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紐約時報賞析:突尼西亞勒緊褲帶 危及民主


Tunisia’s Economic Ills Undermine Democracy
突尼西亞勒緊褲帶 危及民主
By Borzou Daragahi

When Tunisians rose up against their longtime ruler seven years ago, a pair of idealistic young teachers joined in, hoping the protests would usher their North African nation of 10 million into the ranks of the world’s democracies.

But today Adel and Marwa Jaafri are struggling financially as the country’s economy sputters, its currency falters and the government imposes fresh belt-tightening measures.

Adel Jaafri, 35, a high school computer science teacher, recently took a second job installing satellite dishes and moonlights fixing computers. “I still can’t afford my life,” he said. “We are just making it, but we have taken out a lot of loans. Everything is more expensive – food, schoolbooks for the children.”

Marwa Jaafri, 34, a university professor of computer programming, finished his lament: “Clothes, shoes for the kids. Of course we’re worried. We’re struggling.”

Tunisia, often hailed as the sole success story of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings, is in danger of being crippled by budget-cutting economic policies that critics say are imperiling the country’s democratic experiment.

Scholars and economists have warned for years that Tunisia’s economic problems could thwart its political progress. But now a raft of critics are blaming financial measures promoted by international lenders and advisers, and taken up by inexperienced Tunisian politicians, for making them worse and setting off an economic and political crisis.

“When you impoverish the poor and middle class you undermine democracy,” said Jihen Chandoul, an economist and co-founder of the Tunisian Observatory of Economy, a research institute. “What’s hurting the democratic process are austerity measures we’ve been asked to implement to access loans. Tunisian democracy is in danger.”

It is a pattern that has played out around the world, in Latin America, Asia and recently Greece, as the International Monetary Fund and other Western lenders demand that governments balance their budgets and open their economies. Those policies often produce jarring hardship and political upheaval that can undermine support for the very kind of democratic and capitalist systems the West is trying to build.

In Tunisia, where the Arab Spring began, those measures are doubly biting for a people who had harbored such great hopes for a fairer society in one of the Arab world’s few democracies.


2018-05-27 聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 莊蕙嘉

文解字看新聞 莊蕙嘉


sputter意為「飛濺」,形容人話時口沫橫飛的模樣,或是油鍋的水霹霹啪啪四處噴濺的樣子,文中第二段the country’s economy sputters,指國家經濟蹣跚、顛躓,陷入困境,sputter意同falter


文中its currency falters,則是形容突尼西亞貨幣匯率受經濟危機影響而震盪。


再下一段,突尼西亞經濟問題could thwart its political progressthwart指「妨礙、阻撓」。以上,撰文記者運用crippleimperilthwart等字義類似的不同單字作變化,表達同一主旨:突尼西亞的經濟危機將影響民主政治發展。

Jo Nesbø Reimagines ‘Macbeth’
By James Shapiro

In 1937, The New Yorker published James Thurber’s “The Macbeth Murder Mystery,” about an avid reader of Agatha Christie who picks up a paperback copy of “Macbeth,” mistakenly assuming it’s a detective story. She soon discovers it’s a Shakespeare play but is already hooked and reads it as a whodunit. It takes her a while to identify who killed Duncan, after initially refusing to believe the Macbeths were responsible: “You suspect them the most, of course, but those are the ones that are never guilty or shouldn’t be, anyway.” Her prime suspect had been Banquo, but “then, of course, he was the second person killed. That was good right in there, that part. The person you suspect of the first murder should always be the second victim.”

It’s a very funny story and an insightful one, for Thurber shows how closely Shakespeare’s tragedy follows the contours of detective fiction. Thurber wasn’t the first to draw such connections; over a century earlier, in a brilliant essay about the play “On the Knocking at the Gate in ‘Macbeth’” Thomas De Quincey had reflected on how deeply Shakespeare understood the interplay of murder and suspense. If the many allusions to “Macbeth” in the works of Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers, P.D. James and other crime writers are any indication, Shakespeare’s play may be seen as one of the great progenitors of the genre, making Jo Nesbø, the celebrated Norwegian writer of thrillers, an ideal choice to update the play for Hogarth Shakespeare, a series in which best-selling novelists turn Shakespeare’s works into contemporary fiction.
這是極其有趣且饒富洞察力的一本小,因為瑟伯明,莎翁的悲劇和偵探小的情節有多麼相近。瑟伯不是建立這項關聯的第一人;一個多世紀前,在討論這部戲劇的一篇精彩文章〈論馬克白大門上的敲門聲〉中, 托馬斯.德昆西即對莎翁深諳謀殺與懸疑的相互作用多所著墨。阿嘉莎.克莉絲蒂、桃樂絲.榭爾絲、P.D. 詹姆斯和其他犯罪故事作家的作品中,都有許多與《馬克白》相關的影射,若這些影射有任何意義,它代表莎翁的劇作可視為這類作品的一大始祖,挪威知名驚悚作家尤.奈斯博也因此成為《挑戰莎士比亞系列》中,重新改寫莎翁這部名劇的理想人選。《挑戰莎士比亞系列》是英國霍加斯出版社發行的系列品,邀請暢銷小家將莎翁作品改寫成當代小

Nesbø has spoken of finding himself on familiar terrain here, arguing that “Macbeth” is essentially a “thriller about the struggle for power” that takes place “in a gloomy, stormy crime noir-like setting and in a dark, paranoid human mind.” True enough, yet many features of this 400-year-old tragedy don’t easily fit the demands of a modern, realistic thriller. One of the pleasures of reading this book is watching Nesbø meet the formidable challenge of assimilating elements of the play unsuited to realistic crime fiction, especially the supernatural: the witches, prophecies, visions, and the mysterious figure of Hecate.

Nesbø’s most consequential decision was when and where to set his story. While he follows Shakespeare in locating it in Scotland, rather than taking us back to the 11th century he places it in the early 1970s. He doesn’t name the city, though there are many hints that it’s Glasgow. This choice signals Nesbø’s ambitions for his novel, giving it a sharp social edge as well as a timely political resonance.


2018-05-27 聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 王麗娟

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