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紐約時報賞析:大都會博物館 晚上變身片場


Nights at the Museum: When the Met Doubled as a Movie Studio
大都會博物館 晚上變身片場
每晚一關門「瞞天過海:八面玲瓏」劇組立即進駐拍片 清早快閃
By James Barron

For a couple of weeks last year, Rebecca Schear and Sandra Bullock worked nights together. They never met, but they played different parts in the making of the just-released movie “Ocean’s 8” – Bullock’s as the mastermind of a caper that required elaborate planning, Schear’s as a different kind of mastermind.

For those couple of weeks, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was a museum by day, as usual, and a movie studio by night. When the galleries closed, the film crew arrived, hauled in the gear, set it up, filmed a few scenes and finally, around dawn, knocked it all down and left by the museum’s 10 a.m. opening – only to go through the same routine the next night. Schear, the Met’s senior production manager, was responsible for keeping the movie machinery safely away from the art. Much as her bosses wanted the Met to be in the movie, they did not want to hear about statues that were knocked over or canvases that had holes poked in them by errant equipment.

So, as a parade of movie people filed in – camera loaders and electricians and lighting technicians – Schear, 33, became a sharp-eyed minder, worrying, she recalled, about potential problems like “the swing radius of a Technocrane.”

“A Technocrane is a like a fancy jib,” she explained. “You fly a camera on it for these beautiful sweeping shots. We want to make sure it swung in ways we were comfortable with. It never really got close to the ceiling and not to any of the artwork. We were like, ‘Here is the exact spot where you can put this piece of the equipment and here’s where it can swing’ – and we were standing there to make sure.”

And when it started its ascent, her pulse started to race. “That’s unavoidable,” she said.

The Met has labored to put some past financial turbulence behind it while adjusting to new admission fees for museumgoers who do not live in New York state – the Met’s long-standing “pay what you wish” policy ended in March, and the de Blasio administration has laid the groundwork to reduce the city’s contribution to the Met by up to $3 million a year, depending on how much the out-of-staters bring in.

So, for the Met, movies and television shows are an appealing source of additional revenue, though a small one for an institution with a budget of more than $300 million. Met officials say cameras have been allowed in for other movies, including “When Harry Met Sally” and “Maid in Manhattan,” and for small-screen series like “Gossip Girl.”


2018-06-24 聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 李京倫

文解字看新聞 張佑生

好萊塢2006年的電影Night at the Museum描述紐約市美國自然歷史博物館某個夜裡發生的奇事,台灣譯為「博物館驚魂夜」。本文巧借片名當標題,地點換成紐約大都會藝術博物館。到了夜間,博物館變成攝影棚(movie studio)。Double有「一物二用」、「分飾兩角」之意。館方破紀錄出借場地達10個晚上(nights),仍不免對館藏的安全提心吊膽、脈搏加速(pulse started to race)。

作者電影主角和負責場的博物館主管扮演不同的mastermind,字面意義是聰明才智者,某一複雜行動的(of/behind)統籌,特別是犯罪,可是「主謀」(a criminal mastermind)。Caper在俚語意指不法勾當,尤其是竊盜,或是情節不算嚴重的犯罪電影(瞞天過海:八面玲瓏)。

片商回饋了100萬美元,對於Met的開源(additional revenue)不無小補。除了欣賞奧斯卡影后同台飆戲,眼尖的觀眾還能趁機一覽館藏的塞尚、薩金特與勞策的名作。

In ‘The Moralist,’ Woodrow Wilson and the Hazards of Idealism
威爾遜理想主義 影響美國一世紀
從一戰到伊拉克戰爭 入侵他國都是無私高尚行為?
By Jennifer Szalai

Instead of “The Moralist: Woodrow Wilson and the World He Made,” Patricia O’Toole could have titled her new book “The Hypocrite.”

After all, as she herself points out, to lay claim to the moral high ground as often and as fervently as Wilson did during his eight years in the White House was to court charges that he failed to live up to his own principles. He called for an end to secret treaties while negotiating secretly with the Allies in World War I. He declared himself unwilling to compromise with belligerents abroad while showing himself very willing to compromise with segregationists at home. He pursued a progressive economic agenda while approving a regressive racial one. He spoke of national self-determination in the loftiest terms while initiating the American occupation of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

O’Toole’s is the third major biography of Wilson in the last decade, coming on the heels of substantial works by John Milton Cooper Jr. (2009) and A. Scott Berg (2013), an output of Wilsoniana that attests to the 28th president’s complicated – and contested – legacy. O’Toole’s book doesn’t purport to be as exhaustive as Cooper’s or Berg’s; her project was born from her interest in World War I, and as she persuasively shows, American foreign policy throughout the 20th century adopted Wilson’s war-forged liberal internationalism, in word if not always in deed.

President Richard M. Nixon cynically used the rhetoric of Wilsonian idealism to escalate the war in Vietnam, saying that his plan would bring the United States closer to Wilson’s “goal of a just and lasting peace.” Wilson’s principle of national self-determination – a phrase that his own secretary of state deemed “loaded with dynamite” – has since been enshrined in the charter of the United Nations.
尼克森總統犬儒地用威爾遜理想主義言辭來升高越戰戰事,聲稱他的計畫將使美國更接近威爾遜的「公正與持久和平的目標」。 威爾遜的民族自決原則後來被載入聯合國憲章,而這個詞語被他自己的國務卿視為「裝滿了炸藥」。

And by declaring that “the world must be made safe for democracy” in 1917, Wilson articulated how the American people, from World War I to Iraq, would prefer to imagine their military incursions abroad: as high-minded acts of pure altruism, imbued with benevolence and devoid of mercenary self-interest.

A biographer of Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Adams, O’Toole is a lucid and elegant writer (her book about Adams was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize), and “The Moralist” is a fluid account that feels shorter than its 600-plus pages. Despite its length, there isn’t a passage that drags or feels superfluous.


2018-06-24 聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷

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