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-Subject: Fwd: FW: Need your help to support Ted Leonsis's movie -- Nanking

Dear All,

Ted Leonsis, Vice Chairman of AOL and owner of Washington Capitals hockey team, spent over a year and his own money to make a documentary film about the massacre in Nanking when the Japanese army invaded the city in 1937. During a two weeks period, the Japanese killed over hundreds of thousands of innocent Chinese citizens and raped tens of thousands of women and young girls. It is a history that we cannot forget. But some Japanese nationalists tried to change history and deny what happened almost 70 years ago. Ted's team has done a great deal of research. They found and collected over 500 hours of historical film footages, interviewed many war survivors in China, and even talked to Japanese soldiers who took part of the killing. This is a very powerful movie. It is now accepted by Sundance Film Festival and will be shown at the festival in mid January 2007 (Check out Ted's Take - Nanking Film Accepted at Sundance). Ted's goal of making this movie is to let very one in the world to see what the Japanese did to Chinese and he wanted the Japanese government to apologize to the Chinese people.

Ted's team created a web site to educate people about the upcoming film and they wanted to collect one million petitions from people wanting to see the movie when it is coming out.

Ted sent the following message to a group of people asking for help. As members of this Chinese community, I strongly encourage every one of us to support this effort by signing your own name, asking your family to sign their names, and forward the message to your friends and others in your community. I have signed my name already! Let's show the world that we care about the victims of our fellow Chinese citizens and history cannot be changed.

Please visit the web site http://Nankingthefilm.com. When you get there, please click on the following:

Then put your name, city, state, country and email to show your support for this movie. Please do it at your early convenience.

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