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紐約時報賞析:韋伯太空鏡燒錢 性能遠勝哈伯


Telescope That ‘Ate Astronomy’ Is on Track to Surpass Hubble
韋伯太空鏡燒錢 性能遠勝哈伯
By Dennis Overbye

The next great space telescope spread its golden wings last month.

Like the petals of a 20-foot sunflower seeking the light, the 18 hexagonal mirrors that make up the heart of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope were faced toward a glassed-in balcony overlooking a cavernous clean room at the Goddard Space Flight Center here.

Inside the room, reporters and a gaggle of space agency officials, including the ebullient administrator Charles Bolden, were getting their pictures taken in front of the giant mirror.

Now, after 20 years with a budget of $8.7 billion, the Webb telescope is on track and on budget to be launched in October 2018 and sent 1 million miles from Earth, NASA says.

The telescope, named after NASA Administrator James Webb, who led the space agency in the 1960s, is the long-awaited successor of the Hubble Space Telescope.
這個以NASA前署長詹姆斯.韋伯命名的望遠鏡,是哈伯太空望遠鏡令人盼望已久的繼任者。韋伯是NASA 1960年代的領導人。

Seven times larger than the Hubble in light-gathering ability, the Webb was designed to see farther out in space and deeper into the past of the universe. It may solve mysteries about how and when the first stars and galaxies emerged some 13 billion years ago in the smoky aftermath of the Big Bang.

Equipped with the sort of infrared goggles that give troops and police officers night vision, the Webb would peer into the dust clouds and gas storms of the Milky Way in which stars and planets are being birthed. It would be able to study planets around other stars.

That has been NASA’s dream since 1996 when the idea for the telescope was conceived with a projected price tag then of $500 million. But as recently as six years ago, the James Webb Space Telescope was, in the words of Nature magazine, “the telescope that ate astronomy,” mismanaged, over budget and behind schedule so that it had crushed everything else out of NASA’s science budget.

A House subcommittee once voted to cancel it. Instead, the program was rebooted with a strict spending cap.

The scientific capabilities of the telescope emerged unscathed from that period, astronomers on the project say. The major change, said Jonathan P. Gardner, deputy senior project scientist, was to simplify the testing of the telescope.

Most of the pain was dealt to other NASA projects like a proposed space telescope to study dark energy, which the National Academy of Sciences had hoped to put on a fast track to be launched this decade. It’s now delayed until 2025 or so.


VideoUnfurling the Webb Telescope
This animation depicts the planned deployment of the Webb Space Telescope and its sunshield.


VideoHubble Reflects the Cosmos

2016-12-11.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷譯

文解字看新聞 張佑生

本文介紹因預算管理不善(mismanaged),差點「吞噬」掉天文學發展的新一代天文望遠鏡,終於spread its golden wings。中文也有「翅膀硬了」的法,意指可以展翅高飛、能力完全發揮、作些新的嘗試。例:Going to college gave her the chance to spread her wings.動詞可用stretchtry。以此片語形容發射到外太空的天文望遠鏡,可謂一語雙關。

形容無菌室的cavernous意指房間或空間袤廣,甚至空蕩蕩黑漆漆,讓人宛如置身洞穴中,也指凹下深陷的。爾芙(Virginia Woolf)首部小《遠航》(The Voyage Out)描述年輕的牛津大學數學家St John Hirst從旋轉門外被風進室,面色慘白、邊幅未修、兩頰凹陷:He was rather blown about by the wind, and his cheeks looked terribly pale, unshorn, and cavernous.

報導用gaggle形容NASA官員略有幾分戲謔,這個字原指鵝群,描述人時不單指一群人,而是像鵝一樣嘎嘎叫、嘈雜紛亂的一群人。例:a gaggle of children in the park.

Batteries Store Solar Power Until It Earns More
黑暗中 仍能善用太陽能的電池
By Stanley Reed

A new cash crop has sprung up on Nicholas Beatty’s enchanting farm near Hartwell. Rows of gray solar panels range over about 25 acres, turning sunlight into electricity, as dog-size muntjac deer hop by.

The panels, trouble-free money earners that feed into the electric grid, are no longer unusual on farms in Britain or other countries. What’s new in Beatty’s field is a hulking 40-foot-long shipping container.

Stacked inside, in what look like drawers, are about 200 lithium-ion cells that make up a battery large enough to store a substantial portion of the electricity the solar farm puts out.

The battery and its software give Beatty an advantage over other solar panel farmers. Power prices in Britain and elsewhere rise and fall, sometimes strikingly, during the day and over the year, depending on the supply and demand. By storing power in the battery, Beatty can feed it into the grid when prices are high. “The battery effectively takes power off the line when there is too much and puts it on when there is too little,” he said.

Beatty said the battery, which costs about 825,000 pounds ($1 million), could increase revenue for his solar farm by as much as 200,000 pounds a year. In addition to making more by timing his delivery to the grid, he said he planned to enter an auction to become a standby source of power to compensate for unexpected drops in the grid.

Beatty is one of many entrepreneurs and businesses trying to play the fast-shifting electric power landscape. The global effort to combat climate change is forcing what had been an old-line business to evolve. Polluting, coal-fired power stations are closing, while clean energy sources like wind and solar are growing fast.

While renewable energy sources have the huge advantage of not emitting the gases blamed for climate change, they can be tricky for a grid operator to rely on, not least because their output is dependent on wind and sunlight. In addition, the power they produce is essentially free, which puts downward pressure on prices.

“The growing use of renewables is creating an unstable energy system,” said David Hill, managing director of Open Energi, a British company that helps industrial companies save money by timing and otherwise managing their energy use. “What everyone is trading on now is that there is a value in flexibility.”

Batteries are one way of achieving that flexibility.


2016-12-11.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 王麗娟譯

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