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紐約時報賞析:隨選印刷 巴黎書店跟上潮流


New Chapter for Classic Paris Bookstore: Books Printed on Demand
隨選印刷 巴黎書店跟上潮流
By Ciara Nugent

Gauthier Charrier, a graphic design student, stepped inside one of Paris’ newest bookstores and wondered, “Where are all the books?”

“I saw this empty, open space – just a couple of stools – and I wondered, ‘Did someone mess up’ ” Charrier, 20, said.

No one messed up.

The pronounced stock shortage inside the Librairie des Puf, run by the publisher University Press of France, or Les Puf for short, is not the result of an ordering mistake, but the heart of the shop’s business model.

There are books, but they are not delivered in advance from wholesalers. They are printed on request, before the customer’s very eyes, on an Espresso Book Machine. On Demand Books, the U.S. company that manufactures the machine, chose the name as a nod to an activity you can complete in the five minutes it takes to print a book: Have a quick coffee.

Labeled, not so modestly, the “Gutenberg press of the 21st century” by its creators, the machine sits in a back corner of the shop, humming as it turns PDFs into paperbacks. Customers use tablets to select the titles for print – adding, if they want to, their own handwritten inscriptions – while sipping coffee in the light and airy storefront in the Latin Quarter of Paris.
機器的創造人不太謙虛,將它標榜為「21世紀的古騰堡印刷機」,機器位於書店後方一個角落,它將PDF檔案轉換成平裝本時,會發出低鳴聲。顧客使用平板電腦選擇列印的書籍若有需要,還可添加自己手寫的題詞 同時可在巴黎拉丁區一個光亮且通風的店面內啜飲咖啡。

“The customers are all surprised,” said the shop’s director, Alexandre Gaudefroy. “At first, they’re a little uncomfortable with the tablets. After all, you come to a bookshop to look at books. But thanks to the machine and the tablets, the customer holds a digital library in their hands.”

From a business standpoint, Gaudefroy said, “I don’t have to worry about space for the stock. We’re in a space which measures less than 80 meters squared (about 861 square feet), and I can offer readers as many titles as I want.”

And that is a lot of titles. All 5,000 books published by Les Puf are available, as well as an additional 3 million books compiled by On Demand Books, including titles from 10 large U.S. publishers and the public domain.

Les Puf’s prestige in the industry has helped it secure even more titles – a group of French publishers are expected to hand over PDFs of their titles in a few weeks.

“What’s really exciting is that, thanks to the on-demand model, we can revive old titles, which we previously hadn’t bothered with because they’d only sell five or 10 copies in a year,” Gaudefroy said. “On-demand, it’s a new economy for us.”


2016-07-03/聯合報/D2/紐約時報賞析 王麗娟譯

說文解字看新聞 王麗娟

今年3月,法國大學出版社(Puf)在巴黎開設了首家隨選印刷(print on demandPOD)書店,也是歐洲第一家,腳步落後台灣許多,但這家書店的出現,多少彌補了Puf在巴黎讀者心中留下的缺憾。Puf已成立95年,1999年迫於趨勢關閉了在巴黎第五區歷史悠久的實體書店(physical bookstore),令愛書之徒扼腕。新開張的Puf書店在巴黎原址附近,只是進門時已聞不到書香。



print on demand有多個中文辭彙,包括隨選印刷、隨選列印、按需印刷、應需印刷,延伸出的字彙包括book(s) on demand(圖書隨選),article(s) on demand(篇章隨選),是on-demand economy(隨選經濟)中提供的on-demand service (隨選服務)之一。

World War II Is the Latest Lure in Novels for Young Readers
二戰主題小說 年輕讀者的新歡
By Alexandra Alter

After a decades-long wave of blockbuster novels about wizards, vampires and dystopias, the latest trend in children’s literature is surprisingly old. Historical fiction about World War II is having a renaissance.

“We’re seeing more publishing on it than we ever have before,” said David Levithan, the vice president and publisher of Scholastic, noting that this is a topic “that across the board is popular with kids of all ages.”
「學術 」出版社副總裁兼發行人大衛.李文森說:「我們看到這個題材的出版量多到前所未見。」他說,這個題材「大小通吃,受到所有年齡孩子的喜愛。」

“It’s a story with unambiguous good guys and bad guys,” he said.

This year, Scholastic is publishing seven middle-grade and young-adult novels set in the period, including Alan Gratz’s “Projekt 1065,” about a boy who joined the Hitler Youth as a spy, and “The Darkest Hour,” Caroline Tung Richmond’s novel about a teenage spy in France.

World War II has always captivated readers, and authors and publishers say the subject has the rare potential to draw men and women as well as young and old readers to a single title.

“World War II really opens up the market,” said novelist Kristin Hannah, whose 2015 novel, “The Nightingale,” about women in the French Resistance, has sold more than 2 million copies.

World War II stories may hold a special appeal because this was a conflict that young people got swept up in – as refugees, Resistance fighters and youth soldiers – as dire circumstances forced them to behave like adults.

When Monica Hesse was 11, her father gave her a copy of “Hitler’s Willing Executioners.”

Most preteens would have blanched at getting a more-than-600-page book about the Holocaust as a present. Hesse, who had read “The Diary Of Anne Frank” over and over, was riveted by it.

“My parents knew that was what I was interested in,” said Hesse, 34, a feature writer for The Washington Post.

Now Hesse is hoping to hook other young readers on World War II stories with her young-adult novel, “Girl in the Blue Coat,” about a teenage girl in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam who joins the underground student resistance movement.

This novel’s young heroine, Hanneke, sells goods on the black market to support her family. She reluctantly agrees to help one of her customers find Mirjam, a Jewish girl who was hiding in a friend’s pantry, then mysteriously disappeared. Hanneke’s search for Mirjam forces her to confront her own apathy and ignorance about the atrocities that have been taking place around her.


2016-07-03/聯合報/D2/紐約時報賞析 王麗娟譯

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