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The Future Is ... Purple
By Vanessa Friedman

In these dark, chaotic times, it would not be unrealistic for someone, when asked what color will represent 2018, to look around and guess, say, black. Or maybe deep, bloody burgundy. Wartime red? Fake-tan orange? At the very least, soot gray.

Any of them would seemingly match different shades of the general mood.

And yet the self-proclaimed “color authorities” at Pantone sent approximately 10 people to blanket the globe for weeks at a time, searching for color signals in food, cars, cosmetics, clothes and housewares. They reconvened, pooled their findings, did their analysis and declared the color of 2018 to be ... Ultra Violet.


Yup, the highlighter-purple shade that has also been the name of a Warhol superstar who died in 2014; a 2006 dystopian action film starring Milla Jovovich as a rebel infected with a vampiric virus; an online activist community founded in 2012 to combat sexism and violence toward women; and a kind of light that can cause skin cancer (ahem).

Those things may not be exactly what you think about when you think about what’s coming, but the history does demonstrate that the idea has a broad reach. Ultra Violet can be many things to many people.

It “communicates originality, ingenuity and visionary thinking,” Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, said by way of explanation. It is found in the cosmos (think of all those swirling purple nebulae!), the wellness movement (amethyst crystals!) and was a favorite color of architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who, Eiseman said, used to wear a purple cape when he was trying to be creative. Ditto Wagner, who liked to surround himself with purple when he was composing. Also, of course, Prince.

“It’s also the most complex of all colors,” she said, “because it takes two shades that are seemingly diametrically opposed – blue and red – and brings them together to create something new.”

That’s an optimistic view of things. And, if the current standoff in Washington is any indication, one that seems more like wishful thinking than reality. But that, it turns out, is part of the point. At least this year.

“It’s truly a reflection of what’s needed in our world today,” said Laurie Pressman, vice president of the Pantone Color Institute. Not, note, “what’s going on in our world today.” Which is kind of an interesting distinction. It suggests that Pantone is not just observing and predicting, it’s going proactive.



2017-12-31.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 陳韻涵

文解字看新 張佑生


英文的紫色可代表王權、王位,出身王公貴族是born to [in] the purple。古人將紫色和帝王、皇宮做連結。《水滸傳》:「正陽門徑通黃道,長朝殿端拱紫垣。」當中的「紫垣」就是皇宮。紫色有華麗絢爛的意思,purple prose/passage意指用字遣詞刻意賣弄的文章,帶貶意。Purple language的「紫」卻是褻瀆、令人憎惡的。

中文有「紫氣東來」的成語。空氣品質如果跟紫扯上關係,像是「紫爆」(the hazardous “Purple Alert” “purple” levels of PM 2.5),可是會要人命!紫色的確是最複雜(complex)的顏色。

Blood, Sweat, Toil and Tears: Playing Churchill on Screen
By Julie Bloom

He fought with distinction and held almost every major office in Britain. He commanded a country in the midst of world war and is credited with inventing the social safety net. He has been called an imperialist and a warmonger. A drunk and a racist. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature, rivaled only Shakespeare in his prolific literary output, and painted more than 500 pictures in his lifetime. And, some argue, he single-handedly saved civilization.

Winston Churchill was a complex and contradictory leader unlike any in recent history. And he also presents one of the most sought-after and challenging roles for any actor worth his salt.

“He could pitch. He could bat. He could run,” Gary Oldman said in a recent interview. “He’s the ultimate all-rounder.”

Oldman, a British lion in his own right, takes on Churchill in “Darkest Hour”. The movie, directed by Joe Wright, chronicles the defining 28 days in 1940 when Churchill was made prime minister and finally convinced Britain to stay the course and fight Hitler – when the fate of the world hung in the balance. The film is an often tense character study, exposing Churchill’s own moments of self-doubt and the resistance he faced from the public, his party and his king.

Countless movies have been made about Churchill, but Wright was drawn to this particular period because of what that uncertainty revealed about the man. “I was fascinated by the portrayal of Churchill as a human being,” Wright said. “He’s become such an icon that he’s either untouchable or he’s a demon. To take him down from his perch and not throw him in the gutter but look at him eye to eye” was the appeal for him.

The movie also tries to understand Churchill through his use of language, with the sound of typewriters constantly clacking in the background. “They are the most iconic speeches in the history of the English language and they were all written in 28 days, so how these speeches came to be and how he came to express the will and the sentiment of the nation is really the subject,” Wright added.

In one of the most stirring scenes, Churchill famously addresses the House of Commons, arguing that the British need to face the Nazi threat at all costs: “If we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.’”


2017-12-31.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷

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