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Can France Ever Leave Africa?
Airstrikes in Chad Raise an Old Question
By Adam Nossiter

French airstrikes last month in support of Chad’s longtime autocratic ruler, Idriss Déby, have raised a familiar question: Has France really left behind decades of deep involvement in African politics?

France’s foreign minister defended the strikes against Chadian rebels before a handful of puzzled parliamentarians who wondered why the country was again propping up an ironhanded African dictator – albeit one whose relatively efficient military is considered vital in the fight against terrorists.

French officials have brushed aside these qualms, insisting that it was Déby himself who invited the French. The strikes took place between Feb. 3-6, destroying 20 rebel pickup trucks and stopping a rebel advance, the French military said in a statement.

French analysts have been sharply critical of the intervention in Chad.

“How can we convince the Europeans to have a decent policy in Africa, when we do this in Chad?” asked Roland Marchal, a leading expert on the country at Sciences Po university.

“France is promoting this discourse on jihadist movements, that they spring from bad governance and human rights violations. But if you look at Chad, you have exactly the same thing,” Marchal said. “With such good friends, why do you need enemies?”

Every French president for decades has repeatedly proclaimed the end of French interference in Africa, referred to with disdain by critics as “Francafrique,” a hydra-headed entanglement of commercial, military and political interests, with France pulling the strings.

Emmanuel Macron is no exception. His government was outraged recently when Italy’s populist leaders mocked France for what they called the perpetuation of its colonial relationship with Africa.

France, Macron declared to bemused students in a landmark speech in Burkina Faso in 2017, “no longer has an Africa policy.”

He promised a grand reset of the tortured French-African relationship, set free by a youthful leader who was “part of a generation that has never known Africa as a colonized continent.”

Marchal called the president’s declaration naïve. Macron, he said, “thinks he is the new one and doesn’t need to look back. But, he has got to put on his shoulders the legacy of what France did in Africa.”

Both the French promise and French outrage belie a far murkier reality.

France continues to keep a heavy hand in Africa, militarily and economically. Analysts said the recent Chad incursion, hardly the first time the French military has swooped in to rescue Déby, was a classic example.


2019-03-03 聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 李京倫

文解字看新聞 李京倫


puzzledbemused中文都是「困惑的」,但puzzled困惑程度更強。puzzle當及物動詞是「使人面對難解問題或棘手情況」,或「苦苦思索而弄清楚」,如puzzle out an answer to a riddlebemuse當及物動詞則是「使人困惑」。

supportprop up中文都是「支持」,但prop up特別強調「為防某物掉落,而用另一物支撐」,引申為「協助政府、體系或組織繼續存在」。



Autobahn Speed Limits? Voting With Lead Feet
高速公路限速? 油門反對
By Katrin Bennhold

It seemed like a no-brainer: Lower Germany’s embarrassingly high carbon emissions at no cost, and save some lives in the process.

But when a government-appointed commission in January dared to float the idea of a speed limit on the autobahn, the country’s storied highway network, it almost caused rioting.

Irate drivers took to the airwaves. Union leaders menacingly put on their yellow vests, hinting at street protests. And the far-right opposition used the opportunity to rage against the “stranglehold” of the state.

A highway speed limit was “contrary to every common sense,” the transport minister, Andreas Scheuer, swiftly declared, contradicting his own experts. And that was that.

As far as quasi-religious national obsessions go for large portions of a country’s population, the German aversion to speed limits on the autobahn is up there with gun control in America, whaling in Japan and sovereignty in Britain.

With few exceptions, like Afghanistan and the Isle of Man, there are highway speed limits essentially everywhere else in the world.

But this is Germany, the self-declared “auto nation,” where Carl Benz built the first automobile and where cars are not only the proudest export item but also a symbol of national identity.

It’s also the country where, in darker times, Hitler laid the groundwork for a network of multilane highways that in the postwar years came to epitomize economic success – and freedom.

Call it Germany’s Wild West: The autobahn is the one place in a highly regulated society where no rule is the rule – and that place is sacred.

“It’s a very emotional topic,” confided Stefan Gerwens, head of transport and mobility at ADAC, an automobile club with 20 million members, which is opposed to any speed limit. So emotional, apparently, that facts and figures count for little.

Germany is woefully behind on meeting its 2020 climate goals, so the government appointed a group of experts to find ways to lower emissions in the transport sector. Cars account for 11 percent of total emissions, and their share is rising.

A highway speed limit of 120 kph, or 75 mph, could cover a fifth of the gap to reach the 2020 goals for the transport sector, environmental experts say.

“Of all the individual measures, it is the one that would be the most impactful – and it costs nothing,” said Dorothee Saar, of Deutsche Umwelthilfe, a nonprofit environmental organization that has lobbied for a speed limit.

“But when it comes to cars,” Saar sighed, “the debate tends to become irrational.”


2019-03-03 聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 張江寧

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