An Aging Boy Band Calls It Quits, but Japan Can’t Let Go
男孩樂團變老喊解散 日人不放手
For nearly three decades, millions of Japanese have clamored for their every album, lined up with breathless anticipation for their concerts and gathered on Monday nights for their hit television show.
Now, the nation is awash with anguish over word that SMAP – Japan’s longest-running boy band, if it can still be called that with its youngest member pushing 40 – is splitting up.
The news has dominated newspaper headlines and television talk shows since the band’s announcement this month. Even the mayor of Tokyo and two members of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Cabinet have weighed in. One said he was worried about the effect on the Japanese economy, the world’s third-largest.
“We will not let them stop!” a grieving fan wrote in one of more than a dozen petitions on pleading with the aging heartthrobs to remain together. “If we let them go and disband, it means Japan is finished.”
To understand the bedlam unfolding here, think of the Beatles’ breaking up, the airing of the final episode of “Seinfeld” and the “conscious uncoupling” of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin all rolled into one – the end of an era on the Japanese cultural landscape.
SMAP’s most famous saccharine single, “The Only Flower in the World,” is regularly taught in Japan’s schools. But SMAP is not just a wildly popular band whose albums have sold more than 35 million copies, making it one of the most successful musical acts in Japanese history.
For two decades, its five members – Masahiro Nakai, Takuya Kimura, Goro Inagaki, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi and Shingo Kator – have also hosted one of Japan’s top-rated television programs, “SMAP X SMAP,” a family-friendly variety show in which they cook for celebrity guests, compete in games, perform comedic skits and, of course, sing. Each has starred on his own in numerous television series, movies and commercials. The frontman, Nakai, has been a newscaster for several Olympic Games.
20年來,SMAP的5位成員,中居正廣、木村拓哉、稻垣吾郎、草彅剛和香取慎吾,同時是日本收視率極高電視節目「SMAP X SMAP」的主持人。他們在這個適合闔家觀賞的綜藝節目中為名人嘉賓做菜、玩競賽遊戲、表演喜劇橋段,當然,還有唱歌。每一團員都獨自在許多電視連續劇、電影和廣告中擔綱。主唱中居正廣還是數屆奧運的新聞主播。
The group, whose members started out as teenagers performing on skateboards and now range in age from 39 to 44, managed to both broaden its audience beyond adolescent girls and hold on to them over the years. Many of their most ardent fans are women who grew up with them.
SMAP, an acronym for Sports Music Assemble People, also has legions of fans in China, South Korea, Taiwan and elsewhere in Asia.
說文解字看新聞 王麗娟
日本偶像天團SMAP宣布將於今年底解散,不僅日本舉國譁然,紐約時報也特別報導。導言一連用了clamor for與line up以及gather來描述SMAP家喻戶曉的魅力,隨後更以1960年代的英倫天團「披頭四」解散、「酷玩」樂團主唱克里斯馬丁與奧斯卡影后葛妮絲派楚勞燕分飛(conscious uncoupling)做比喻,協助不是那麼熟悉SMAP的讀者進入狀況,是很有技巧的寫作方式。
Despite Risks, Heroes Rise Amid Terror
不怕危險 英雄在恐攻中誕生
Terrorist attacks in France come often enough that they can seem to be variations on a painful pattern: carnage followed by disbelief, then condemnations, condolences, and shrines of flowers, candles and letters for the dead.
Yet to see the attacks only that way is to miss the one element that might buoy the national spirit: In nearly every terrorist episode here, ordinary individuals risked their own safety to try to halt the attack or to lend a hand to the wounded rather than running away.
“What I saw was horrible, people crushed – it had to be stopped,” said a 48-year old man named Franck who would not give his surname even after he was decorated by the city of Nice for his effort to stop the driver of a cargo truck that ran over scores of people July 14 at a Bastille Day celebration.
A worker at the Nice airport, Franck, who was on a motor scooter, decided in a split second to chase the truck and, when he caught up, rammed it – to no avail – and was knocked off. He got up and ran after the truck, managed to climb onto the running boards and began hitting the driver through the open window. As the driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, tried to shoot Franck, his gun failed and, at the same time, Franck tried to open the door of the truck, then tried climbing through the window, but the driver struck him on the head with the gun and he fell, breaking a rib and badly bruising his back.
Franck said he was satisfied that when the driver was fighting with him, he was not running over more people. “He was concentrating on me; in that moment he could not kill people,” he said.
At least two other men made similar, if less prolonged, efforts and also received medals from the city: Alexander Migues, pursued the truck on a bicycle, and Gwenael Leriche, a 26-year-old delivery man, ran after the truck armed with nothing but a penknife and tried to jump onto the running boards as the truck came to a halt.
They were not unique. Almost every attack or attempted attack in France since the assault on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Jan. 7, 2015, produced local heroes.