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紐約時報賞析: 生物辨識篡位 銀行密碼掰掰


Goodbye, Password. Banks Opt to Scan Fingers and Faces Instead
生物辨識篡位 銀行密碼掰掰
By Michael Corkery

The banking password may be about to expire – forever.

Some of the nation’s largest banks, acknowledging that traditional passwords are either too cumbersome or no longer secure, are increasingly using fingerprints, facial scans and other types of biometrics to safeguard accounts.

Millions of customers at Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo routinely use fingerprints to log into their bank accounts through their mobile phones. This feature, which some of the largest banks have introduced in the last few months, is enabling a huge share of American banking customers to verify their identities with biometrics. And millions more are expected to opt in as more phones incorporate fingerprint scans.

Other uses of biometrics are also coming online. Wells Fargo lets some customers scan their eyes with their mobile phones to log into corporate accounts and wire millions of dollars. Citigroup can help verify 800,000 of its credit card customers by their voices. USAA, which provides insurance and banking services to members of the military and their families, identifies some of its customers through their facial contours.

Some of the moves reflect concern that so many hundreds of millions of email addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers and other personal identifiers have fallen into the hands of criminals, rendering those identifiers increasingly ineffective at protecting accounts. And while thieves could eventually find ways to steal biometric data, banks are convinced they offer more protection.

“We believe the password is dying,” said Tom Shaw, vice president for enterprise financial crimes management at USAA, which is based in San Antonio. “We realized we have to get away from personal identification information because of the growing number of data breaches.”

Long regarded as the stuff of science fiction, biometrics have been tested by big banks for decades, but have only recently become sufficiently accurate and cost effective to use in a big way. It has taken a great deal of trial and error: With many of the early prototypes, a facial scan could be foiled by bad lighting, and voice recognition could be scuttled by background noise or laryngitis.

Before smartphones became ubiquitous, there was an even bigger obstacle: To capture a finger image or scan an eyeball, a bank would have to pay to distribute the necessary technology to tens of millions of customers. A few tried, but their efforts were costly and short-lived.


2016-07-10/聯合報/D2/紐約時報賞析 李京倫譯

說文解字看新聞 李京倫




come online是指變得活躍或開始運轉,例如:India’s largest solar park begins to come online.(印度最大的太陽能發電園區開始營運。)另外也有「上網」的意思。


Lured by Jobs, Nepalis Risk Death in Afghanistan
阿富汗恐攻四伏 尼泊爾保全賣命討生活

With their wraparound sunglasses and easy smiles, the Nepalese contractors who guarded the Canadian Embassy had become respected fixtures in Kabul, part of a larger community of South Asian security guards who stood sentry at foreign missions all around the capital.

Driven to work in Afghanistan by collapsed economic prospects back home, the contractors were able to send desperately needed money back to their families. But nothing here is without risk.

Last month, a Taliban suicide bomber killed 15 men, 13 Nepalese and two Indian contractors who helped secure the embassy, striking the guards’ commuter bus just after it had picked them up at their residence compound. It was one of the deadliest attacks on foreign workers in the capital – and another example of how the South Asian contractors who have become mainstays in places like Afghanistan and Iraq are vulnerable in ways that many of their Western counterparts are not.

Many of the Nepalese guards had worked for months just to recover the thousands of dollars in broker fees they had paid to secure jobs in Afghanistan. One of the guards, Prem Bahadur Tamang, 38, said that they enjoyed fewer privileges in their barracks than their “white brothers.” He added that among other restrictions, for instance, they were prevented from leaving their compound to go to a store.

And they were shuttled around Kabul in ordinary minibuses, not in the armored cars that protect many Western contractors.

Tamang said he had worked for the company for five years but abruptly returned home after the attack last month – with barely any of his clothes, saying he was still owed 20 days of wages. Other colleagues in Kabul were also considering going back to Nepal, he added.

It was not an easy choice, he said, after desperation had driven many of them to Afghanistan in the first place. “We have no job opportunities in Nepal,” Tamang said, adding that he had paid a broker the equivalent of about $3,300 to get to Kabul, where he was paid $950 a month – a fraction of the salaries paid to Western security contractors.

Some of the Nepalese guards hoped to build a house. Others, like Tamang, were trying to rebuild their lives after Nepal’s devastating earthquake last year.


2016-07-10/聯合報/D2/紐約時報賞析 田思怡譯

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