IBM Wants Everyone to Try a Quantum Computer
想試用量子電腦 IBM幫你圓夢
By John Markoff
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada grabbed international headlines recently with a simple explanation of a cutting-edge technology called quantum computing. Now IBM is trying to do something similar by making a research-oriented quantum computer and a – relatively – simple tutorial available online for anyone to try.
The idea of a new class of computers able to exploit the most basic properties of energy and matter to speed calculations beyond what is possible with today’s digital systems has long held both promise and controversy. The systems are based on the notion of a “qubit,” or quantum bit – a basic value capable of encompassing more information than the 1’s and 0’s that are the basis of classical digital computing.
A computing system composed of just five qubits, which is what IBM built, would not be able to replace current personal computers. However, the IBM Quantum Experience will allow students, hobbyists and even serious researchers to experiment with algorithms that are radically different from the ones now used for everything from word processing to speech recognition.
“It’s meant to be educational but also to be the beginnings of a larger framework,” said Jerry M. Chow, manager of the Experimental Quantum Computing Group at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, in Yorktown Heights, New York.
IBM researchers have recently demonstrated a quantum computer that they believe will one day be scaled up to a machine that might have hundreds of qubits and be able to run a wide range of algorithms more quickly than today’s computers.
Some quantum computing theorists believe that such a computer might be designed as a “universal” computer capable of performing any task much faster than machines now in use.
IBM has been gradually enhancing the power of its quantum computer, which is assembled from a network of qubits made from metals that become superconducting when they are cooled to near absolute zero.
Company researchers announced the construction of a four-bit quantum computer last year, and in February they reported they had added a fifth qubit and were making progress in refining certain error-correcting methods that are important for quantum computing.
The IBM quantum computer will offer visually oriented online tutorials that are intended to help people and companies understand how programming such a computer will be different from programming a digital computer.
說文解字看新聞 陳韋廷
即便IBM此次開放給大眾體驗的量子電腦尚處於實驗階段,但卻是「電腦科學」(computer science)發展邁向量子電腦時代的重要一步。該電腦有別於我們日常所使用的「電子電腦」(electronic computer),是個使用量子邏輯進行運算的裝置,而量子則是宇宙中能量的最小單位。
而演算法(algorithm)在中國古代文獻中稱為「術」,屬於數學與電腦科學中的計算基礎步驟,常用在計算及數據推理之中,而歐幾里得演算法(Euclidean algorithm,亦稱輾轉相除法)則被人們認為是史上首個演算法。
此外,文中片語scale up指的是「放大、增加」的意思,與enlarge、maximize、magnify、amplify、augment等單字同義,而scale down則是反義詞。例句:The government pledged to scale up investments in the Information Communication Technology (ICT)industry.(政府承諾將增加對資訊與通訊科技產業的投資。)
An Atlantic Archipelago’s Main Export: Music
大西洋迷你島國 外銷音樂拚經濟
By Saskia de Rothschild
Some countries have oil, diamonds or cocoa beans. Cape Verde, a tiny archipelago about 385 miles off the west coast of Senegal, has music, and it is betting on that resource to help bolster its fragile economy.
This month, music promoters and producers from the United States, Europe and some African nations landed in Praia, the country’s capital, for the Atlantic Music Expo, a four-day talent showcase that the government bills as a “music professionals meeting.” They attended seminars, networked and hopped from one stage to another, joining crowds of giggling teenagers, dancing elders and excited children to watch aspiring local and international singers.
The Atlantic expo, which ran from April 11-14, was followed by the privately sponsored Kriol Jazz Festival, now in its eighth year, which promotes creole-inspired island music.
“It’s essential to see people perform live before you book them, and there is nothing better than experiencing a music culture where it’s actually from,” said Paula Abreu, the director of programming for SummerStage, an annual New York City music festival. “You immediately know if an artist has what it takes to entertain a public of thousands.”
Abreu booked the musicians Mayra Andrade, Dino D’Santiago and the Cesária Évora Orchestra for last year’s SummerStage after seeing them at the Atlantic expo.
The model for many Cape Verdean artists is international star Cesária Évora, who put Cape Verde on the map of the music world with her renditions of mornas, the islands’ ballads of love and longing.
“Here, from the rural areas to the breezy beach towns, everyone sings and has a beautiful voice,” said José Da Silva, who developed the Kriol festival and is the producer of the Atlantic Music Expo. “What matters is who works hard enough to be discovered.”
Da Silva, a music producer who helped to relaunch the career of Évora in the 1980s, worked with the Cape Verde Ministry of Culture to create the Atlantic Music Expo, now in its fourth year. This year, the government spent about $227,000 to finance the expo, which also had corporate sponsors.
Together, the two events attract thousands of fans and music professionals each year and pump more than $1 million into the islands’ economy each year, officials said.