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Princeton Board Votes to Keep Woodrow Wilson’s Name on Campus Buildings

PRINCETON, N.J. — The board of trustees at Princeton University said on Monday that it had voted to keep Woodrow Wilson’s name on campus buildings and programs, despite student protests last year that led to a review of Wilson’s legacy here.

Following a racially charged 32-hour sit-in in November, Christopher L. Eisgruber, the university president, signed an agreement to consider removing Wilson’s name from Princeton’s public policy school and a residential college because of Wilson’s views on race.

While it left Wilson’s name in place, the board called “for an expanded and more vigorous commitment to diversity and inclusion at Princeton” in a statement. To that end, it endorsed the creation of a new program to diversify the ranks of its doctoral candidates, recommended that the campus’s artworks and iconography better reflect the school’s current makeup and pledged to focus “on aspects of Princeton’s history that have been forgotten, overlooked, subordinated or suppressed.”

It also voted to change the university’s informal motto, “Princeton in the nation’s service and the service of all nations,” which was derived from a speech Wilson gave to celebrate the school’s 150th anniversary. A new version, “Princeton in the nation’s service and the service of humanity,” was suggested by Justice Sonia Sotomayor of the Supreme Court, a Princeton alumna, in 2014.

On Monday, Mr. Eisgruber said in an interview that the trustees had “rightly reached the conclusion” that the best way to pursue diversity and inclusion “is not by tearing down names from the past but rather being more honest about our history, including the bad parts of our history.”

Wilson has been a much-loved figure at Princeton, but in September, the Black Justice League, a student activist group, distributed posters around campus about his views on race, including his comment to an African-American leader that segregation “is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.”

As president of the United States, Wilson reinstituted segregation in the federal work force, admired the Ku Klux Klan and believed that black Americans were not worthy of full citizenship.

In the months after the sit-in, the board appointed the Wilson Legacy Review Committee to consider how the university should recognize Wilson, who before two terms in the White House was New Jersey’s governor and Princeton’s president. The committee invited scholars and community members to comment online and in small groups.

In explaining the board’s move, Brent Henry, chairman of the review committee and vice chairman of the trustees, said that “at the end of the day, what we learned was that Wilson was a complicated and flawed individual.” But, he added, “when you look at the pluses and minuses, we didn’t feel that the minuses were enough to eliminate his name.”

Other universities have been dealing with similar issues about historic figures honored on their campuses. Students at Yale have called for Calhoun College, named for former Vice President John C. Calhoun, a slave owner, to be renamed. The university has not yet announced a decision.

Among other demands by the Princeton protesters was the removal of a mural depicting Wilson from a campus dining hall. But that decision is not up to the board of trustees. Instead, it is up to Eduardo Cadava, the head of Wilson College. Mr. Cadava has not made a decision on the mural, but an undergraduate committee has formed to advise him.

The protesters also demanded cultural-competency training for the faculty and staff, the inclusion of a general-education requirement on the history of a marginalized people and the creation of a cultural space on campus dedicated to black students. Only the last demand has been fulfilled.

In a statement on the trustees’ announcement, the Black Justice League said that “while we are not surprised, we are, disappointed nevertheless” by the decision. It said the other changes were “largely meaningless platitudes.”

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