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紐約時報賞析:中東作家 反烏托邦小說找慰藉


Middle Eastern Writers Find Refuge in the Dystopian Novel
中東作家 反烏托邦小說找慰藉
By Alexandra Alter

Basma Abdel Aziz was walking in downtown Cairo one morning when she saw a long line of people standing in front of a closed government building. Returning hours later, Abdel Aziz, a psychiatrist who counsels torture victims, passed the same people still waiting listlessly – a young woman and an elderly man, a mother holding her baby. The building remained closed.

When she got home, she immediately started writing about the people in line and didn’t stop for 11 hours. The story became her surreal debut novel, “The Queue,” which takes place after a failed revolution in an unnamed Middle Eastern city. The narrative unfolds over 140 days, as civilians are forced to wait in an endless line to petition a shadowy authority called the Gate for basic services.

“Fiction gave me a very wide space to say what I wanted to say about totalitarian authority,” Abdel Aziz said in a recent interview.

“The Queue,” which was just published in English by Melville House, has drawn comparisons to Western classics like George Orwell’s “1984” and “The Trial” by Franz Kafka. It represents a new wave of dystopian and surrealist fiction from Middle Eastern writers who are grappling with the chaotic aftermath and stinging disappointments of the Arab Spring.

Five years after the popular uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and elsewhere, a bleak, apocalyptic strain of post-revolutionary literature has taken root in the region. Some writers are using science fiction and fantasy tropes to describe grim political realities. Others are writing about controversial subjects like sexuality and atheism, or exhuming painful historical episodes that were previously off limits.

In a literary culture where poetry has long been the most celebrated medium, writers are experimenting with a range of genres and styles, including comics and graphic novels, hallucinatory horror novels and allegorical works of science fiction.

“There’s a shift away from realism, which has dominated Arabic literature,” said the Kuwait-born novelist Saleem Haddad, whose new book, “Guapa,” is narrated by a young gay Arab man whose friend has been imprisoned after a political revolt. “What’s coming to the surface now is darker and a bit deeper.”

Science fiction and surrealism have long provided an escape valve for writers living under oppressive regimes. In Latin America, decades of fascism and civil war helped inspire masterpieces of magical realism from authors like Gabriel García Márquez and Isabel Allende. In Russia, the postmodern novelist Vladimir Sorokin has published disturbing and controversial futuristic novels that surreptitiously skewer the country’s repressive government.



文解字看新 田思怡

Dystopian novel可譯為「反烏托邦小」,utopia(烏托邦)是想像中的理想國,dystopia則是utopia的反義詞,與理想國相反,是想像中的恐怖國度,人們過著悲慘的生活。反烏托邦又可稱為反面烏托邦,敵托邦,惡托邦,或廢托邦。

最著名的「反烏托邦小」就是歐威爾的「1984」,描述人們生活在受到嚴密監視的極權主義社會,「老大哥在看著你」(Big Brother is watching you)是隨處可見的標語。


文中也提到其他文學流派,包括surrealist fiction(超現實主義小),源自法國,是一種反寫實主義、非理性的文學形式,常寫夢境和潛意識,卡夫卡的「變形記」中,推銷員一覺醒來,發現自己變成一隻巨大的蟲。

Magical realism(魔幻寫實)則是源自於拉丁美洲,代表作家是馬奎斯。


中東經歷「阿拉伯之春」之後,一些國家恢復專制統治,例如埃及,中東作家會藉由反烏托邦小、超現實主義小或科幻小science fiction)表達政治訴求,不難理解。

Secret Service Dreams of a New (14-Foot) White House Picket Fence
加強安全措施 白宮防護欄想長高
By Michael D. Shear

Michael Jordan, the basketball superstar, was famous for being able to jump 48 inches into the air, putting the top of his head 10 1/2 feet off the ground, well above the basket’s rim.

If the Secret Service has its way, the new security fence around the White House will be about 3 1/2 feet higher than that.

Nearly two years after an armed man climbed over the existing 7-foot fence around 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and ran through the front door of the White House, the Secret Service is moving aggressively to design and build a taller, stronger security perimeter. Visitors to Washington could soon see a 14-foot barrier ringing the president’s home.

Pressure to move quickly is intense; fence jumping at the White House has become a regular occurrence. Two people jumped the barrier last month, including one who had stolen a woman’s purse and was hoping for a clean getaway. There was a jumper the day after Thanksgiving last year. And in 2014, officers tackled a man who had scaled the fence and run onto the North Lawn.

“We’re trying to find that balance of security, but also keep the historic nature of the White House and keep it open for the public,” Joseph P. Clancy, the director of the Secret Service, said in an interview. “The public doesn’t want to come to the White House and see a wall where you can’t actually see it.”

L. Preston Bryant Jr., the chairman of the planning commission, said he supported the idea of a 14-foot fence as a necessary security measure. But he also expressed hope that the final design for the fence would remain elegant and simple, like the building it protects.

“I don’t want our federal facilities to be fortresses,” Bryant said in an interview. “We have tens of millions of people from around the world who visit Washington, D.C., every year. We want them to see that our federal facilities and our government are open, transparent. We want to impress upon them the theme of freedom.”



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