Now Hiring: Anyone
By Liz Alderman
When Peter Enevoldsen won a lucrative order for the precision tractor parts that his company, Sjorring Maskinfabrik, makes in northern Denmark, his eyes lit up. The contract was worth more than half a million euros – a boon for his profits.
There was just one hitch: He did not have enough employees for the job.
Delivery was delayed, by one month, then two, then three, as he searched for skilled welders to speed the work at the sprawling factory. But in Denmark’s fast-recovering economy, they were hard to come by.
As Europe rebounds from its economic malaise, Denmark is one of a few countries that can boast of nearing a golden era of full employment, meaning almost everyone who is able and willing to work has a job. But instead of being cheered, it is posing new challenges to the country’s recovery.
More than a third of companies in this industrial and technically advanced nation can no longer recruit enough skilled workers to fill posts. Vacancies abound for IT specialists, computer scientists, engineers and mechanics, as well as for electricians and carpenters. The wages needed to lure them are creeping up. Affected firms are scaling back production, turning down contracts and postponing expansion plans.
“We need more skilled workers, but we can’t get them,” said Enevoldsen, who recently joined other companies in a nationwide advertising campaign to lure talent. “If the labor shortage continues, it could sharply impact our growth, and growth in general.”
Europe’s recovery is gaining traction fastest in the north, where Britain, Germany and Denmark’s Nordic neighbors also pushing toward full employment. The unemployment rate has fallen in the United States as well, and some economists have expressed optimism the country may be headed in that direction.
But the experience in Denmark shows what can happen with too much of a good thing.
This country of just under 6 million people produces a diverse range of goods, from drugs to industrial machinery. To bolster its tech sector, the government recently named a “technology ambassador” to conduct relations with Google and other digital giants.
After a painful recession, unemployment is now at 4.3 percent, which is about as low as it can go without provoking inflation. During an economic boom a decade ago, joblessness fell as low as 2.4 percent, igniting an unsustainable spiral of higher wages and prices that the government desperately wants to avoid today.
2017-04-09.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 王麗娟
說文解字看新聞 王麗娟
經濟反彈(rebound)促使丹麥出現招聘熱潮(hiring frenzy),但因人口不多,以及能就業者多數已就業,工廠與公司行號目前都面臨招不到人的窘境,高技術工人(high-skilled worker)更是難求。由於丹麥的經濟成長仍溫和,去年年成長才1.2%,經濟學家因此憂心忡忡,擔心缺工(labor shortage)問題若無法解決,不僅丹麥人有錢賺不到,還可能使丹麥經濟無法再向上成長,以致未來必須接受低經濟成長的事實。
丹麥政府目前鼓勵工人延後退休(delayed retirement),丹麥的法定退休年齡為65歲,但在2022年前將延長至67歲。政府還鼓勵企業聘用來自歐盟國家的人民,這些人不需工作簽證(employment visa/work visa)就能在丹麥工作。有些雇主已開始找難民(refugee)填補人力缺口,可惜他們鮮少能從事高技術工作。
文中第三段的they were hard to come by,意為有技術的焊工一人難求。hard to come by意為難找或不容易到手。如A good job that you enjoy doing is hard to come by.(你喜歡做的好工作是很難找到的。)
A Cure for Traffic Jams
自駕車減不了車流 要靠經濟學
By Conor Dougherty
It’s easy to get giddy about self-driving cars. Older people and preteens will become more independent and mobile. The scourge of drunken driving will disappear. People will be able to safely play video games while on the freeway to work.
But there is one problem autonomous driving is unlikely to solve: the columns of rush-hour gridlock that clog city streets and freeways. If decades of urban planning and economic research are any guide, the solution is unlikely to come from technology but from something similar to Uber’s surge pricing: charging people more to use driverless cars at rush hour.
Not that technology companies aren’t trying to find other solutions to congestion. Traffic is one of the few problems that fabulously wealthy people can’t buy their way out of. This helps explain why Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, wants to bore subterranean freeways under Los Angeles and build a hyperloop train half the length of California. Or why Larry Page, Google’s co-founder, is interested in flying cars.
倒不是科技公司沒有在努力找出解決塞車問題的其他辦法。車流是再富有的人也無法靠花錢避開的少數問題之一。這有助於解釋,為何特斯拉汽車和「太空探索公司」創辦人伊隆.馬斯克想挖一條洛杉磯地下高速公路,並且打造有半個加州長度的超迴路列車運輸系統。谷歌創辦人賴瑞. 佩吉又為何對能飛的汽車特別感興趣。
This is in addition to other, less revolutionary efforts, from companies like Sidewalk Labs, which is owned by Google’s parent company and which aims to ease congestion by helping cities make better use of data. And of course there is the self-driving car, which, in addition to making roads safer, is supposed to help manage freeways by smoothing human flaws – like a tendency to engage in antsy braking and sudden lane changes – that make traffic worse.
These various technologies share a common theme. One way or another, they promise to expand the nation’s roads – literally, in the case of Musk’s tunnels, figuratively, in the case of flying cars, and efficiently, in the case of self-driving ones. While it is possible that one or all of these technologies will increase road capacity to the point at which no amount of traffic will fill them, history gives us reasons to be skeptical.
Decades’ worth of studies show that whenever cities add roads, new drivers simply fill them up. This isn’t because of new development or population growth – although that’s part of the story – but because of a vicious cycle in which new roads bring new demand that no amount of further roads can satisfy.
This has been studied at rush hour, studied on individual freeway projects and studied with large data sets that encompass nearly every road in the United States. With remarkable consistency, the research finds the same thing: Whenever a road is built or an older road is widened, more people decide to drive more. Build more or widen further, and even more people decide to drive. Repeat to infinity.
2017-04-09.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 王麗娟