The BBC in Pidgin? People Like It Well-Well
BBC用西非洋涇濱? 人們喜歡
By Kimiko de Freytas-Tamura
The headline on the article, published on the BBC’s website, reads like this: “Woman wan troway poo-poo, come trap for window.”
The piece, written in a form of West African Pidgin English, tells the story of a Tinder date gone horribly wrong: A woman in Britain found herself in a deeply embarrassing bind when the toilet in her date’s apartment would not flush and she tried to throw the “evidence” (“di poo-poo”) out the window.
The offbeat anecdote tickled readers, not only for the story itself but even more so for its rendition in West African Pidgin English, an informal language that dates from the slave trade and that mixes English with West African languages. It was, according to the British tabloid The Sun, a “hilariously fresh take” on the date-from-hell story.
The “poo-poo” article, as it became known, was one of the most popular by the British broadcaster’s renowned World Service, which recently added a dozen foreign language websites to its roster as part of efforts to capture a younger, more diverse and digitally savvy audience.
The expansion, the BBC’s biggest since the 1940s, was funded by a British government grant of about 290 million pounds, or $380 million. In addition to West African Pidgin English, the service now delivers news in Afaan Oromo, Amharic, Tigrinya (languages spoken in Ethiopia, Eritrea and other parts of Africa); and in Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi and Telugu (spoken in India), among others.
The BBC also has a website in Korean, and it broadcasts radio programs in Korean that can reach the reclusive state of North Korea, bringing the total number of languages it uses to more than 40. The media organization says it aims to reach 500 million people by its centenary in 2022, about twice the current figure.
While Pidgin is looked down upon by some, the word itself is not derogatory. More than 75 million people are thought to speak the language, either as their primary or secondary tongue.
說文解字看新聞 陳韻涵
洋涇濱有「通用語」(Lingua franca)的作用,又不是「地方話」(vernacular)。通用語是跨語言族群間用來溝通的共同語言,而地方話則被定義為非商業性質的日常用語。
以「中文洋涇濱英語」(Chinese Pidgin English)為例,它是17世紀清朝中國人與英國商人間的交易用語,最早出現在廣州,隨後傳播到上海等貿易中心。雖然部分學者認為,中文的洋涇濱英語是以16世紀晚期在澳門使用的葡萄牙洋涇濱為基礎,但在英國人1664年在廣東建立第一個貿易據點後,葡萄牙的影響式微。另有一說「洋涇濱」(pidgin)為粵語對「生意」(business)英文發音的訛傳,顯見中文洋涇濱英語與貿易關係密切。
2018-01-28.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 陳韻涵
Afraid of Falling? For Older Adults, the Dutch Have a Cure
荷蘭老人上課 學習如何跌倒
By Christopher F. Schuetze
The shouts of schoolchildren playing outside echoed through the gymnasium where an obstacle course was being set up.
There was the “Belgian sidewalk,” a wooden contraption designed to simulate loose tiles; a “sloping slope,” ramps angled at an ankle-unfriendly 45 degrees; and others like “the slalom” and “the pirouette.”
They were not for the children, though, but for a class where the students ranged in age from 65 to 94. The obstacle course was clinically devised to teach them how to navigate treacherous ground without having to worry about falling, and how to fall if they did.
“It’s not a bad thing to be afraid of falling, but it puts you at higher risk of falling,” said Diedeke van Wijk, a physiotherapist who runs WIJKfysio and teaches the course three times a year in Leusden, a bedroom community just outside Amersfoort, in the center of the country.
The Dutch, like many elsewhere, are living longer than in previous generations, often alone. As they do, courses that teach them not only how to avoid falling, but how to fall correctly, are gaining popularity.
This one, called Vallen Verleden Tijd course, roughly translates as “Falling is in the past.” Hundreds of similar courses are taught by registered physio- and occupational therapists across the Netherlands.
Yet falling courses – especially clinically tested ones – are a fairly recent phenomenon, according to Richard de Ruiter, of the Sint Maartenskliniek in Nijmegen, the foundation hospital that developed this particular course.
Virtually unheard-of just a decade ago, the courses are now common enough that the government rates them. Certain forms of Dutch health insurance even cover part of the costs.
While the students are older, not all of them seemed particularly frail. Herman van Lovink, 88, arrived on his bike. So did Annie Houtveen, 75. But some arrived with walkers and canes, and others were carefully guided by relatives.
Falling can be a serious thing for older adults. Aging causes the bones to become brittle, and broken ones do not heal as readily.
Today, 18.5 percent of the Dutch population – roughly 3.2 million people – is 65 or older, according to official statistics. In 1950, about the time some of the younger course participants were born, people 65 or older made up just 7.7 percent of the population.
Across the Netherlands, 3,884 people 65 or older died as result of a fall in 2016, a 38 percent increase from two years earlier.
Experts say the rise in fatalities reflects the overall aging of the population, and also factors such as the growing use of certain medications or general inactivity.
2018-01-28.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 李京倫