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2012/01/25 14:27 瀏覽1,931|回應4推薦0

您如果有錢, 想買法拉利跑車, 千萬要小心!

法拉利對於他們的車子, 當成寶貝. 賣給你了, 還是要管!

不小心? 下次不賣!

把跑車改裝加長 法拉利要告

  • 2012-01-25 11:19
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/夏明珠】



本文於 2012/01/26 04:32 修改第 1 次
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CEO of Victoria's Secret sues over $18.3 million Ferrari sale
    回應給: 麥芽糖(myata) 2014/11/13 01:32 推薦0



Billionaire CEO of Victoria's Secret sues over $18.3 million Ferrari sale

Justin Hyde 
1954 Ferrari 375-Plus

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1954 Ferrari 375-Plus

With the prices for classic cars in general and antique Ferraris in particular climbing to new records every year, legal battles over who owns what become ever more common. And this week, the Ferrari that lays claim to the title of the world's most expensive stolen car spawned yet another lawsuit, months after a high-profile auction that saw it sold for $18.3 million to the Ohio billionaire who runs Victoria's Secret.

Les Wexner, 77, has long been a collector of classic Ferraris, owning more than a dozen from the brand's early racing years thanks to his success founding The Limited and other stores. And he's exactly the type of buyer Bonhams had in mind last June when it put this car up for sale, the 1954 Ferrari 375-Plus, one of six the Italian company built to go racing in that era and one of only four that still exist. It won a Formula 1 race at Silverstone, led at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, and generally raced like a banshee for much of the '50s, before it was bought and parked by Cincinnati resident Karl Kleve, after it caught fire in 1958.

1954 Ferrari 375-Plus V-12

1954 Ferrari 375-Plus V-12

This is where the story starts to twist like the Nürburgring. Kleve apparently kept the Ferrari outside, sold the V-12 engine to a GM engineer and secreted away parts in several places around Ohio — to the point where a tree even grew through the engine bay. Around 1989, the Ferrari was stolen and shipped to Belgium, where it came into the possession of racer/Ferrari dealer Jacques Swaters, who oversaw a complete restoration.

The car was even on display in Ferrari's factory museum in Maranello for a few years before the Kleve clan discovered it was missing. That set off a legal battle over ownership that continues to this day — one that Wexner now claims he was mislead about.

The auction of the Ferrari was the result of an Ohio court order in 2013, which was supposed to settle claims between Kleve, Swaters and others who owned parts of the vehicle, with the proceeds split among them. Bonhams, which made the sale of the Ferrari a keynote of its Goodwood auction, advertised that the car was ready to sell with "all relevant litigation settled."

Wexner has now filed suit in a British court claiming Bonhams made "false representations" about the legal status of the Ferrari — a charge Bonhams says is without merit — and asking for the sale to be cancelled. The supposed settlement in Ohio has spawned a wave of fresh claims, some of which may even hinge on what the state motor vehicle deparment has released a title. It could be another few years before the question of who owns this Ferrari is resolved — but at least the engine bay is free of trees.

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只邀請名收藏車迷, 新的法拉利!
2014/10/29 04:05 推薦0




Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Pininfarina Sergio concept roadster

Ferrari just got even more exclusive. The Italian luxury automaker is gearing up to start production on its invite-only supercar known as the Ferrari Sergio, and only six people will be able to get their hands on one.

The concept car, unveiled at the 2013 Geneva Motor Show, was designed in collaboration with Italian firm Pininfarina, and each model is expected to sell for millions, though Ferrari would not disclose an exact price.

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2013/06/29 14:46 推薦0



法拉利這不准轉賣的規定, 遭受最嚴重的挑戰!


2013/06/27 18:37


喜愛賽車的狂熱車迷,一定都對Michael Schumacher(舒馬克)這個名字相當熟悉,這位擁有7座F1冠軍的前車神,最近有兩部他曾駕馭過的戰駒將要出售,分別是Ferrari Enzo與Ferrari FXX,但想擁有它們,口袋可得深一點,因為售價都不便宜。

跑了9,500公里的Ferrari Enzo。 圖/Garage Zenith


對於許多有錢的跑車收藏家來說,擁有一部世界知名賽車手開過的車,可說是相當拉風、又有面子;近期瑞士的一個超跑車商的出售名單中,就出現了Schumacher曾駕駛過的Ferrari Enzo以及FXX兩部戰駒,讓人眼睛為之一亮。


而黑色烤漆的FXX僅跑了900公里,搭載升級後的6.0升V12引擎、擁有790hp馬力,Michael Schumacher還曾經開著它出席英國汽車節目Top Gear,這輛車售價約260萬美元(約7800萬台幣)。這兩輛車曾經是車神Schumacher的座駕,相當具有意義,因此售價不斐。

FXX僅跑了900公里,搭載升級後的6.0升V12引擎、擁有790hp馬力。 圖/Garage Zenith

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    回應給: 麥芽糖(myata) 2012/01/29 12:50 推薦0


看到本文刊頭點閱數, 嚇了老丐一跳.


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