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紐約時報賞析: 紐約人行道擠爆 行人與車爭道


Taking It to the Street to Dodge Sidewalk Mobs
紐約人行道擠爆 行人與車爭道
By Winnie Hu

Ivette Singh hardly bothers to walk on the sidewalk on her way to work in Midtown Manhattan anymore. Too many people, too little space. Not enough patience.

Instead, Singh can be found on the wrong side of the curb as she makes her way from Pennsylvania Station to her job on Third Avenue near 40th Street, and then back again. She prefers dodging yellow cabs and bicyclists to navigating sidewalks teeming with commuters, tourists and cart-pushing vendors, all jostling for elbow room.

“I don’t mind the walk, it’s just the people,” Singh, an account coordinator for the Univision television network, said. “Sometimes, they’re rude. They’re on top of you, no personal space. They’re smoking. It’s tough.”

Singh is just one among many pedestrians experiencing a growing phenomenon in New York City: sidewalk gridlock.

While crowding is hardly a new problem in the city, the sidewalks that cemented New York’s reputation as a world-class walking city have become obstacle courses as more people than ever live and work in the city and tourism surges. The problem is particularly acute in Manhattan.

Around Penn Station and the Port Authority Bus Terminal, two of the city’s main transit hubs, commuters clutching coffee cups and briefcases squeeze by one another during the morning and evening rushes. Throngs of shoppers and visitors sometimes bring swaths of Lower Manhattan to a standstill, prompting some local residents cite clogged sidewalks as their biggest problem in a recent community survey.

Transportation officials are taking measures to alleviate the congestion. To help accommodate foot traffic, they are adding more pedestrian plazas around the city, expanding the presence of a streetscape feature first embraced by the administration of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

While a crowded sidewalk is simply a symptom of a crowded city, it resonates deeply because it affects almost everyone. Unlike overstuffed subways or tourist attractions like, say, Times Square, there is no going around the sidewalks. They are to New York what freeways are to Los Angeles: an essential part of the infrastructure. Sidewalks not only get people from Point A to Point B, but also serve as a shared public space for rich and poor, native and tourist alike.



說文解字看新聞 陳韋廷



片語jostle for意指「競爭、爭奪」的意思,即compete with other people in order to get something,介系詞for後則接欲爭取之物。例句:Dozens of taxi drivers jostle for space to park their cars.(數10名計程車司機爭搶車位停車。)

要解決人行道擁擠問題,除了像文中所提到的增設行人廣場外,拓寬人行道(to widen the sidewalks)也許是個不錯的方法,但對紐約當局來說,當務之急還是要加強取締人行道上的推車攤販及路霸(street hog),以維持人行道的暢通無阻。

A Rush for Books on Trump
如海嘯湧來 出版界搶搭川普熱
By Alexandra Alter

On his bedroom wall, New Yorker writer Mark Singer has a framed, handwritten note from Donald Trump. “Mark, you are a total loser! And your book (and writings) sucks!” the note says.

Trump sent it after Singer published “Character Studies,” a 2005 collection of his writing that included a less than flattering profile of Trump.

Singer loved the letter so much that he not only framed it, but also decided to make it the sole blurb on the back cover of his new book, “Trump and Me,” which will be published Tuesday. The book includes the original New Yorker profile, published in 1997, as well as Singer’s dryly funny account of the real estate tycoon’s response and a more sober chapter reflecting on Trump the candidate.

“People remembered this piece, for better or worse, and I did want to find a way to bring it back to life,” Singer said. “The challenge was to reconcile this person that I observed in the late ‘90s with this iteration of him in the election.”

Every election cycle brings a tsunami of political books from campaign reporters, pundits and candidates. (Trump’s own manifesto, “Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again,” has sold 235,000 hardcover copies in eight months, according to Nielsen.)

But this year is shaping up to be an exceptional one in terms of the sheer volume of writing devoted to Trump. Some publishers and writers are exhuming out-of-print Trump biographies published decades ago and slapping new covers and introductions on them. Others are rushing out new books that explore Trump’s stunning political rise.

Still others are producing parodies, comic books and satires, including a faux thriller titled “The Day of the Donald,” which takes place two years into a Trump presidency. There is also a mock children’s book by comedian Michael Ian Black titled “A Child’s First Book of Trump,” and a collection from cartoonist Garry Trudeau called “Yuge!: 30 Years of Doonesbury on Trump.” (And in a sign that no publishing niche has been left unexploited, there are more than a half-dozen Trump-themed adult coloring books. Also, a book of Trump paper dolls.)



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