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紐約時報賞析:摩天豪宅下沉 舊金山挫咧等


As a Tower Sinks, a Dispute Deepens
摩天豪宅下沉 舊金山挫咧等
By Thomas Fuller

The developers of the luxurious Millennium Tower laid out the risks and potential defects of the 58-story building in minute detail when its apartments went on sale seven years ago.

But the 21-page disclosure document left out what owners of units in the buildings now say was a crucial detail: that the building had already sunk more than 8 inches into the soft soil by the time it was completed in 2009, much more than engineers had anticipated.

“If they had disclosed the defect, I would have never bought here,” said Jerry Dodson, the owner of a two-bedroom apartment on the 42nd floor that he bought with his wife for $2.1 million. “Never was there a hint that the building was sinking beyond design.”

The Millennium Tower, which its developers say is the largest reinforced concrete building in the western United States, has now sunk about 16 inches and is leaning 6 inches toward a neighboring skyscraper. The building’s tilt has become a public scandal, a dispute that has produced a wide-eyed examination of whether San Francisco’s frenetic skyscraper-building spree was properly monitored by city authorities.

In a city bracketed by two major earthquake fault lines, the possibility of engineering flaws generates particular unease.

“This is the first sentinel telling us maybe we should be a little more careful,” said Nicholas Sitar, a professor of civil engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in how buildings respond to earthquakes. “Any time you have a tall structure leaning, you have to start looking very carefully.”

As the scandal has unfolded in recent weeks, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a former mayor of San Francisco, wrote to the current mayor, Edwin M. Lee, expressing concern about the number of buildings like Millennium Tower that are not anchored in bedrock.

“For a long time you didn’t see very tall structures in San Francisco,” Sitar said. With advances in engineering and by studying responses of buildings in earthquake zones, he said, engineers have grown more confident. “Is that confidence warranted? To some extent it is. At that the same time, there has to be an abundance of caution.”



文解字看新 陳韋廷



此外,fault意指「斷層」,並非指一般我們所知道的「錯誤」的意思,為岩層斷裂的地方,而文中所提到的fault line即「斷層線」,指的是斷層面(fault plane)跟地面的交線。例句:A major earthquake on one fault line can trigger large aftershocks on separate faults, according to a new study.(根據一項新研究,在一個斷層線上發生的大地震能引起不同斷層上的大餘震。)

Rome Mayor’s Troubled First 3 Months Raise Doubts on Her Five Star Movement
執政一團亂 羅馬女市長落漆
By Gaia Pianigiani

When Virginia Raggi, Rome’s first female mayor, was elected in June, she represented the anti-establishment Five Star Movement’s highest aspiration – to show Italy how nonprofessional politicians could turn things around.

Yet three months later, the Five Star Movement’s shining moment has become a mess, and Raggi, 38, a lawyer with almost no political experience who ran as a clean-hands reformer, appears to be foundering.

Garbage piled up in the streets through the summer. Five important officials have resigned, some tainted by investigations for malfeasance. By this month, things were so bad that the comedian Beppe Grillo, a founder of the movement, reversed a vow to stay out of politics and stepped in to shore up Raggi amid speculation of an early resignation.

On Monday, one of Italy’s leading newspapers, La Repubblica, published excerpts from a letter to Raggi, signed by about 70 City Hall managers in Rome, that lamented administrative paralysis and a lack of guidance. Residents, too, seem to be at the end of their ropes.

“Of course I voted for her – the rest of the politicians here are crooks,” said Isabella Vardelli, a market vendor in Rome. “But I am getting impatient. Maybe she is naive, maybe she is incompetent. Is it possible that they can’t start working?”

“I also wonder whether she really is as honest as she said she was,” Vardelli added.

Rome has never been an easy city to govern, and it has proved the undoing of any number of parties and politicians who have tried.

But Raggi’s early struggles have left analysts wondering whether the victory here, rather than helping the capital find some political stability, will reveal that the movement is riddled with many of the same flaws as the establishment it has railed against.

The troubles in Rome have become an open wound for the movement, rippling out from the capital and tarnishing its image on the national stage.
羅馬的問題已成五星運動一道裂開的傷口,從羅馬如漣漪般外擴 ,重創它的全國形象。

“Rome is an example of the limits of the Five Star Movement, and of the city of Rome per se,” said Sergio Fabbrini, the director of the school of government at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome.

“Winning the elections in Rome, paradoxically, was a defeat for the movement,” he said. “It’s showing how disorganized and divided they are.”



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