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紐約時報賞析:分配不均 全球化引起反彈


More Jobs, but Not for Everyone
分配不均 全球化引起反彈
By Peter S. Goodman

For as long as ships have ventured across water, laborers like Patrick Duijzers have tied their fortunes to trade.

A longshoreman here at Europe’s largest port, his black Jack Daniels T-shirt, hoop earrings and copious rings give Duijzers the look of a bohemian pirate. His wages put him solidly in the Dutch middle class: He has earned enough to buy an apartment while enjoying vacations to Spain.

Lately, though, Duijzers has come to see global trade as a malevolent force. His employer – a unit of the Maersk Group, the Danish shipping conglomerate – is locked in a fiercely competitive battle with giants scattered from Dubai to South Korea.

He sees trucking companies replacing Dutch drivers with immigrants from Eastern Europe. He bids farewell to older co-workers reluctantly taking early retirement as robots capture their jobs. Over the last three decades, the ranks of his union have dwindled to about 7,000 members, from 25,000.

“More global trade is a good thing if we get a piece of the cake,” Duijzers said. “But that’s the problem. We’re not getting our piece of the cake.”

Far beyond the docks of the North Sea, such laments now resonate as the soundtrack for an increasingly vigorous rejection of free trade.

For generations, libraries full of economics textbooks have rightly promised that global trade expands national wealth by lowering the price of goods, lifting wages and amplifying growth. The powers that emerged victorious from World War II championed globalization as the antidote to future conflicts. From Asia to Europe to North America, governments of every ideological persuasion have focused on trade as their guiding economic force.

But trade comes with no assurances that the spoils will be shared equitably. Across much of the industrialized world, an outsize share of the winnings have been harvested by people with advanced degrees, stock options and the need for accountants. Ordinary laborers have borne the costs, suffering joblessness and deepening economic anxiety.
然而貿易並未保證所有戰利品將公平分享。在工業化世界的頗大部分地區,大多數的戰利品全成了擁有高學歷、股票選擇權 以及需要會計師的人的囊中物。一般勞工擔負了其中的成本,嘗到失業之苦,並且承受不斷加重的經濟焦慮。

These costs have proved overwhelming in communities that depend on industry for sustenance, vastly exceeding what economists anticipated. Policymakers under the thrall of neo-liberal economic philosophy put stock in the notion that markets could be entrusted to bolster social welfare.

In doing so, they failed to plan for the trauma that has accompanied the benefits of trade. When millions of workers lost paychecks to foreign competition, they lacked government supports to cushion the blow. As a result, seething anger is upending politics from Europe to North America.



文解字看新聞 張佑生

本文討論的主題「全球化」(globalization),指日益整合的全球經濟,特徵是自由貿易(free trade)、資本的自由流動(free flow of capital)以及成本較為低廉的海外勞動市場(the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets)。

經濟學教科書勾勒全球化的美麗願景,包括物價降低、工資調漲;問題是成果(the spoils)並未均霑(be shared equitably),有些人分得特別多(an outsize share of the winnings)。

一般勞工認為自己連應得的份(a piece of the cake)都拿不到,可用slice/share替換piececake可換成pie。請注意與a piece of cake(易如反掌)的差別。作者用三個特徵描述便宜占盡者,三個苦果形容一般勞工,這種寫法除了對稱,讀來更鏗鏘有力。

「新自由主義經濟學」源自古典自由主義經濟學,主張自由競爭、自由貿易、市場化及全球化,反對任何形式的國家干預,結果是勞工深受其害。反全球化及現有政經體制的沸騰民怨(seething anger)在歐美蔓延,美國共和黨總統候選人川普是趁勢而起的代表人物。

A Tradition of Finding Treasures in the Trash
By Sarah Maslin Nir

It was an odd side story to the bombing in New York last month: Two passers-by spotted a bag on West 27th Street in Chelsea, opened it, removed the pressure cooker inside and took the bag with them. In doing so, the authorities have said, they may have defused a second bomb.

The two men simply liked the bag they happened upon, according to officials for EgyptAir, where the men, who were visiting New York, worked as in-flight security guards.

“You know, we see things left on the street in New York all the time,” one of the officials said. “Stuff no one wants. It’s normal to take them.” The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not permitted to publicly discuss the matter.

Indeed, there is little unusual here about what the men, identified as Hassan Ali and Abou Bakr Radwan by the airline officials, did with the bag. New Yorkers have long scooped up finds off the pavement.

The streets have given Wendy Blake a Persian lamb jacket, a cat-scratching post and, recently, a “perfectly good salad” bowl from Ikea. “Free stuff, there is something really compelling about it,” said Blake, a writer who lived and hunted for free goods in Brooklyn for 30 years before moving upstate. “Maybe because the city is so expensive.”

The bag containing the pressure cooker may have been a Louis Vuitton knockoff, officials at the FBI have said. “I get it,” Blake said.

For legions of New Yorkers, items on the curb – furniture, paintings, appliances and bags – have long seemed fair game. Yet those items should be left to trash carters like the Sanitation Department, according to the city’s administrative code. This, plus the dicey situation into which the two EgyptAir employees unwittingly stepped, should make people think twice about taking trash, said City Councilman Antonio Reynoso, who is chairman of the committee on sanitation and solid waste management.

“We might have gotten lucky here, as it seems that the actions could have assisted in disarming the bomb,” Reynoso said on Sunday. “But this just further strengthens the case not to take anything off the sidewalk.”



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