Emily Dickinson’s Inspirations Grow Anew
艾蜜莉狄瑾蓀 靈感花園重生
By Ferris Jabr
Some keep the Sabbath going to Church
I keep it, staying at Home
With a Bobolink for a Chorister
And an Orchard, for a Dome
- Emily Dickinson
That orchard was real: a medley of apple, pear, plum and cherry trees tended by the Dickinson family during their lifetimes. Over the decades, subsequent owners of the Dickinson house, known as the Homestead, removed the orchard, replaced extensive flower and vegetable gardens with lawn, and even installed a tennis court; and a devastating hurricane in 1938 damaged the grounds.
This spring, however, the Emily Dickinson Museum has brought the poet’s beloved orchard back to life, planting a small grove of heirloom apples and pears grown by the Dickinsons on a sunny corner of the property near Triangle Street in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Records show that Edward Dickinson built the greenhouse in 1855 for his daughters Emily and Lavinia. Emily transformed the long-windowed room into a year-round garden where ferns unfurled their feathers, the perfumes of gardenias and jasmine sweetened the air, and fuchsia, carnations and “inland buttercups” bloomed alongside “heliotropes by the aprons full.”
Now, the Emily Dickinson Museum is preparing to restore the conservatory, plants and all.
These may seem like trivial improvements. They are not. The restoration of the Homestead’s greenhouse and backyard revives a less well known yet crucial fact about Dickinson: In addition to being a poet, she was an amateur naturalist and a renowned gardener with a considerable knowledge of botany. “During her lifetime, Emily Dickinson was known more widely as a gardener, perhaps, than as a poet,” the literary scholar Judith Farr wrote in “The Gardens of Emily Dickinson.” But Dickinson’s two chief vocations were inextricable: Her passion for all things botanical is essential for a complete understanding of her personality, spirituality and verse.
“It’s about trying to understand what her personal, physical world was like, juxtaposed to her immense universe of thought and imagination,” said Jane Wald, the executive director of the museum. “All that creativity and keen observation happened right here. Her home and gardens – these places were her poetic laboratory.”
博物館執行長珍.華德說:「這和嘗試了解她個人的實質世界是何模樣有關,和她思維與想像力的浩瀚宇宙兩相對照。所有的創造力和敏銳的觀察力發生在這裡。她的家和花園, 這些地方都是她的詩情實驗室。」
Dickinson’s expertise in botany and gardening profoundly shaped her poetry. As Farr wrote, her gardens “often provided her with the narratives, tropes, and imagery she required.” In her 1,789 poems, Dickinson refers to plants nearly 600 times and names more than 80 varieties, sometimes by genus or species. In her more than 350 references to flowers, the rose is most frequent, but Dickinson was also fond of humble plants like dandelions, clover and daisies. She used the latter two as symbols for herself in letters and poems. “The career of flowers differs from ours only in inaudibleness,” she wrote. “I feel more reverence as I grow for these mute creatures whose suspense or transport may surpass our own.”
Slideshow:The Poet’s Own Collection
說文解字看新聞 王麗娟
狄瑾蓀是現代人眼中的宅女,也是當時知名的園藝家(gardener),愛培植奇花異卉。果園和花園也是狄瑾蓀詩作的重要元素,文章標題因此稱讓果園和花園恢復舊觀(restoration),是讓狄瑾蓀的靈感(inspiration ) 重新成長(grow anew)。
狄瑾蓀的詩作沒有標題,韻腳不齊,與當時的詩風不合,儘管她常投稿,發表的作品不多,生前只發表過約10首詩,親友在她死後整理出1800多首詩,才知她如此多產。學者法爾(Judith Farr)發現她的詩和信件幾乎都與花和園有關,花園是她的想像世界,花朵則象徵著行動和情感。
Chicago Police Try to Predict Who May Shoot or Be Shot
芝加哥警方 電腦演算推測槍案
By Monica Davey
In this city’s urgent push to rein in gun and gang violence, the Chicago Police Department is keeping a list. Derived from a computer algorithm that assigns scores based on arrests, shootings, affiliations with gang members and other variables, the list aims to predict who is most likely to be shot soon or to shoot someone. Shaquon Thomas was on it.
His first arrest came at age 13, and others quickly followed, his face maturing in a progression of mug shots. By 18, Thomas, who was known as the rapper Young Pappy, was wounded in a shooting, the police say. Then, in May 2015, Thomas, 19, was fatally shot in what police say was a running gang feud. His score was more than 500, putting him near the top of the police department’s list.
“We know we have a lot of violence in Chicago, but we also know there’s a small segment that’s driving this stuff,” Eddie Johnson, the police superintendent, said in a recent interview.
The authorities hope that knowing who is most likely to be involved in violence can bring them a step closer to curtailing it. They are warning those highest on the list that they are under intense scrutiny, while offering social services to those who want a path away from the bloodshed.
About three years into the program and on a fourth revision of the computer algorithm that generates the list, critics are raising pointed questions about potential breaches to civil liberties in the creation of such a ranking. And the list’s efficacy remains in doubt as killings and shootings have continued to rise this year.
In a city of 2.7 million people, about 1,400 are responsible for much of the violence, Johnson said, and all of them are on the department’s “Strategic Subject List.”
So far this year, more than 70 percent of the people who have been shot in Chicago were on the list, according to police, as were more than 80 percent of those arrested for shootings.
2016-06-12.聯合報.D2.紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷譯