Is Houston Still a Model City? Its Supporters Aren’t Backing Down
休士頓仍是模範城? 支持者挺
By Emily Badger
Houston is a prime example – of what depends on your point of view.
It’s an example of development run amok, of how sprawl can devour nature. It’s what you get when everything as far as the eye can see is designed around cars instead of people.
It’s an example, according to a very different interpretation, of how to create affordable housing. It’s proof that fewer regulations mean more prosperity, that the market knows better than any central planner.
It’s a Rorschach city, and it has been since well before Hurricane Harvey, occupying a special place at the center of a debate over how best to build in the United States. But even now, when something about the Houston model looks terribly fragile, its free-market boosters are doubling down on what the city should mean to the rest of us. And the storm’s legacy is poised to make this high-stakes fight over the Houston way even more raw.
“Houston reaffirms people’s pre-existing biases about how cities should be built,” said William Fulton, a longtime former planner and mayor in California who now directs the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University in Houston.
It’s the model of precisely what not to do, unless you believe that it gets all the big questions right.
Late last year, a Houston-based think tank called the Center for Opportunity Urbanism released a report titled “The Texas Way of Urbanism,” a blueprint that emphasizes light regulation and fast growth. In contrast to older cities like New York, Chicago and Boston, cities like Houston, the report argued, have avoided prescriptive development standards to create an affordable environment that has lured hundreds of thousands of people over the last generation.
“The future of American cities can be summed up in five letters: Texas,” two of the report’s authors, Joel Kotkin and Wendell Cox, wrote.
Their report was prescient last fall in one notable sense. Houston’s challenges include inadequate infrastructure against flooding, the report noted, months before Harvey. But the answer, it added, isn’t for Houston to mimic tighter regulation, transit investments or compact development elsewhere.
In the week since the storm began to retreat in Texas, a chorus of planners, scientists and pundits has yelled largely the opposite.
Harvey, they say, makes arguably the strongest case yet that Houston’s free-market model may have a fatal flaw.
2017-09-24.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 王麗娟
說文解字看新聞 王麗娟
今年八月底,美國德州遭遇50年來最強颶風「哈維」,3天內降下1年的雨量,帶來嚴重洪患(flooding), 德州最大城、全美第四大城休士頓鬧區也泡在水中。本文在「哈維」於休士頓釀災後,探討休士頓模範城市(model city)的地位是否依舊。
文章第二段的sprawl 指的是urban sprawl(城市擴張、城市蔓延),係指一種無秩序的城市發展狀態。 城市擴張時,人類許多時候必須與山林爭地,因此文中指出城市擴張會吞噬大自然。
文中也說,休士頓一直是個見仁見智的城市(Rorschach city),人們根據他們既有的觀點,各自解讀發生於休士頓的事。Rorschach指的是Rorschach test(羅氏墨漬測驗、羅夏克墨跡測驗),是一種心理測驗。測試的方法是讓受測者觀看一系列的墨漬圖形圖片,再讓受測者說出對圖片的觀感或選擇一個適當答案。每位受測者觀感不一,但可協助心理學家發現受測者的人格特質和情感功能,有時可從中找出精神病患。
Congo’s Specialty Brews Look to Be the ‘Future of Coffee’
BY Clair MacDougall
Linda Mugaruka perched her nose above a steaming cup of coffee. Swilling and then spitting, she noted that it was clean and sweet with traces of fruit. On her clipboard she scrawled 94, a high score for a specialty coffee.
Mugaruka, 24, is one of a few cuppers, or coffee tasters, from the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the only woman working as a cupper in the region. This spring, flanked by connoisseurs from South Korea and the United States, she stood over some of the most coveted cups of specialty coffee from her homeland at the nation’s fledgling annual coffee festival, held here in the eastern city of Bukavu.
At the gathering, called the Saveur du Kivu, or Flavor of Kivu, cuppers sought to discover new flavors from a nation troubled by conflict and political instability, yet believed to be one of Africa’s most promising producers of specialty coffee, with the potential to be one of the world’s biggest producers of commercial-grade coffee as well.
Coffee was once Congo’s second-biggest export, after copper, contributing an estimated $164 million to the nation’s economic output in the 1980s. But during recent decades of conflict, exports dropped drastically.
Now, with millions of dollars in donor funding in recent years to build the coffee industry and help stabilize the region, coffee exports have steadily increased and farming cooperatives are attracting the attention of global buyers like Starbucks and the Israeli company Strauss. This is despite an overall economic crisis in Congo, political turmoil over President Joseph Kabila’s refusal to step down at the end of his term and violence including atrocities carried out by a government-linked militia that were cited by the United Nations.
During the first half of the 20th century, as the country was subjected to exploitative Belgian rule, extensive coffee plantations rolled through the green hills of eastern Congo. The country’s beans were roasted in coffee houses in Brussels and Rome, and its coffee was among the world’s finest.
The coffee industry was decimated after rebel groups marched through those fields in the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide in 1994 and the toppling of Congo’s long-standing dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko, in 1997.
2017-09-24.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 王麗娟