Potatoes and Pregnancy
By Nicholas Bakalar
A new study suggests that the more potatoes in a woman’s typical diet, the more likely she is to develop gestational diabetes, a serious complication of pregnancy.
In a 10-year study, researchers found 854 cases of gestational diabetes in 21,693 pregnancies among women participating in a larger health study. The women completed food questionnaires every four years, which gave the researchers a picture of their long-term habitual diet.
After adjusting for other diet and health characteristics, they found that compared with those who ate no potatoes, women who ate one serving a week had a 20 percent increased risk, two to four servings a 27 percent increased risk and five or more servings a 50 percent increased risk of developing gestational diabetes. The study is in BMJ.
The reason for the effect is unknown, but the authors suggest that it may be related to the fact that potatoes have a high glycemic index — they rapidly increase blood glucose levels as soon as they are eaten, which may harm pancreatic cells. Still, the study is observational, and does not prove cause and effect.
“We need to be cautious about potato consumption, especially for women who are planning for pregnancy,” said the senior author, Dr. Cuilin Zhang, an epidemiologist with the National Institutes of Health. “If you can replace potatoes with whole grains or other kinds of vegetables, this can help lower the risk.”
吃太多馬鈴薯 妊娠糖尿病機率增