons and the Luciferian Religion. The little man behind the curtain, working the controls of THE GREAT OZ of the New World Order is Lucifer. Isaiah 14:14-16, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms.” The Devil is a twerp, a nothing, a wimp, a coward hiding behind symbols and images of the occult; but Jesus said in John 18:20: “I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.” The Bible is a wonderful gift from God, as a friend telling us what's going to happen next. We can know the future. There are no secrets with God concerning how to be saved. Eternal life is a free gift, paid for by Jesus' precious blood (1st Peter 1:18-190. The Bible tells us exactly what God's expects of us. Isn't that wonderful? What peace to know exactly what God wants from us. We all have 24 hours in a day and the same Bible and Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. John 16:13, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and HE WILL SHEW YOU THINGS TO COME.” I love the Bible and thank God for giving to us so many answers. It's hard to believe that so many people despise and hate the Bible. They just don't realize what they are doing. They really don't believe in an afterlife, judgment and eternal Hell. To those of us who do believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (John 20:31), He is so very precious to us (1st Peter 2:7). With all the filth in society today, our decadent culture of death, epidemic ecumenical apostasy, and the trashy music being aired everywhere we go these days, we need all the Bible we can get... Alexander Scourby Holy King James Bible on DVD (Signature Edition) (Listen to the King James Bible while working, resting, or sleeping. I can't recommend listening to the King James Bible enough.) I guarantee you that if you'll listen to the Bible on DVD, you'll learn more Bible and be blessed more than you could have imagined. I have been blessed so much by listening to the Bible on DVD. I have heard Scriptures that I'd never noticed before, often opening my Bible to read what I just heard. You'll do the same, being amazed hearing things that you'd never noticed before in the Bible. It is a wonderful tool. By listening to the Bible, you can just sit back and totally relax while listening. When you're reading you are working, but when you're listening, you can focus 100% on the Scriptures. I can't recommend getting the Bible on DVD enough. You will be blessed. 1st Corinthians 15:57, “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Bohemian Grove and Moloch Worship Is the New World Order Jewish? Communism and the New World Order: Wall Street's Utopian Hoax Satan on Our Dollar Abolish the Federal Reserve (by Congressman Ron Paul) Kennedy Killed by Bankers? Wall Street " The Mark" is Here America's Nightmare! The Guilty Fed and Feds (by Congressman Ron Paul) Wall Street I | Wall Street II | Wall Street III Deficits Make You Poorer Communism and the New World Order: Wall Street's Utopian Hoax Dirty Secrets of the Federal Reserve Abolish the Federal Reserve (by Congressman Ron Paul) Billions for the Bankers | Birth certificates The Disappearing Dollar (by Congressman Ron Paul) Quotes On the Diabolical Federal Reserve System Root of All Evil The United States is in Deep Doo Doo!
Ye Must Be Born Again! 
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分類: 美國好好玩 > 名人軼事 2009/11/14 上午 08:30:51

右邊的「鷹」右手抓一根橄欖枝子,左手抓著弓箭。 「鷹」代表上帝,申命記32章,摩西之歌,上帝比喻自己是鷹。 橄欖樹是我們的樹,橄欖油eloah,由兩個聖名組成的,El是上帝,YAH是聖名。枝子就是「苗」,以賽亞書11:1,這是基督,彌賽亞,上帝的拯救。有13片葉子,其間有13顆果子. 弓箭,是代表武力,「箭」是基督口裏所說的話是兩刃的利箭,可以向兩面砍的,是會傷害到人的,啟示錄1:16。謊言在他面前是站立不住的。也有13支.
鷹的口中說著一句話,E Pluribus Unum,這13個字母的意思是”眾人之一”。只有一位! 他就是上帝!創造你靈的。你真正的父親。

主體是一個未完工的金字塔,在金字塔的底部用羅馬數字刻著日期1776 金字塔將要完工的頂端,所謂的普羅維登斯之眼觀察著一切.左右寫著兩個銘文: Annuit Coeptis:意思是上帝「認可我們開始」 Novus Ordo Seclorum:這是引自維吉爾的詩,意思是「世界新秩序」
背面的意義是隱諱的.很多人認為金字塔上方的眼睛與共濟會有關.無論如何,那個眼睛不是共濟會的符號,甚至也不是共濟會設計的.在紋章設計過程中,只有本傑明.富蘭克林是共濟會會員,而且當時他的提議並沒有被紋章設計委員會所採納.廣為人知的是上帝之眼是文藝復興時期的經典標誌.上帝的全視之眼在基督教聖經中被多次提及.三角型的設計最初是Pierre Eugene DuSimitiere建議的,之後紋章學家William Barton發展了這一設計.在Du Simitiere最初的草稿里,帶著全視之眼的金字塔位於兩人中間盾的上方.1776年8月20日紋章設計委員會的第一份報告里描述"飾章里普羅維登斯之眼放射出擴散到盾及人物的光輝."
由於在1930年代,當時農業官員HenryA.Wallace 曾建議將國璽反面圖案印在錢幣上, 而羅斯福卻認為印在鈔票上較好,因此在1935年, 羅斯福總統才決定將國璽的正反兩面印在一元美鈔上,造就了今日一元美金的模樣。
一元美鈔.... 一張薄薄的紙 , 卻這麼複
2010-09-20 4:27
當初美國在開國之時, 華盛頓堅持在美鈔上加入一些符號、圖案及文字, 其中隱藏的祕密直到近代才被發現.....
先看下圖, 左邊這個加上色彩的一元美鈔上的圖案中, 金字塔沒有頂部的尖端, 其下共有十三階..看看白宮門前的13條街道瞗看圖有何發現 ?
 形成一個三角形的街道剛好也是13階(兩個底邊的角的盡頭無法再延伸, 只到第13街停止)
 古瑪雅曆法中, 一季有13週, 乘以四季 = 一年有52 週,(美鈔中的金字塔有13階, 四個面)
在天數的術語中, 一個Katun週期有7200天,大約20年左右(瑪雅曆法以360為一年)
在這個一元美鈔的金字塔最下一層裡, 美國獨立的1776年是第一個週期的最後一年,
而最上層則是在2012年作為最後一個週期結束的時間, 最後一個週期正進入地球的更新期,
這預告在走完第13個 Baktun之後覺醒....並進入一個全新的時代~~
如果以另一種算法, 在西元1752年美國還是英國殖民地時, 世界大多數國家將原來的凱薩曆轉換為現在的太陽曆,(包括未獨立時的美國)
1752 + (20年 乘以 13個KATUN週期) = 2012
看看2002年發現的一個麥田圈, 跟一元美鈔上的圖案是否非常吻合?
金字塔上方的文字ANNUIT COEPTIS由13個英文字母組成(意為- 神看顧著我們的作為)
鷹胸前的盾牌中, 有黑白相間的13條柱狀條紋
綠色小盾牌裡的倒 V字裡包含了13個白色的小點
中間這個麥田圈是不是跟一元美鈔上連成六角星形之後的兩個圖案很類似 ?
 上圖 :仔細看圈起來的地方, 有一隻鳥的圖案 ( Owl - 貓頭鷹 ) 下圖: 貓頭鷹的麥田圈

國幣上發光的 "上帝之眼" - 實際上是祕密團體共濟會的代表符號...
 共濟會(FreeMASON)又稱光明會(IIIuminati - NWO),IIIuminati 與拉丁語Lucifer同意,Lucifer(路西弗)為背叛上帝的熾天使-惡魔撒旦~~ 最早指為撒旦的13個血緣與其支派所創建的祕密社會... 源於古羅馬時期,希律王因害怕耶穌奪取他的權力而他的後代進而迫害基督教,在希律王的孫子擔任猶太總督時, 由猶太人組成~~ 它成立的目的為反對基督教, 維護猶太教,甚至擴展為反對所有宗教(甚至天主教),在各國宣揚無神論及性自由;並以恢復以色列人的榮耀及恢復巴勒斯坦土地為宗旨, 被認為是陰謀的地下組織... 共濟會為了邪惡的目標, 以高壓控制世界的菁英; 利用國際銀行家控制金融, 進而利用經濟影響控制政治自由, 以求進而達到統治全球的目的...
金字塔下方的拉丁文 NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM 為共濟會的標語之一 意為 - 新世紀的新次序...
紙鈔上的貓頭鷹代表智慧, 亦為共濟會的象徵標誌之一
拉丁文NOVUS GRDO SECLORUM(新世紀的新次序)為共濟會標語之一
鷹喙上叼的緞帶上(E PLURIBUS UNUM) 英文意思為 (Out of many, ONE) 共濟會口號之一: 意義為(各個宗教使我們四分五裂, 共濟會使我們一致...)
硬幣的側面也印著 (E PLURIBUS UNUM - 合眾為一)
在紙鈔的金字塔底層 (M D C C L X X V I )此為羅馬數字 這裡出現了奇妙的數字組合....
 羅馬數字皆是由七個符號組成 - 即 - M(1000), D(500), C(100), L(50), X(10), V(5), I(1) 如果小符號在大符號之前, 則小符號代表的數值就要變成負數 基本原則為左減右加 ,例如 IV = I+V = (-1)+5 =4 而 VI = 5+1 =6
MDCCLXXVI =M(1000)+D(500)+C(100)+C(100)+L(50)+X(10)+X(10)+V(5)+I(1)=1776
西元1776年為美國脫離英國殖民時代, 獨立的那一年
換另一種運算方式 :M(1000)-D(500)+C(100)+C(100)-L(50)+X(10)+X(10)-V(5)+I(1)= 666
將第 2, 5, 8 個符號轉成負數再相加, 得出一個恐怖的數字 - (魔鬼撒旦的印記 - 666)
撒旦(意為反對者), 原為上帝跟前最有權力的天使長,因為極端驕傲自信,便率領天界的部份天使叛變, 因而被逐出天界,在冥界地獄成為魔王SATAN, 其餘反叛的墜天使們變成惡魔DEMON... 撒旦教的膜拜儀式通常以13個人為一組合,代表數字為 666 標記為倒懸的十字架和倒五角星, 兩個倒十字的尖端指向地獄...

(圖左) - 鈔票上鷹頭上的13顆星象徵創國時的13個州...
(圖中) -把鷹頭上的星星連起來並作延伸至另外五個角, 便成為象徵猶太人的大衛之星(五芒星)分別代表(地, 水, 火, 風, 及靈魂...人類精神力量五個元素)
(圖右) - 這個尾巴燃著火焰的鳳凰麥田圈, 鳥喙的形狀類似鷹類, 鳳凰頭上的圓圈(將圓圈上的三個小圈相連, 便會出現中間美鈔六角星形最上方的小三角形)
鳳凰代表新生...共濟會的標語(宣告誕生) 與 (新時代新秩序)不謀而合...
美國唯一在北緯33.33度的兩個城市: 鳳凰城與亞特蘭大(共濟會推崇的聖路武士)
共濟會的記號 : 正著看和倒立過來看是一模一樣的 - (地, 風, 火, 水)只有水(WATER)是全部大寫

 最上層為 - 地(Earth) 最下層為 - 水(WATER) 中間層為 - 風(空氣Air) 火(Fire )
在這個時代已經有許多政治與經濟高層的菁英加入共濟會... 在外星人給我們的訊息中, 要我們提高警覺, 提防帶著善良假面的政經主導者藉此紛亂世界....

 一隻南美洲熱帶雨林中的蝴蝶拍動翅膀, 微弱的空氣流通來去...在長期的影響之下,卻有可能引起遙遠的大西洋上一場劇烈的暴風雨~~
其中是否有著什麼樣的陰謀與對未來人類的影響我們無法預測 ~~
但所有的事件發生前多少都會有些跡象...就看我們有沒有運氣和智慧去發現它, 並找出解決之道
本文於 修改第 4 次
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你知道美元來自哪裡嗎? 你知道誰控制世界以及美國的金融嗎? 如果,我告訴你是美國「共濟會」統治著世界經濟,你相信嗎?
林肯、肯尼迪......為什麽會遭遇刺殺? 真的是大家老生常談的那些原因嗎? 如果我說是共濟會策劃,你相信嗎?
先從林肯和肯尼迪的刺殺說起,首先,林肯和肯尼迪不是「共濟會」會員(從華盛頓開始,美國歷任總統唯一的兩位不是共濟會的會員)。 為什麽,共濟會會對當時的美國總統下手? 原因很簡單,想把美元控制權收歸國有。 而這相當於損害了共濟會的利益。 林肯曾經遞交過入會申請,由於各種原因未能入會。
一個鮮為人知的事實是美聯儲是完全私人性質的中央銀行,go-vern-ment在美聯儲佔有的股份是零,美國go-vern-ment根本沒有貨幣發行權(不像英國的私人中央銀行英格蘭銀行,go-vern-ment還始終保持20%的股份)! 1963年肯尼迪總統遇刺後,美國go-vern-ment最終喪失了僅剩的「白銀美元」的發行權。 美國go-vern-ment要想得到美元,就必須將美國人民的未來稅收(國債),抵押給私有的美聯儲(FederalReserve),由美聯儲來發行「美聯儲券」,這就是「美元」。 美國將中央銀行稱為「美聯儲」也頗有一段來歷。 由於18世紀末期私人性質的中央銀行名稱始終與英國的國際銀行家陰謀聯繫過緊,因此美聯儲的總設計師保羅·沃伯格(PaulWar鄄burg)用聯邦儲備系統(FederalReserveSystem)的名稱來遮人耳目。 控制美聯儲的是個叫做共濟會(Freemasonry)的神秘組織。 所以美鈔不是由國庫印製,而是由共濟會組織的私人銀行所印。它的最大股東是隱秘不得公開的。 其他八大股東列名如下∶1、柏林和倫敦的Roth鄄schild銀行,2、巴黎的Lazard兄弟銀行,3、意大利的以色列摩西Seif銀行,4、紐約的Lehman兄弟銀行,5、紐約的Kuhn,Loed銀行,6、紐約的ChaseManhattan銀行,7、紐約的Goldmansuchs銀行,8、阿姆斯特丹的Warburg銀行。
另有近300股東,且多有親屬關係。 其中家族勢力最大的是洛克菲勒家族。 他們都是共濟會的成員。
共濟會正式出現的最早記載始於1717年的英國,他們於1721年開始籌備編纂自己的憲章。 當時的新教長詹姆斯·安德森牧師完成了這項工作,安德森根據共濟會的古代條文《傳統憲章》進行編纂,1723年正式出版第一部共濟會的憲章———「TheConstitutionsoftheFree- Masons」(共濟會章程),這部憲章分為歷史、責任義務、通則三個部分。 憲章中將共濟會的英文名Freema鄄sonry解釋為「一批上通天文、下通地理,並洞曉造物主奧秘的自由石匠」,這些石匠跟神只差那麽一點點並試圖建造通天的巴別塔(TheTowerofBabel),在神變亂了他們的口音之後,他們分散到世界各地,荒廢了造塔大業。 從此他們把掌握到的偉大學問深藏心底,默默無聞地從事地下工作,他們在耶路撒冷建了所羅門王的神殿,中世紀時更是造了無數的教堂和其他石頭建築。 他們秘密結社,互稱兄弟,精誠團結,同舟共濟。 很多為我們熟知的名流如歌德、馬克·吐溫、莫扎特、孟德斯鳩等無不是共濟會成員。 在美元設計時代,簽署《獨立宣言》的56位美國開國元勳中有53個共濟會會員。 歷任美國總統中從華盛頓開始,只有被暗殺了的林肯和肯尼迪不是共濟會會員。 英國王室裡的共濟會會員比例也很驚人,喬治三、四、六世,愛德華七、八世等等統統都是,查爾斯和戴安娜是新世紀(NewAge)會員,而新世紀正是共濟會的一個小派別。
支撐現代共濟會運營的是路西弗基金會(LucisTrust),該基金會成立於1922年,坐落在紐約市聯合國廣場第666號,早先的名稱是Lu鄄ciferTrust(路西弗,Lucifer,正是撒旦背叛上帝之前的名字,意為「明亮之星」)。 而在幕後支配路西弗基金會的主人正是金融界的主宰———羅斯切爾德(Rothschild)家庭。



一般人均誤以為是美國之鷹 ,而事實卻不然;它是一蘋傳說中的鳳凰鳥[Phoenix]在埃及神話中,它最早是從巴別塔的廢墟中,復活的一蘋鳥,是長生不死鳥,相傳此鳥每隔五.六百年,即在阿拉伯荒原,堆木自焚,後再由灰中再生,復又青春美麗,是不死的象徵!
美鈔中間印著「IN GOD WE TRUST」的字樣,但卻遍尋不見可以代表基督教信仰的十字架之類的記號,反之,卻見一蘋鷹和一座金字塔伴於左右。 至於金字塔及其他埃及意象【留意∶「鷹」在埃及代表太陽神】,都是共濟會常用的標記。
正面還有一個有趣的小秘密,右上角「1」字角上有個鷹頭圖案,由於太小很多人沒有註意到,據信這個圖案是地下家族Bohemian Grove的標?,這也是和共濟會有著千絲萬縷的一個家族。



1933年出版的一元美鈔圖中,有一眼,一般世人均以為是”上帝的眼睛”,其實那是「撒旦教」的『光明眼』[Illuminated Eye] ,是埃及、「太陽神」[寧錄]“Horus”之眼。 它所代表的是共濟會[Freemasonry]在領導”巴別塔”的重建。
在聯合國的禱告室中原先也有, Illuminated Eye後遭人除掉,後改置一黑大理石,聯合國係受「共濟會」最大利用的組織之一。
1992.1.31『聯合國』—各國安全顧問領袖,在紐約召開首次「高峰會」,以『聯合國』為”新世界秩序”[New World Order]的中心。

ANNUIT COEPTIS---美譯∶”天佑吾人基業”----
拉丁文原義∶ 撒但同意其陰謀開始發動 [即;無神的” 新世界秩序 ”].
Novus Ordo Seclorum----即無神的[異教的] 新世界秩序
[ Novus---New. Ordo---Order. Seclorum---Godless or Heathenish]
即象徵”美國政府”當致力於完成Global 2000的使命目標
13階--TGAOTU [Ain Soph Aur] [撒旦的秘密層峰]
※可參考∶ http://blog.huanqiu.com/?319/viewspace-20195 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/newlifechruch-taipeitaiwan/article?mid=2332&prev=2334&next=2331&l=a&fid=37 http://infoshare.icedsolo.com/NWO/others/o033_archive/4.html http://www.freewebs.com/open-your-eyes-archives/masonicusa.htm http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils%20in%20Government/Federal%20Reserve%20Scam/satan_on_our_dollar.htm http://enominepatris.com/occult/index.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZywNpOlJEyY&feature=related
一種人們自願組成的團體,以建築工具【筆者按∶如上圖的角尺及圓規】作為教人從善的象徵。 明文規定不主動招收會員,欲加入者必須有介紹人。 以建立世界性的友愛組織為宗旨。 指導會員努力學習、精進手藝、服務他人,並且仁慈待人。 雖然這不是宗教,但有許多宗教的特質,例如勸人為善,集會始末祈禱。 並非秘密團體,亦未掩飾其存在。
同濟會最基本的單位是「支部」,許多小支部形成一個大支部,而大支部甚具權威。 除了 大支部外,並無中央的權力單位或世界性的指導群。 在美、加地區並無全國性的大支部。
全球同濟會會員約有500萬人,以美國人最多(約350萬),不列顛群島(100萬),加拿大(35萬),以及南美(5萬)次之。 同濟會接納不同國籍、種族及宗教信仰的人士。 為世界性、民主性的組織,但入會資格有所限制。
自華盛頓到福特(Gerald R. Ford),美國有14任總統為同濟會會員,獨立宣言的簽署者中有九位曾為其會員,美國憲法的簽署者中亦有13位曾為其會員。 此外,莫扎特、彭 斯(Robert Burns)、羅傑斯(Will Rogers)、亨利. 福特(Henry Ford)、林白(Charles A. Lindbergh)、麥克阿瑟、約翰韋恩、皮爾(Norman Vincent Peale),以及小艾德林(Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.)等名人,亦是同濟會會員。 … …
聯想力豐富的學者將同濟會溯源自伊甸園和埃及的金字塔。 事實上,同濟會起源於英格蘭和蘇格蘭的建築工匠工會。 當時每完成一件建築契約總有些工匠會離開工會另 尋工作,留下的人則繼續兄弟般的關係,漸漸形成「支部」。 其原則是只收男性為會員。
1717年6月24日,有4個支部在倫敦集會,進而形成第一個大支部。 因為不涉及政治 或派系之爭,參與者眾並傳布廣泛。
同濟會滲入美、加的時間頗早;波士頓和費城在1730年即有支部設立。 參加美國獨立革命的人士多為其會員,較著名者有華盛頓、里維爾(Paul Revere)和韓考克(John Hancock)。
Aren't you a religion or a rival to religion?(你們是否宗教或宗教的競爭者?)
Emphatically not. Freemasonry requires a belief in God and its principles are common to many of the world's great religions……
Why do you call it the VSL and not the Bible?(你們為甚麽稱聖典為VSL而非聖經?)
To the majority of Freemasons the Volume of the Sacred Law is the Bible. There are many in Freemasonry, however, who are not Christian and to them the Bible is not their sacred book and they will make their promises on the book which is regarded as sacred to their religion. The Bible will always be present in an English lodge but as the organisation welcomes men of many different faiths, it is called the Volume of the Sacred Law. Thus, when the Volume of the Sacred Law is referred to in ceremonies , to a non-Christian it will be the holy book of his religion and to a Christian it will be the Bible.
Why do you call God the Great Architect?(為甚麽你們稱神為大建築師?)
Freemasonry embraces all men who believe in God. Its membership includes Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Parsees and others. The use of de腳本ions such as the Great Architect prevents disharmony. The Great Architect is not a specific Masonic god or an attempt to combine all gods into one. Thus, men of differing religions pray together without offence being given to any of them.
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你知道美元來自哪裡嗎? 你知道誰控制世界以及美國的金融嗎? 如果,我告訴你是美國“共濟會”統治著世界經濟,你相信嗎?
林肯、肯尼迪......為什麼會遭遇刺殺? 真的是大家老生常談的那些原因嗎? 如果我說是共濟會策劃,你相信嗎?
先從林肯和肯尼迪的刺殺說起,首先,林肯和肯尼迪不是“共濟會”會員(從華盛頓開始,美國歷任總統唯一的兩位不是共濟會的會員)。 為什麼,共濟會會對當時的美國總統下手? 原因很簡單,想把美元控制權收歸國有。 而這相當於損害了共濟會的利益。 林肯曾經遞交過入會申請,由於各種原因未能入會。
一個鮮為人知的事實是美聯儲是完全私人性質的中央銀行,go-vern-ment在美聯儲佔有的股份是零,美國go-vern-ment根本沒有貨幣發行權(不像英國的私人中央銀行英格蘭銀行,go-vern-ment還始終保持20%的股份)! 1963年肯尼迪總統遇刺後,美國go-vern-ment最終喪失了僅剩的“白銀美元”的發行權。 美國go-vern-ment要想得到美元,就必須將美國人民的未來稅收(國債),抵押給私有的美聯儲(FederalReserve),由美聯儲來發行“美聯儲券”,這就是“美元”。 美國將中央銀行稱為“美聯儲”也頗有一段來歷。 由於18世紀末期私人性質的中央銀行名稱始終與英國的國際銀行家陰謀聯繫過緊,因此美聯儲的總設計師保羅·沃伯格(PaulWar鄄burg)用聯邦儲備系統(FederalReserveSystem)的名稱來遮人耳目。 控制美聯儲的是個叫做共濟會(Freemasonry)的神秘組織。 所以美鈔不是由國庫印製,而是由共濟會組織的私人銀行所印。 它的最大股東是隱秘不得公開的。 其他八大股東列名如下:1、柏林和倫敦的Roth鄄schild銀行,2、巴黎的Lazard兄弟銀行,3、意大利的以色列摩西Seif銀行,4、紐約的Lehman兄弟銀行,5、紐約的Kuhn,Loed銀行,6、紐約的ChaseManhattan銀行,7、紐約的Goldmansuchs銀行,8、阿姆斯特丹的Warburg銀行。
另有近300股東,且多有親屬關係。 其中家族勢力最大的是洛克菲勒家族。 他們都是共濟會的成員。
共濟會正式出現的最早記載始於1717年的英國,他們於1721年開始籌備編纂自己的憲章。 當時的新教長詹姆斯·安德森牧師完成了這項工作,安德森根據共濟會的古代條文《傳統憲章》進行編纂,1723年正式出版第一部共濟會的憲章———“TheConstitutionsoftheFree-Masons”(共濟會章程),這部憲章分為歷史、責任義務、通則三個部分。 憲章中將共濟會的英文名Freema鄄sonry解釋為“一批上通天文、下通地理,並洞曉造物主奧秘的自由石匠”,這些石匠跟神只差那麼一點點並試圖建造通天的巴別塔(TheTowerofBabel),在神變亂了他們的口音之後,他們分散到世界各地,荒廢了造塔大業。 從此他們把掌握到的偉大學問深藏心底,默默無聞地從事地下工作,他們在耶路撒冷建了所羅門王的神殿,中世紀時更是造了無數的教堂和其他石頭建築。 他們秘密結社,互稱兄弟,精誠團結,同舟共濟。 很多為我們熟知的名流如歌德、馬克·吐溫、莫扎特、孟德斯鳩等無不是共濟會成員。 在美元設計時代,簽署《獨立宣言》的56位美國開國元勳中有53個共濟會會員。 歷任美國總統中從華盛頓開始,只有被暗殺了的林肯和肯尼迪不是共濟會會員。 英國王室裡的共濟會會員比例也很驚人,喬治三、四、六世,愛德華七、八世等等統統都是,查爾斯和戴安娜是新世紀(NewAge)會員,而新世紀正是共濟會的一個小派別。
支撐現代共濟會運營的是路西弗基金會(LucisTrust),該基金會成立於1922年,坐落在紐約市聯合國廣場第666號,早先的名稱是Lu鄄ciferTrust(路西弗,Lucifer,正是撒旦背叛上帝之前的名字,意為“明亮之星”)。 而在幕後支配路西弗基金會的主人正是金融界的主宰———羅斯切爾德(Rothschild)家庭。

美鈔中間印著「IN GOD WE TRUST」的字樣,但卻遍尋不見可以代表基督教信仰的十字架之類的記號,反之,卻見一隻鷹和一座金字塔伴於左右。 右邊是大家熟悉的美國國璽。 左邊的呢? 原來是美國國璽的「背面」(見下圖)。 至於金字塔及其他埃及意象【留意:「鷹」在埃及代表太陽神】,都是共濟會常用的標記。 美鈔中間的「ONE」字,好像只標明鈔票面額,無關宏旨,但在西方神秘學裏,「ONE」常用來代表「上帝」(類似新柏拉圖派中的「太一」),卻不是基教信仰中的耶和華--神。 美國國璽(背面)


一種人們自願組成的團體,以建築工具【筆者按:如上圖的角尺及圓規】作為教人從善的象徵。 明文規定不主動招收會員,欲加入者必須有介紹人。 以建立世界性的友愛組織為宗旨。指導會員努力學習、精進手藝、服務他人,並且仁慈待人。 雖然這不是宗教,但有許多宗教的特質,例如勸人為善,集會始末祈禱。 並非秘密團體,亦未掩飾其存在。
同濟會最基本的單位是「支部」,許多小支部形成一個大支部,而大支部甚具權威。 除了 大支部外,並無中央的權力單位或世界性的指導群。 在美、加地區並無全國性的大支部。
全球同濟會會員約有500萬人,以美國人最多(約350萬),不列顛群島(100萬),加拿大(35萬),以及南美(5萬)次之。 同濟會接納不同國籍、種族及宗教信仰的人士。 為世界性、民主性的組織,但入會資格有所限制。
自華盛頓到福特(Gerald R. Ford),美國有14任總統為同濟會會員,獨立宣言的簽署者中有九位曾為其會員,美國憲法的簽署者中亦有13位曾為其會員。 此外,莫扎特、彭 斯(Robert Burns)、羅傑斯(Will Rogers)、亨利. 福特(Henry Ford)、林白(Charles A. Lindbergh)、麥克阿瑟、約翰韋恩、皮爾(Norman Vincent Peale),以及小艾德林(Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.)等名人,亦是同濟會會員。 … …
聯想力豐富的學者將同濟會溯源自伊甸園和埃及的金字塔。 事實上,同濟會起源於英格蘭和蘇格蘭的建築工匠工會。 當時每完成一件建築契約總有些工匠會離開工會另 尋工作,留下的人則繼續兄弟般的關係,漸漸形成「支部」。 其原則是只收男性為會員。
1717年6月24日,有4個支部在倫敦集會,進而形成第一個大支部。 因為不涉及政治 或派系之爭,參與者眾並傳布廣泛。
同濟會滲入美、加的時間頗早;波士頓和費城在1730年即有支部設立。 參加美國獨立革命的人士多為其會員,較著名者有華盛頓、里維爾(Paul Revere)和韓考克(John Hancock)
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是誰在導演全球金融危機 (1)
1、高科技:飛機、汽車、設備、軟件、互聯網... ...?
2、頂級人才:要吸引人才,靠什麽?文化、環境、氣氛....... 我們在文化上學習對方,是無法吸引到對方頂尖的人才的。只學習,不創新,永遠是老二.
但是中國目前的現正是生產力很強,甚至過剩了,還要這樣去做賠本的買賣麽? 這樣做,等於免費給對方做努力,就是對方的經濟殖民地!
之後,美國采用了恐嚇的手段逼中國來購買。怎麽逼呢? 向臺灣賣武器等等小動作.......沒用,中國人不吃威脅那一套。
《美元勁升 美刊:令人震驚 推動力是中國》
這個利益集團是什麽? 他們有什麽目標?今後世界格局可能會怎麽發展,我們後面的帖子繼續探討.........
一個鮮為人知的事實是美聯儲是完全私人性質的中央銀行,政府在美聯儲占有的股份是零,美國政府根本沒有貨幣發行權(不像英國的私人中央銀行英格蘭銀行,政府還始終保持20%的股份)!1963年甘迺迪總統遇刺後,美國政府最終喪失了僅剩的"白銀美元"的發行權。美國政府要想得到美元,就必須將美國人民的未來稅收(國債),抵押給私有的美聯儲(Federal Reserve),由美聯儲來發行"美聯儲券",這就是"美元"。美國將中央銀行稱為"美聯儲"也頗有一段來歷。由於18世紀末期中央銀行的名稱始終與英國的國際銀行家陰謀聯系過緊,因此美聯儲的總設計師保羅.沃伯格(Paul Warburg) 用聯邦儲備系統(Federal Reserve System)的名稱來遮人耳目。控制美聯儲的是個叫做共濟會(Freemasonry)的神秘組織。所以美鈔不是由國庫印制,而是由共濟會組織的私人銀行所印。它的最大股東是隱秘不得公開的。其它八大股東列名如下:
6.紐約的Chase Manhattan銀行
共濟會正式出現的最早記載始於1717年的英國。共濟會於1721年開始籌備編纂自己的憲章。當時的新教長詹姆斯安德森牧師完成了這項工作,安德森根據共濟會的古代條文《傳統憲章》進行編纂, 1723年正式出版第一部共濟會的憲章--"The Constitutions of the Free-Masons"(共濟會章程),這部憲章分為歷史、責任義務、通則三個部分。憲章中將共濟會的英文名Freemasonry解釋為"一批自由石匠",這些石匠上通天文、下通地理,並洞曉造物主的奧秘,跟神只差那麽一點點,正是那幫試圖建造通天之巴別塔(The Tower of Babel)的石匠。
在美元設計時代,簽署《獨立宣言》的56位美國開國元勛中有53個共濟會會員。歷任美國總統中從華盛頓開始,只有被暗殺了的林肯和甘迺迪不是共濟會會員。英國王室裏的共濟會會員比例也很驚人,喬治三、四、六世,愛德華七、八世等等統統都是,查爾斯和戴安娜是新世紀(New Age) 會員,而新世紀正是共濟會的一個小派別。
支撐現代共濟會運營是一個名為路西弗的基金會 (Lucis Trust),座落在紐約市聯合國廣場第666號,成立於1922年,早先的名稱是Lucifer Trust,該組織至今還一直是聯合國教科文組織的常駐機構。路西弗(Lucifer)正是撒旦被判上帝之前的名字,意為"明亮之星"。而在幕後支配路西弗基金會的主人正是金融界的主宰Rothschild家族。
世界金融歷史上最著名的法蘭克福猶太家族--羅斯切爾德(Rothschild)家族,是現代國際金融史上最神秘最富有神奇色彩的家族。1744年2月 23日出生在法蘭克福猶太聚居區的老羅斯切爾德(即梅耶.A.鮑爾)正是現代國際銀行業務的開山鼻祖!
早在1800年時,羅斯切爾德家族就已成為法蘭克福最富有的猶太家族之一。梅耶還在這一年獲得了神聖羅馬帝國皇帝授予的"帝國皇家代理"的稱號。而後他的五個兒子分別成為了當時歐洲最主要城市法蘭克福、維也納、倫敦、那不勒斯及巴黎首屈一指的銀行寡頭。擁有S.M. Rothschild and Sons、Messieus de Rothschild Freres等諸多銀行的五兄弟縱橫歐洲,活躍在當時歐洲各國的金融界與政治界,通過一系列天才般的外交與政治活動,逐步成為當時主要歐洲國家政權的融資主體。
1822年,奧地利的哈布斯堡王室甚至授予羅斯切爾德四兄弟(老三內森除外)男爵封號,老大阿姆斯洛還被任命為德意誌的首屆財政部長,並提攜了後來聞名世界現代史的德國鐵血宰相俾斯麥(Otto von Bismarck),老三內森則在滑鐵盧戰役後大規模收購並成功壟斷英國國債而控制了英國中央銀行的貨幣發行權(成立於1694的英國中央銀行英格蘭銀行設計時候將貨幣和國債死捆在了一起)。以至於到十九世紀中葉,英、法、德、奧、意等歐洲主要工業國的貨幣發行大權均落入了羅斯切爾德家族控制之中。
在控制住歐洲主要國家的金融後,羅斯切爾德家族開始把觸角伸向大西洋彼岸的美國。美國南北戰爭以後,羅斯切爾德家族開始全面部署控制美國的計劃。在金融業,羅斯切爾德家族一手扶持了摩根銀行和庫恩雷波公司的創建,在工業界有洛克菲勒,資料顯示這些大鱷的背後無不是羅斯切爾德家族的資產在運作,J.P摩根 (J.P.Morgan)、雅各布.謝夫(Jacob Schiff)及老約翰.洛克菲勒(John D.Rockefeller)等也無不是在羅斯切爾德家族的巨額資助下才壯大起來的!
共濟會是猶太人控制的一個組織,最早將共濟會與猶太人聯系在一起的是20世紀初俄國出版的《錫安長老會紀要》Протоколы сионских мудрецов。內容是一群所謂的猶太錫安長老陰謀奪取世界政權控制全人類的秘密會議紀要。這是至今為止反共濟會和反猶運動中最為重要的文獻,是當今幾乎所有陰謀理論的始祖文件。
1903年8月27到9月7日聖彼得堡的旗幟報Znamya(Знамя)連載了一系列文章,題目叫做《猶太人控制世界的計劃》。而報中稱這份文件的原題叫做《共濟會與錫安長老會世界聯盟會議紀要》The Protocols of the Sessions of the World Alliance of Freemasons and of the Sages of Zion。
至此引入神秘主義與宗教領域 剝除表象世界下的面紗 進入真實的領域
人類世界開始揭開埋藏已久的真實 負面精英組織的掌控遊戲或者也是文明新生的開始,那麽 下面的戲劇如何上演 就讓我們期待吧 (轉帖自wanderers七罪的博文)
參考 : 共濟會的真相 (一元美鈔的秘密)
全球最大邪惡組織,世界亂源,世界戰爭製造者 (1)
旅行傳道者聖米高(Saint Michael)堅信,所有邪惡的源頭都是來自那些控制著世界金融的人,我們通常叫這些人為國際銀行家。但是有一個名詞我們很少聽到,也比較不瞭解的,就是"光明會"。
最近我得到一卷帶子,名稱是《光明會的歷史》,作者是麥羅(Myron Fagan)。麥羅在帶子裡詳細解說光明會是甚麼東西,如果起家,和他們要在二十世紀末之前組織世界單一政府的陰謀。以下是這卷帶子中的部份片段,這片段也出現在William Guy Carr所寫的一本書Pawns in the Game當中。
這個撒旦陰謀的創始,要回溯到1760年時光明會的成立。光明會的創始人叫做亞當維索茲(Adam Weishaupt),他曾經改信天主教並成為一位牧師,之後,他應金融業者的要求,放棄天主教而去組織光明會,財務由這些國際銀行家所支援。
維索茲原本在大學裡教授神學,後來背離基督信仰而擁抱撒旦陰謀。1770 年,他開始撰寫核心計劃,要讓撒旦取得世界控制權,以便社會在最終沖擊後,邪惡的獨裁手段能在剩下的人種中,強行實施撒旦主義。
二.光明會員需要駐守在各個大學裡當教務工作,他們會對那些智慧過人或出自名門的學生進行開發工作,教導他們國際知識,並建議他們參加有關國際主義的特別訓練。經過這些訓練後,光明會員會特別挑選出一些參與者來給予學位,例如羅得斯學位(Rhodes Scholarship)。對於這些學位持有者,光明會員會先給予遊說,然後再讓他們堅信:『天生智慧異常優良的人有權力去統治天生智慧比較普通的人,天生智慧比較普通的人佔世界人口的大多數,而這些人並不知道在物質上、精神上和靈性上甚麼是對他們最好的。』
事情發生在1784年,維索茲已經發出命令要啟動法國大革命時。一位名為華克(Zwack)的法國作家已經把這道命令、光明會的整個歷史和維索茲的計劃,全部撰寫成書。其中一本書正要由羅比斯皮亞(Robespierre)送達到法國的光明會員,他是被羅索茲任命要挑起法國大革命的推手。這位傳信者在從德國到法國的騎馬途中被雷電打死。警察在他身上找到要顛覆政府的文件,並把文件交給有關單位。 巴伐利亞政府把這個陰謀仔細研究後,就命令警察突擊維索茲新成立的大東方(Grand Orient)會所和其他最具影響力的成員。其他附加證據也使得巴伐利亞政府堅信這份文件真實地載有光明會的陰謀,顯示出光明會現有的組織財產都是以戰爭和革命的手法來取得的。(麥羅註:這情形跟現在聯合國的陰謀不謀而合。)
為了滲透英國水泥工匠會所,維索茲邀請約翰羅賓遜(John Robison)到歐洲。羅賓遜是蘇格蘭教會的高級工匠。他是愛丁堡大學自然哲學的教授以及皇家愛丁堡社會的秘書。羅賓遜沒有被光明會要達成獨裁的謊言所欺騙,他反而偽裝得很好,使得羅索茲相信了他,並給了他一份重訂過的陰謀計劃讓他保存和研究。
由於指向光明會的警告被忽略,法國大革命就在1789年爆發,正如維索茲所排定的一樣。為了警醒其他國家政府,羅賓遜在1789年出版了一本書叫做" 證據顯示要毀滅所有政府和宗教的陰謀",但他的警告也同樣被忽視。
1848年,在一組光明幫成員指揮之下,卡爾馬克斯(Karl Marx)寫成了 "共產宣言",同一時間,在另一組光明幫成員指導下,法蘭克福大學的卡爾李特爾(Karl Ritter)寫出了"反一論題"。 這裡的概念是,指揮整個陰謀的幕後黑手能夠利用這兩個所謂理想主義之間的分岐,而把全人類劃分成多個愈來愈大的陣營,給予他們武器,然後以洗腦的方式讓他們互相戰鬥而最後互相毀滅對方。
李特爾的計劃在他死後仍然進行著,最後由德國一位所謂的哲學家尼采(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)所完成。尼采起初幫助推展民族主義,再進而推展納粹主義,其後用來激發了第一次和第二次世界大戰。
1834年,義大利革命領袖馬志尼(Giuseppe Mazzini)被光明會挑選出來指揮全世界的革命活動。他一直從事這項工作直至他死於1872年為止。但在死前幾年,馬志尼說服了一位美國將領派克(Albert Pike)加入光明會。派克對世界單一政府這個概念趨之若鶩,最後成為這個閻王陰謀的首領。
第二次世界大戰擬定,是要運用錫安主義者和法西斯主義者之間的衝突。這場戰爭裡,國際共產主義要先建立,直到共產力量跟基督教統合世界相同為止。當兩者的力量相當時,這種平衡的狀態必須一直保持下去,直至需要啟動這次人類社會大災難時(即第二次世界大戰)。 第三次世界大戰會由光明會中所謂的"衝突策動者"所啟動,計劃是要激勵那些具有政權的錫安主義者(即信奉聖經的人)和回教世界的領袖之間的紛爭,使第三次世界大戰得以展發。指導這場戰爭的方式是,要回教國家與"具有政權的鍚安主義者和以色列"之間展發大戰,以互相消滅對方,同一時間,剩餘的其他國家也會因此而區分出派系,並強迫互相攻打,直至各國的在物質資源、精神和心靈上筋疲力盡為止。各國互相攻打最後的筋疲力盡結果,會是推動世界單一政府的最好時機。
在這個陰謀的最後階段,世界單一政府的組成名單的最上面,將會是一位關鍵的獨裁者,即聯合國的最高首長,再下來的是外交關係理事會(Foreign Relations即光明會在美國的一組人員),更下一層是一些有錢的千萬富翁,然後是共產黨員,一些對這項陰謀有所貢獻的科學家排於其下。剩下來的所有人會被列入在一個體積龐大的"嚴控人團"裡面,成為這個陰謀之下不折不扣的奴隸。
光明會在英國也有相同的機構,以英國國際事務協會(British Institute Of International Affairs)的名稱來運作。在法國、德國和其他國家都有類似的秘密組織,以不同的名稱來運作。所有這些組織,包括美國的外交關係理事會,都一直建立很多分部和前端組織,以滲透到各國的各個政務。但在所有情形下,這些組織的運作全都由光明會的頭領所一手控制。
January 1, 2012
2012年 全球災難的開始
【聯合報╱編譯任中原/報導】 2012.01.01
我於2009年即預言2012前後一定發生全球經濟大衰退,怎這文沒有我的大名,人微言輕,嗚 ! 凌晨透過電視去參加台北101、美麗華、桃園、台中、高雄夢世界、高雄義大世界.....的跨年煙火秀,一個感覺閃過心頭,眾人皆醉我獨醒,聖經上說的那日子到了,眾人卻都睡著了,包括馬總統...... 今早特起早,透過電視參加了總統府升旗典禮,也去了太麻里、三仙台、阿里山、福隆、清境…欲看2012在這世界救贖之地-台灣的第一道曙光。
不妙!全台各地都看不到曙光…到處是黑雲層層密佈,還好,大地還是有光明! 2012/01/01
(轉貼)戰爭就要來臨 我們還在沉睡
推薦0 |
September 12, 2011
戰爭就要來臨 我們還在沉睡
本文於 修改第 4 次
作者(英國):比爾(Bill)瑞恩 凱瑞(Kerry)凱西迪
我們最近收到了一個共濟會內部人員發來的11頁資料,作者現場出席了2005年在倫敦舉行的高級共濟會成員(Senior Masons)會議。會議上討論的內容實在令人髮指。倫敦是個飛地(譯者注:enclave;具有不同文化的的領土),它的心臟地帶就像是個金融飛地。有些人認為倫敦幾乎有點像梵蒂岡。它很古老,而且
很多研究者認為倫敦這個城市很有可能也操縱著美國的金融系統。這裡的幕後人士,控制著美國聯邦儲備系統(Federal Reserve),以及國際清算銀行 (Bank for International Settlement),紐約和東京。倫敦是全球金融世界真正的中樞神經。而這個中樞系統的背後掌控人則是作為共濟會核心成員的大老們。據與會知情者的透露,這個名為The Anglo-Saxon Mission(盎格魯·撒克遜計畫)的主要內容如下:(1)第三次世界大戰不久將要發生,這是已經被計畫好的,它將是核武和生化武器的戰爭。情報人士認為它將在未來的2012~2014年的時間內開始。
(3)在核停火期間,開始進行有計劃的生化武器的秘密投放。目標針對的主要是中國人。(何新按:令人想起神秘的“SARS”與禽流感。)“中國將發生感冒”(China will catch a cold)。生物戰將會由中國的東部擴散到西部。社會將被瓦解,基礎設施將被嚴重削弱。
Uly 5, 2006
美核武越強, 中美更易開戰 2007.07.05
不平衡差距 創紀錄
遇重大危機 用核武
中若被擊潰 更危險
美中台僵局 難預料
【2007/07/05 聯合報】
December 16, 2006
美國最新一期「國防新聞」週刊指出,中國正在發展新型反艦彈道飛彈(ASBMs ),其威力足以擊沉美軍馳援台灣海峽衝突的航空母艦,讓美軍傷亡人數在幾小時內達到數倍於伊拉克戰爭中的傷亡。
報導引述前美國國防部中國科科長石明凱的話說,中國成功佈署傳統中程彈道飛彈,例如 DF-21C型(東方飛彈),以及加長射距的短程彈道飛彈,加上終端導引裝置,將足以對涉入台海危機的美國航母造成威脅。
報導引述軍事專家的話說,歷史也許不會重演,但卻時常前後呼應,依據中國反艦彈道飛彈能力所描繪的劇本,似可將美國帶回一九四二年第二次大戰的情境,從此美日進入漫長的作戰。 【2008/01/16 中央社】
December 26, 2007
後學 洪 一元 敬上(歡迎各方賢達,來電or來信指教),
網站:www.paic2100.com ,Email:paic@paic2100.com
公司:台北(886)2-2585-1027,美國 聖地牙哥(1)619-573-9438
May 2, 2008
洪 一元 敬請各界指教,
August 23, 2010
September 26, 2010
1. 日方拗不過中國強大的外交壓力,終於釋放了中國船長詹其雄。
2. 中方獲得勝利,意謂中方鷹派抬頭,驕橫的氣勢越來越旺。中方進一步宣稱「日本侵害中國領土主權和中國國民人權的行為」必須對中國賠償和道歉。
3. 此一聲明被視為中國得寸進尺,日本各大媒體紛紛以「外交失敗、屈辱外交、軟骨頭外交、屈辱性的讓步」等詞來形容放人的決定,產經新聞」批評,日本全面屈服中國,強調「民主黨政權必須為動搖法治國家根基全面負起責任」,該報在社論中要求自衛隊「儘速在尖閣諸島上建設直升機機場,並且派駐自衛隊」。
4. 中方因此事件終止多項高層互訪與合作會議,並且調動兩艘驅逐艦巡防東海油田,挑釁的味道相當濃厚。
5. 日方強烈主張釣魚台主權,已經決定增加兵力,中方也強烈主張釣魚台主權,宣示領土不容侵犯,由於釣魚台對中方的海洋戰略超重要,這是中方突破美日太平洋防線的突破點,中方經此勝利,鷹派獲得鼓舞,未來釣魚台爭議一定很難再維持舊有面貌,中日雙方關係出現重大裂痕。中日雙方對抗之態勢將越來越高,釣魚台問題成為雙方爭執的引線。
January 24, 2011
值得觀察的國際事件 (世戰危機)
美中未來兩年將進入危險時期 2011/1/24
極端氣候‧糧食危機‧農業政策 2011/1/24
陸以正:胡錦濤訪美 雙方皆口是心非的真相 2011/1/17
美國債破14兆 不修法恐破產 2011.1.5
本文於 修改第 2 次