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How Social Isolation Is Killing Us
By Dhruv Khullar

My patient and I both knew he was dying.

Not the long kind of dying that stretches on for months or years. He would die today. Maybe tomorrow. And if not tomorrow, the next day. Was there someone I should call? Someone he wanted to see?

Not a one, he told me. No immediate family. No close friends. He had a niece down South, maybe, but they hadn’t spoken in years.

For me, the sadness of his death was surpassed only by the sadness of his solitude.

Every day I see variations at both the beginning and end of life: a young man abandoned by friends as he struggles with opioid addiction; an older woman getting by on tea and toast, no longer able to clean her cluttered apartment. In these moments, it seems the only thing worse than suffering a serious illness is suffering it alone.

Social isolation is a growing epidemic – one that’s increasingly recognized as having dire physical, mental and emotional consequences. Since the 1980s, the percentage of American adults who say they’re lonely has doubled from 20 percent to 40 percent.

About one-third of Americans older than 65 live alone; half of those over 85 do. People in poor health – especially those with mood disorders like anxiety and depression – are likelier to feel lonely. Those without a college education are the least likely to have someone they can talk to about important personal matters.

A wave of new research suggests social separation is bad for us. People with less social connection have disrupted sleep patterns, altered immune systems, more inflammation and higher levels of stress hormones. One recent study found that isolation increases the risk of heart disease by 29 percent and stroke by 32 percent.

Another analysis that pooled data from 70 studies and 3.4 million people found that socially isolated individuals had a 30 percent higher risk of dying in the next seven years, an effect largest in middle age.

Loneliness can accelerate cognitive decline in older adults, and isolated individuals are twice as likely to die prematurely as those with more robust social interactions. These effects start early: Socially isolated children have significantly poorer health 20 years later, even after controlling for other factors. All told, loneliness is as important a risk factor for early death as obesity and smoking.

Loneliness is especially tricky because accepting and declaring our loneliness carries profound stigma. Admitting we’re lonely can feel as if we’re admitting we’ve failed in life’s most fundamental domains: belonging, love, attachment. It attacks our basic instincts to save face, and makes it hard to ask for help.


2017-01-22.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 王麗娟

文解字看新聞 王麗娟

社交孤立(social isolation)泛指一個人不與他人互動或往來的狀態,文章指出,社交孤立是日漸普及的流行病(epidemic)。新的研究顯示,這些社交孤立的人不見得欠缺社交技巧(social skill),往往還是對社交線索(social cue)特別敏感的人,在與人交往察言觀色之際,若社交線索模糊不清,他們往往會負面思考,最後出於自衛退出社交圈(social circle)。

隨著社會老年化,獨居老人的社交孤立問題料將日益受到重視,減少他們的社交孤立,維持他們的社交連結(social connection)是重要的一步。

根據維基百科的定義,社交孤立指的是個人與社會完全或近乎完全不接觸的狀態。它和孤單、寂寞(loneliness)不同,孤單、寂寞指的是暫時不與其他人生社交連結。社會孤立是所有年齡層(age group)的問題,只是不同年齡層有不同的症狀。


Ailing Vermont Town Pins Hopes on Mideast Refugees
美國衰敝小城 寄望中東難民
By Jess Bidgood

They hustled into the church on a biting winter evening, unburdened themselves of scarves and gloves, and settled into pews to sound out words in Arabic.

“Ahlan fii Rutland,” said Fran Knapp, a retiree who lives about 20 minutes away, one of two or three dozen people who have attended a class here on rudimentary Arabic.
住在離這裡約20分鐘路程的退休人士法蘭.納普念出:「Ahlan fii Rutland。」他是參加阿拉伯語基礎班的二、三十人之一。

It was one of many preparations this remote city in central Vermont is making before 100 refugees from Syria and Iraq arrive here over the next year, with the first expected to come this month.

The plan’s fiercest advocate has been the mayor of Rutland, Christopher Louras, who has cited not the moral argument for resettling refugees, but an economic one: This shrinking city, long removed from its heyday as a marble producer and regional railroad hub, needs every new resident it can get. Syrian refugees, he has said, are an opportunity.

“Rutland’s demographic condition right now is not just one of a declining population, but it’s also a graying population,” said Louras, who became the mayor about 10 years ago as a Republican, but has since become an independent. “We need people,” he added.

The plan, born in a time of national discord over Muslim immigration and criticism by President-elect Donald Trump of Syrian refugees, has divided the city: An opposition group, Rutland First, sprang up – as did Rutland Welcomes, to collect donated items, help the new arrivals and watch for job openings that might suit them.

But the preparations are unfolding under a cloud of uncertainty, because it is not yet clear whether, as president, Trump will make good on his campaign promise to suspend the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States.


2017-01-22.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 田思怡譯

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