The Pentagon’s ‘Terminator Conundrum’: Robots That Could Kill on Their Own
By Matthew Rosenberg and John Markoff
The small drone, with its six whirring rotors, swept past the replica of a Middle Eastern village and closed in on a mosque-like structure, its camera scanning for targets.
No humans were remotely piloting the drone, which was nothing more than a machine that could be bought on Amazon. But armed with advanced artificial intelligence software, it had been transformed into a robot that could find and identify the half-dozen men carrying replicas of AK-47s around the village and pretending to be insurgents.並沒有人在遙控這架無人機,它不過是部在亞馬遜網站就能買到的機器。但為它配備上先進的人工智慧軟體後,它就變成了機器人,能夠找到並辨識在村莊周圍的6個人,這些人攜帶著AK-47自動步槍的複製品,扮演叛亂分子。
As the drone descended slightly, a purple rectangle flickered on a video feed that was being relayed to engineers monitoring the test. The drone had locked onto a man obscured in the shadows, a display of hunting prowess that offered an eerie preview of how the Pentagon plans to transform warfare.
Almost unnoticed outside defense circles, the Pentagon has put artificial intelligence at the center of its strategy to maintain the United States’ position as the world’s dominant military power. It is spending billions of dollars to develop what it calls autonomous and semiautonomous weapons and to build an arsenal stocked with the kind of weaponry that until now has existed only in Hollywood movies and science fiction, raising alarm among scientists and activists concerned by the implications of a robot arms race.
The Defense Department is designing robotic fighter jets that would fly into combat alongside manned aircraft. It has tested missiles that can decide what to attack, and it has built ships that can hunt for enemy submarines, stalking those it finds over thousands of miles, without any help from humans.
“If Stanley Kubrick directed ‘Dr. Strangelove’ again, it would be about the issue of autonomous weapons,” said Michael Schrage, a research fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management.
Defense officials say the weapons are needed for the United States to maintain its military edge over China, Russia and other rivals, who are also pouring money into similar research (as are allies, such as Britain and Israel). The Pentagon’s latest budget outlined $18 billion to be spent over three years on technologies that included those needed for autonomous weapons.
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本文的導言寫作方式屬於descriptive lead,不是開門見山,而是先寫景再帶出主題。標題conundrum的其中一個意思是「謎語」,特別是利用詞語的雙重含義,用雙關語解答的謎語。人頭獅身的Sphinx問伊底帕斯(Oedipus)的謎語就是一個conundrum,答錯會被她吃掉!
標題的conundrum意指「難題」,尤其是「兩難」,往往無解。美國總統歐巴馬的民調支持率不差,為何同黨的希拉蕊仍不敵川普?《紐約客》(The New Yorker)雜誌評為當代一大費解之謎:How Trump’s strange rise and Obama’s high rating can have coincided in the same moment will remain one of the permanent conundrums of our history.
Eerie除了神秘古怪,更令人感覺毛毛的。康拉德(Joseph Conrad)的短篇小說《暗影邊界》(The Shadow Line)的敘事者形容一片死寂中傳來的怪聲讓他毛骨悚然:These were eerie, disturbing, alarming sounds in the dead stillness of the air around me.
Pizzas, Pony Rides and Dolphin Shows: Balms for North Korea’s Elite
娛樂年年增 北韓菁英的愜意生活
By Laya Maheshwari
Towering apartment blocks line the gleaming, six-lane avenue known as Future Scientists Street, their boldly colored facades leaping from the drab hues that dominate the rest of Pyongyang’s skyline.
At street level, there are electronics stores, a movie theater and a new pizzeria, where visitors are welcomed by young waitresses in bright red uniforms.
A pizza costs about $8, and a pasta entree less than half that. There is a bright aquarium near the entrance, but it is devoid of life – much like the restaurant, which was eerily quiet the night I visited.
The restaurant is Italy Pizza, hailed by local guides as the hottest new eatery in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital. It serves up a taste of cosmopolitan savvy for the city’s elite – and proof to foreign visitors that all is well in the nation despite punishing economic sanctions, international isolation, and intermittent reports of deprivation and famine.
There is no doubt North Korea is racked with poverty. Its economy barely functions, and per capita gross domestic product is estimated as low as $1,800 per year. But for the privileged few in this city of 3 million – state officials and members of a nascent merchant class – options for entertainment have expanded since Kim Jong Un took power five years ago.
There are cafes and bars, tennis courts and gyms. There is a bowling alley and a fancy supermarket, a new dolphinarium and a water park. A half-hour’s drive from downtown Pyongyang, the Mirim Riding Club boasts 120 horses – including Orlov Trotters sent as a gift by Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin – and charges $8 to ride them for an hour outdoors, $10 indoors. (Foreign visitors are generally first taken to the Revolutionary Site Education Room, a gallery that includes a giant photograph of Kim at age 4, in a pink cap and red mittens, playing with a horse. “Our Grand Marshal Kim Jong Un always possessed a special gift with animals,” a guide told me.)
The North Korean government strictly controls what foreigners can see, so it is difficult to know to what extent Pyongyang’s new urban amenities are real or how many people can enjoy them. But during a recent weeklong visit to attend a biennial film festival staged by the government, I was allowed to visit a few of the new venues, in the company of two official minders.