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紐約時報賞析:氣候變遷 秋季賞葉期更長

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How a Changing Climate Is Shaping a Leaf Peeper’s Paradise
氣候變遷 秋季賞葉期更長
By Craig S. Smith

A century ago, the flaming fall foliage in Nova Scotia would have long faded by early November. But today, some of the hills are still as nubbly with color as an aunt’s embroidered pillow.

Climate change is responsible, scientists say. As the seasonal change creeps later into the year, not only here but all across the northern United States and Canada, the glorious colors will last longer, they predict – a rare instance where global warming is giving us something to look forward to.

“If climate change makes eastern North America drier, then autumn colors will be spectacular, as they are on the Canadian Shield in dry summers, especially the red maples,” said Root Gorelick, a biology professor at Carleton University in Ottawa. The Canadian Shield is a broad ring of forests and ancient bedrock that extends hundreds of miles from the shores of Hudson Bay.

Over the very long term, the warming planet may have a negative effect on fall foliage, but even then any adverse impact is uncertain. It is not just an aesthetic question, but an economic one as well: The changing colors drive billions of dollars in “leaf peeping” tourism in Canada and the United States.

“From a peeper’s point of view, it’s good news,” said Marco Archetti, the lead author of a 2013 paper at Harvard on predicting climate change impacts on autumn colors in New England.

We only have to read Henry David Thoreau to know that climate change is pushing the changing colors later into the year. He spent a lot of time tramping around his native Concord, Massachusetts, making notes on how plants changed with the seasons.

“In general, peak leaf color in Concord and the surrounding Boston area for these maples is now more typically a week or two later” than what Thoreau observed, said Richard Primack, a biology professor at Boston University. He has been using Thoreau’s records and satellite images to track the effect of climate change on local plant cycles.

The Harvard study, which looked at the percentage and duration of autumn color in Harvard Forest in central Massachusetts from 1993 to 2010, predicted that with current climate change forecasts, the duration of the fall display would increase about one day for every 10 years.


2016-11-20.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷譯

文解字看新聞 張佑生

歐陽修〈秋聲賦〉:「夫秋,刑官也」,可視為秋天對(犯)人的影響;「草拂之而色變,木遭之而葉」則是對植物的衝擊。紐時介紹全球暖化對秋季「賞葉」(leaf peeping)活動的影響,日文是「紅葉狩」(Momijigari)、中文常「賞楓」,英語用法不限於賞楓,賞葉人是leaf peeper

全球暖化延遲且拉長賞葉季的時間,作者稱為「百害一利」。暖化的影響不僅是一片楓葉一片情的美感體驗(aesthetic),更牽涉到數十億美元獲利的實際問題,美國東北的新英格蘭區是賞葉勝地(leaf peeping destination),每年都大發觀光財:Leaf peeping, the pastime of enjoying autumn foliage, brings in $1bn each year to New England.

Foliage指樹葉,一簇葉子、枝葉、葉叢,為不可數名詞。報導舉例的美國大思想家梭羅,在名著《湖濱散記》(Walden)中提到觀察某處著實怪異的草木(a truly grotesque vegetation)時描述,其枝葉形似建築圖案(architectural foliage)的程度比其他樹葉更古老更具代表性。

Europe’s Mosquito-Free Island Paradise: Iceland
By Liz Alderman

They suck your blood and buzz annoyingly around your ears. Their itchy bites can turn a festive barbecue miserable or ruin a bucolic walk in the woods. The most baneful ones spread diseases.

In almost every country in the world, mosquitoes are a menace.

Everywhere but Iceland, that is.

Iceland is one of the few habitable places on the planet that is mosquito-free, and nobody really seems to know why.

It’s not nearly as cold as Antarctica, which is so frigid that mosquitoes (and people, for that matter) could never survive exposure to the elements there for long. Nor does Iceland lack the ponds and lakes where mosquitoes love to breed. And the insects are able to thrive in Iceland’s neighbors Norway, Denmark, Scotland, even Greenland which only adds to the mystery.

The most likely theory proffered so far, scientists say, is that Iceland’s oceanic climate keeps them at bay. When mosquitoes lay eggs in cold weather, the larvae emerge with a thaw, allowing them to breed and multiply. Iceland, however, typically has three major freezes and thaws a year, creating conditions that may be too unstable for the insect’s survival.

Others have suggested that there may be something about the chemical composition of Iceland’s soil and water that mosquitoes can’t tolerate.

Whatever the reason, mosquitoes simply haven’t been able to colonize the way they do elsewhere, said Gisli Mar Gislason, a biologist at the University of Iceland.

That may not be true much longer. Global warming has raised the average air temperature in the country about 2 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 20 years, and in that time, 200 new insect species have settled in Iceland that could not thrive there before, Gislason said: “If the warming continues, we may find mosquitoes in Iceland in the near future.”

It wouldn’t be entirely bad news. Mosquitoes would provide a new source of food for fish, especially Arctic char, one of Iceland’s main exports. But otherwise, Gislason observed, “they will be a nuisance for everyone, just like they are all over the world.”

For now, the only place in Iceland to find a mosquito is in the Icelandic Institute of Natural History. There, preserved in a jar of alcohol, is one lone specimen, captured by Gislason in the 1980s as it buzzed inside an airplane from Greenland that he had boarded at an Icelandic airport.

“I chased it around the cabin until I got it,” he said. “It’s the only mosquito I’ve ever found in Iceland.”


2016-11-20.聯合報.D4.紐約時報賞析 王麗娟譯

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