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紐約時報賞析: 舊金山徵稅大刀 砍向科技業


San Francisco Considers Tax on Tech Companies to Pay for Boom’s Downside
舊金山徵稅大刀 砍向科技業

Maria Poblet, who leads an organization that assists Latino families facing eviction in San Francisco, says she appreciates the philanthropy that the city’s technology companies do in far-flung places to address global poverty and the environment. But what she really wants to see them do is pay more taxes to help with homelessness and lower-cost housing in San Francisco.

“You have a C.E.O. who cares about kids in Ghana one week or dolphins the next week. Those are important,” she said. “But the people impacted by displacement in San Francisco are a worthy cause, too.”

Poblet is part of a group of activists behind an initiative by three city legislators to impose a payroll tax that would apply only to technology companies, which have been the engine of a booming economy that now appears to be slowing.

Eric Mar, a member of the city’s Board of Supervisors, announced the proposal last month for a 1.5 percent payroll tax that would serve as a form of indemnification for what he described as the downside of the technology boom.

Tech companies have been “a tremendous benefit to the city in many ways,” Mr. Mar said. “But I don’t think they’ve been paying their fair share.”

The proposal for what has become known as the tech tax comes as officials struggle to fill growing gaps in the city budget. Money from the tech tax would go toward paying for programs for the homeless and the housing “affordability crisis,” Mr. Mar said.

Behind the proposal is more than just an effort to raise revenue. The tech tax, the passage of which is considered a long shot, is the latest manifestation of resentment here against the proliferation of high-paid tech workers and the pressures that rising prices have put on residents. Tensions have flared over the notion that tech workers live in a parallel society, in which they are whisked in private buses to work, socialize in their own circles and do not participate in San Francisco’s traditions of social collaboration.

“Billions of dollars of venture capital have poured into the city and pushed our people out,” said Ms. Poblet, the executive director of Causa Justa/Just Cause, a nonprofit organization that, among other activities, helps San Francisco residents threatened with eviction.

She and other supporters of the tax say the proposal sends a message to tech companies that they should be paying more to mitigate the repercussions of the boom in their sector.



說文解字看新聞 陳韋廷


boom指的是「繁榮興旺、迅速發展、熱潮」的意思,文中則譯作「榮景」,形容某個急速蓬勃發展的狀態,例如dotcom boom指的是2003年發生的網路業榮景,property boom則指房市榮景,而我們常聽到的嬰兒潮,英文則是baby boom

俚語a long shot字面上意義為「很長的射擊」,而我們都知道,當射擊目標愈遠,打中機率就愈小,因此衍生出「不太可能成功」之意。例句:Even though he got talents in singing, but to be a professional singer seemed to be really a long shot.(即便他有唱歌方面的才華,但要當職業歌手似乎真的不太可能。)


Childless Women to Marketers: We Buy Things Too

Even as advertisers are embracing new configurations of families – two dads, say, or grandparents raising grandchildren – there’s one group that feels left out.

Women who are childless. Or as they also call themselves, the child-free. Or even the NotMoms.

According to census figures, more women in the United States are childless than at any other time since the government began keeping track in 1976. Nearly half of women – 47.6 percent – between the ages of 15 and 44 did not have children in 2014, up from 46.5 percent in 2012. And 15.3 percent of women ages 40 to 44 are childless. The numbers are growing internationally as well.

Despite these statistics, “the majority of marketing talks to adult women like they are all moms or want to be mothers,” said Adrianna Bevilaqua, chief creative officer at M Booth, a public relations company.
公關公司M Booth的創意長阿德里安娜.貝維拉夸說,儘管有這些統計數字,「大多數行銷作業卻都把成年女性當成母親或想當母親的人來看待」。

Melanie Notkin has made a career of catering to women who don’t have children but love them – she is the founder of the website SavvyAuntie; coined the term “professional aunt, no kids,” or PANKs; and is the author of “Otherhood: Modern Women Finding a New Kind of Happiness.” She wonders why companies, always eager to target a potentially lucrative demographic, seem to be ignoring this one.

The childless woman is “left off the table,” Ms. Notkin said. “Advertisers don’t know how to pitch to her.”

Maria Bailey, chief executive of the marketing firm BSM Media and an author of books about marketing to mothers, estimates that about 60 percent of all women shown in commercials are moms; with certain products, like toys, the percentage is much higher.
瑪麗亞.貝雷是行銷公司BSM Media的執行長,也寫了些如何向母親行銷的書籍,她估計,出現在電視廣告中的女性,約有六成是母親;某些特定產品,例如玩具,比率更高。

One issue is simple inertia – for years advertisers have followed research that says the mother is the main household purchaser. Bailey said mothers spent $3.4 trillion in 2015, “the largest spending consumer group in the U.S.”

Another issue is how to portray the concept of being childless. If two women are sitting on the couch chatting about, say, yogurt or a smartphone, who knows, or even cares, if they have children?

“It’s an extremely complex subject,” said Bridget Brennan, chief executive of the Female Factor, a consulting firm, and author of “Why She Buys.” “Women may be childless by choice or by chance. It’s very difficult to define assumptions about this market.”



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