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紐約時報賞析:為屠格涅夫貶抑俄國 仍受克宮尊崇


Russia Forgets a Writer’s Slights to Remember His Glory
屠格涅夫貶抑俄國 仍受克宮尊崇
By Andrew Higgins

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has often reveled in the majesty of Russian culture, particularly literary giants like Ivan Turgenev, whose country mansion the Russian state recently renovated as a showcase of national pride.

But Putin and his officials might want to take a closer look at the writer. Turgenev, a restless, cosmopolitan liberal who died outside Paris in 1883, had a decidedly dark view of his own country.

“He never idealized anything and described the reality that he saw,” conceded Elena Levina, director of the Turgenev family estate, which reopened to the public in January after lavish renovation work. “This was sometimes not pretty.”

Inside the writer’s now state-owned mansion 200 miles south of Moscow, celebration of Russia as a self-confident cultural power jostles uneasily with constant reminders of another, less secure country striving to join the West.

Many of the books in Turgenev’s library are in French and German, two of the seven languages he knew aside from Russian.

Paintings and drawings on the walls recall the many years he lived outside Russia – attending college in Berlin and living in the German spa town of Baden-Baden and then in France, where he pursued a doomed love affair with Pauline Viardot, a married French opera singer of Spanish descent.

His writings contain sometimes withering comments about his homeland, which he sorely missed when he was absent but also often deplored.

“Russian people are lazy and slow, and not accustomed to thinking independently, nor acting consistently,” Turgenev wrote in an 1857 letter to a conservative Russian countess. “But necessity – that great word! – will stir even this bear up out of its den.”

He didn’t mellow much with time, writing two decades later to a friend: “We are so disgustingly poor in Russia – this is the problem and why we are so prone to steal.”

From France, he delivered this judgment on his homeland: “In Russia, clever, talented and honest people are very rare.”

Turgenev’s distaste for drunken disarray and slovenliness so exasperated some of his compatriots, particularly those prone to the habits he deplored, that Fyodor Dostoyevsky, a contemporary and dedicated Slavophile, urged him to get a telescope so that he could see Russia more clearly and more sympathetically.

A few hard-line Russian nationalists have again taken up that cudgel, demanding that Turgenev’s books be removed from school curriculums because he was too smitten with the West.

Turgenev was so out of step with some of the conventions of his own country that “he never drank vodka and always preferred wine,” said Levina.

But still, she added: “He was an extraordinary Russian writer. That is all that really matters.”


2019-03-31 聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 李京倫

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對某件事confident是指「確信事情會按期望發生」,例如總理appeared confident of winning an overall majority。對某件事secure是指「確信情況不會變動、可以依靠」,例如feel financially secure

remindrecall都是「令人回想過去的人或事」,不過,使用remind有固定句型,基本上是remind somebody of something,例如:That song always reminds me of our first date.

recall比較自由,如:I seem to recall I’ve met him before somewhere.

Dickens Tried to Send Wife to Asylum, Letters Show
By Palko Karasz

As a great novelist and a master journalist, Charles Dickens maintained tight control over what the public learned about his 1858 separation from his wife, perhaps the most scandalous story in his eventful life.

But letters revealed recently cast the episode in a new and cruel light. Dickens, they suggest, not only sought to banish Catherine, his companion of two decades and the mother of his 10 children, while pursuing an affair with a young actress, Ellen Ternan.

He also tried to have his wife imprisoned in an asylum.

“This is a stronger and more damning account of Dickens’ behavior than any other,” John Bowen, a professor of 19th-century English literature at the University of York in northern England, wrote in The Times Literary Supplement .The article accompanied the publication of an analysis of letters held at Harvard.

Dickens was careful of his image and legacy. In the 1860s, he burned the letters and papers of 20 years. Still, scholars and biographers continue efforts to pierce the privacy of his life and his relationship with women. The circumstances of the separation have inspired fiction, biography and a feature film, “The Invisible Woman.”

Catherine Dickens herself rarely spoke of the separation. Nearly a decade after her husband’s death, she confided in Edward Dutton Cook, a theater critic and her neighbor in Camden, north London. The letters Bowen analyzed were based on those conversations.

Charles Dickens fell out of love with his wife, Dutton Cook wrote in a letter. “She had borne 10 children and had lost many of her good looks, was growing old, in fact.

“He even tried to shut her up in a lunatic asylum, poor thing!” Dutton Cook continued. “But bad as the law is in regard to proof of insanity he could not quite wrest it to his purpose.”

The collection of 98 letters from Dutton Cook to a journalist friend, William Moy Thomas, was bought at auction in 2014 by the Houghton Library at Harvard.

“Reading the material was quite difficult to be honest,” Bowen wrote in a statement from the University of York. “Dickens is a literary great who I have studied and admired for many years but some of the letters made very uncomfortable reading.”


2019-03-31 聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 李京倫

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