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紐約時報賞析:白宮疫情記者會 川普的黃金時段秀


President Trump’s Prime-Time Pandemic
白宮疫情記者會 川普的黃金時段秀
By James Poniewozik

“I’ve gotten to like this room,” President Donald Trump said March 23 in the White House briefing room.

If the walls had ears, they’d have been surprised to hear it. Until recently, the Trump administration had all but done away with formal press briefings, and the president preferred to talk to reporters amid the helpful din of a helicopter or in a Fox News studio.

But the briefing room has one amenity that Trump, suddenly without rallies and travel appearances amid a pandemic, cannot resist: a camera.

Trump became a prime-time star through TV, a political figure through TV and a president through TV. But he has not, as president, had what he had with NBC’s “The Apprentice”: a regular TV show in which he plays an executive in control.

Now, the coronavirus briefings have given him a new, live and unfiltered daily platform before a captive national audience. True to his résumé, he has conducted them as a kind of reality TV, or rather, create-your-own-reality TV.

In this reality – often subject to later fact-checking by the press or to backpedaling by staff – help and needed equipment are always just around the corner. Accurate reports of his conflicts with governors over federal support are “fake news.” And no one could have anticipated a pandemic like this.

The daily coronavirus briefings, increasingly timed to run live on cable and broadcast right around the evening news, are a journey. The president begins them by soberly reading statements. He can be expansive – even, astonishingly, praising the media – and he can be peevish.

Trump’s critics have said that his briefings are simply campaign rallies in another form. The two things do have elements in common: the litanies of grievances, the insulting of reporters and political rivals, the self-aggrandizement and selective history.

Trump’s career has always been based on the premise that appearance is everything. That may be proving effective for him now, as measured by his cable ratings and his rising poll numbers. But there are limits to this media strategy; you can’t simply give a disease a mean nickname or dismiss it as if it were Don Lemon or Nancy Pelosi.

You can go a long way, in TV and politics, producing a successful reality show. A virus, ultimately, produces its own reality.


2020-04-19.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析.陳韋廷 核稿/樂慧生

說文解字看新聞 陳韋廷

平常很少進白宮新聞簡報室的川普,近來卻天天報到並親自主持黃金時段直播的疫情簡報,趁機大搞個人秀。黃金時段指的是電視節目收視率最高的一段時間,通常是晚上8-11點,其他時段則是non-prime time,亦稱fringe time,而prime-time ratings則指黃金時段收視率。

誰是接班人是川普最早主持的電視節目,英文名是The Apprentice,字面意思為「學徒、見習生」,同義詞有coltnovicerookie等,作動詞用時指「當學徒」,與之相對的則是master(師傅)。另外,pandemic是最近熱門的單字,意指疫病的「大(範圍)流行」,其範圍可能是整個國家,一個或數個洲,甚至遍及全世界。

動詞片語do away with意思為「廢除、取消」,介系詞with後接上要廢除之事物,又just around the corner在文中則指的是「在附近、在手邊」之意,其中just可略去不用。

White House Economists Warned in 2019 a Pandemic Could Devastate America
By Jim Tankersley

White House economists published a study last September that warned a pandemic disease could kill a half million Americans and devastate the economy. It went unheeded inside the administration.

In late February and early March, as the coronavirus pandemic began to spread from China to the rest of the world, President Donald Trump’s top economic advisers played down the threat the virus posed to the U.S. economy and public health.

“I don’t think corona is as big a threat as people make it out to be,” the acting chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Tomas Philipson, told reporters during a Feb. 18 briefing, on the same day that more than a dozen American cruise ship passengers who had contracted the virus were evacuated home. Public health threats did not typically hurt the economy, Philipson said. He suggested the virus would not be nearly as bad as a normal flu season.

The 2019 study warned otherwise specifically urging Americans not to conflate the risks of a typical flu and a pandemic. The existence of that warning undermines administration officials’ contentions in recent weeks that no one could have seen the virus damaging the economy as it has. The study was requested by the National Security Council, according to two people familiar with the matter.
年那分研究報告卻不這麼說,還特別要求美國人,不要把普通流感和疫病大流行的風險混為一談。美國官員近幾周辯稱,無人能預見新冠病毒會如此重創經濟,前述報告存在的事實削弱了官方說詞的可信度。兩名知情者 透露,報告是應美國國家安全會議要求而撰寫。

One of the authors of the study, who has since left the White House, now says it would make sense for the administration to effectively shut down most economic activity for two to eight months to slow the virus.

Outside economists have been pumping out analyses on the optimal length of a shutdown almost daily. One that has been shared with officials inside the White House comes from Anna Scherbina, an author of the 2019 study who is now an economist at Brandeis University and the American Enterprise Institute. It seeks to determine the optimal length of a national suppression of economic activity, which Scherbina does not define precisely in the paper. In an interview, she said it would encompass school closures, shutting down many businesses and the sort of stay-at-home orders that many states have imposed.

In a best-case scenario, Scherbina concludes, a national suppression of economic activity to flatten the infection curve must last at least seven weeks. In a worst case, where the shutdown proves less effective at slowing the rate of new infections, it would be economically optimal to keep the economy shuttered for nearly eight months.

The White House study estimated that a pandemic flu could kill up to 500,000 Americans and inflict as much as $3.8 trillion in damage on the economy. Those estimates did not account for any economic loss incurred by “healthy people avoiding work out of fear they will be infected by co-workers.”


2020-04-19.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析.李京倫 核稿/樂慧生

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