Challenge to Google Books Is Declined by Supreme Court
著作權纏訟11年 谷歌數位書庫勝訴
By Adam Liptak and Alexandra Alter
The Supreme Court on Monday refused to revive a challenge to Google’s digital library of millions of books, turning down an appeal from authors who said the project amounted to copyright infringement on a mass scale.
The Supreme Court’s brief order left in place an appeals court decision that the project was a “fair use “ of the authors’ work, ending a legal saga that had lasted more than a decade.
In 2004, Google started building a vast digital library, scanning and digitizing more than 20 million books from the collections of major research libraries. Readers can search the resulting database, Google Books, for keywords or phrases and read some snippets of text.
The Authors Guild and several writers sued Google in 2005, saying the digital library was a commercial venture that drove down sales of their work. In their petition seeking Supreme Court review, they said “this case represents an unprecedented judicial expansion of the fair-use doctrine that threatens copyright protection in the digital age.”
The petition to the Supreme Court also included a brief signed by a group of prominent authors, including the playwright Tony Kushner, the historian Taylor Branch and the novelists Margaret Atwood, J.M. Coetzee, Peter Carey and Ursula K. Le Guin.
“Fair use is not easy and never has been,” the brief stated. “The unprecedented scale of the Google Library Book Project, by itself, warrants a reconsideration of fair use in this case.”
In a statement released Monday, the Authors Guild said that the Supreme Court’s decision to not hear the case would leave writers vulnerable to copyright infringement. It also suggested the case would have broader impact beyond the book industry.
“The denial of review is further proof that we’re witnessing a vast redistribution of wealth from the creative sector to the tech sector, not only with books, but across the spectrum of the arts,” the guild’s president, the novelist Roxana Robinson, said in the statement.
In its own Supreme Court brief, Google said both readers and writers were better off thanks to its efforts. “Google Books gives readers a dramatically new way to find books of interest,” the brief said. “By formulating their own text queries and reviewing search results, users can identify, determine the relevance of and locate books they might otherwise never have found.”
2016-05-08/聯合報/D2版/紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷譯
說文解字看新聞 陳韋廷
這起糾紛肇因於谷歌在2004年宣布掃描全世界的書籍,但自此以後,該公司便陷入了作家與出版商(publisher)發起的各種著作權官司。著作權屬於智慧財產權(intellectual property right)的一種,而智慧財產權則是為了保護創作發明人權益,以法律所創設的一種權利。此外,文中提及之合理使用原則(fair-use doctrine)是法律原則,也是判斷是否侵權的核心標準。guild意指同業公會,是由從事同一產業人員所組成,如烘烤師協會(roasters guild)、電影攝影師協會(cinematographers guild)等。
最後要注意的是,review在文中是指「重審」的意思,並非複習或是審查等一般常見中文意思,而第二段片語leave something in place則指的是「使某事物維持不變」之意。例:The high court left in place an October 2015 ruling.(高等法院維持2015年10月的判決。)
No Phones for You! Chic Businesses Are Abandoning Landlines
紐約時髦商圈 揚棄室內電話
By Alex Williams
To New Yorkers, greater Mulberry Street is typically considered NoLIta, unless it’s northern Chinatown, or to those old enough to remember Sinatra at the Paramount, Little Italy.
紐約客通常把墨貝理街和周邊一帶稱為諾利塔區(NoLIta,North of Little Italy,小義大利北邊之意),另外也有人稱它唐人街北部,而那些年紀大到還記得法蘭克辛納屈在派拉蒙劇院獻藝的人,則喚它小義大利區。
Maybe now it’s time to scrap those distinctions and give it a new nickname: NoPho, for no phones.
也許現在該扔掉這些不同的稱呼,給它個新別號了:且叫它NoPho,沒有電話(no phones)。
Want to call and check if Han Kjobenhavn, the Euro-chic boutique, has that electric blue “strangle knit” sweater in a medium? You’re out of luck. See how long the wait is going to be at the Aussie-chic cafe Two Hands? No chance. Find out what color of hoodies are in stock at the flagship of skater-influenced-fashion label Noah? Better wander on over, lazy boy.
想要打電話問問歐洲時尚精品店Han Kjobenhavn有沒有中號的電光藍「緊織」毛衣?你真不走運。想要知道到澳洲時髦餐廳Two Hands用餐得等多久?門兒都沒有。想查看滑冰選手風格的時尚品牌Noah旗艦店的連帽T恤現貨有哪些顏色?最好親自走一趟,懶傢伙。
“I don’t need it, so I don’t have it,” said Brendon Babenzien, Noah’s owner, referring to a landline phone in the store during a call that took several days to arrange. “I don’t have a landline at home, either.”
It is no secret that tweens and millennials long ago decided that person-to-person phone calls were decidedly retro, and not in that fashionable old-Dylan-vinyl-albums way.
And cellphones have made landlines at home redundant for many. As of last year, only about half of American households had a landline, compared with about 90 percent in 2004, according to government data compiled by Statista, a statistics database.
It’s different for businesses, which presumably want to keep as many channels of potential customer interaction open as possible. Even online behemoths like Zappos have made their live call centers a cornerstone of their business (their parent company, Amazon, less so).
But in an era of Google Maps, Yelp and OpenTable, restaurant telephones these days in particular often seem almost atavistic, functioning as little more than life-support systems for voice mail sinkholes that no one ever seems to check, as countless diners can attest.
At least some forward-thinking proprietors prefer the online algorithms to handle the busywork – reservations, directions – so they can carve out time to run a restaurant.
“Our restaurants are chef-owned and operated, so we do more cooking, shopping and cleaning than phone answering,” said Jody Williams, a partner at the critically lauded (and phone-free) West Village restaurant Via Carota. “If you want to know if you left your umbrella behind, email please.”
備受推崇(而且沒裝室內電話)的西村Via Carota餐廳的合夥人裘蒂.威廉斯說:「我們的餐廳由廚師當老闆和經營,因此我們多半在做菜、採買和清掃,較少接電話。你若想知道有沒有把傘忘在這兒,請寫電郵。」
2016-05-08/聯合報/D2版/紐約時報賞析 田思怡譯