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紐約時報賞析:共用辦公室 解放工作型態


The New, Hip Co-Working Spaces
共用辦公室 解放工作型態
By Nick Bilton

Technology has upended where we work. The line between work and play has been blurred, and the difference between the office and home has all but disappeared.

As a result, there’s a new class of white-collar workers who roam the earth looking for places to get their jobs done.

Some of them work from home, curled up on the couch or in a home office – maybe with a drone hovering nearby. Others camp out at expensive cafes, refilling their mugs of fancy coffee throughout the day.

But increasingly, these untethered employees are gathering in a new kind of office known as the co-working space.

Surely, you’ve heard of these places. But their numbers have multiplied across the country in the past few years, filling a niche for those who need more than a cafe but less than an office.

They now come in a wide range of options. Some are fancy; some are not. Some require memberships; some do not. Some target technology workers; others are for writers or small businesses. And in the Los Angeles area, there seems to be a co-working option for every neighborhood and every profession.

Before you rush out to join a co-working space, there are pros and cons to consider.

Some believe working away from a traditional office improves productivity. A study published last year in The Quarterly Journal of Economics examined Ctrip, a 16,000-employee Chinese travel agency, where call-center employees were randomly assigned to work in either the office or the home. Those who worked from home were 13 percent more productive, the report found. When Ctrip gave all its workers the option to work from home, productivity grew even further, to 22 percent.

Another study published last year in the journal Sleep Health, found that people who had flexible work schedules slept better than those who had to report to the office at specific times.

But there are studies that raise doubts about working remotely. “How Effective Is Telecommuting?” published last year in the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest, found that working from home can make people feel sad. The report says this is likely because of the social and professional isolation experienced from being home alone for too long.


2016-02-28/聯合報/D2/紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷譯

說文解字看新聞 陳韋廷

科技和網路的日新月異改變了我們的日常生活(daily life),從食衣住行育樂,甚至到文中所討論的工作場所,無一不受到影響。共同(或稱共用) 工作空間是個來自西方的概念,近年在全球興起,是因應網路科技時代而生的新型態辦公空間。

共同工作空間對傳統工作空間文化帶來了衝擊,共同工作空間顧名思義,是指不同行業的自由工作者在同一個空間工作,它同時也是這一些共同工作者(coworker)的社群平台。共同工作者多為SOHO族(此處SOHOsmall officehome office的縮寫,亦即單獨辦公、家裡辦公之意,SOHO族指那些在家辦公的自由職業者)、創業者(entrepreneur)、部落客等。

telecommuting在文中譯作「遠距工作」,意思與teleworkingremote working相同,例句:For employees, telecommuting presents unprecedented freedom in choosing where to work.(對員工來說,遠距工作在選擇工作地點上提供了前所未有的自由。)此外,這個字其他常見中文翻譯還有「電子通勤」和「居家就業」。


More No-Frills Fares on the Horizon
美國老牌航空 也推廉價機票
By Stephanie Rosenbloom

Rock-bottom fares once unique to low-cost carriers like Spirit and Frontier may, in the coming months, be offered by all three of the nation’s legacy airlines, American, United and Delta.

Great news for you and your wallet, right? The answer isn’t so clear-cut.

Spirit Airlines cemented its no-frills reputation a couple of years ago when it declared itself the “home of the bare fare”: a ticket that doesn’t include a seat assignment, a checked bag, even water. Frontier also offers bargain fares that don’t include seat assignments, in-flight entertainment and checked or carry-on bags as well as a slightly more costly package called “the works,” with privileges such as being able to choose your seat and bring a carry-on bag. Unwilling to lose customers in certain markets where the low-cost airlines fly, major domestic airlines are rolling out their own no-frills fares.

Delta was the first to take the plunge, introducing “basic economy” fares on routes where it wanted to compete with discount carriers. Basic economy tickets do not include advance seat assignments. They cannot be changed or refunded (after a one-day grace period). And there are no free upgrades for anyone.

Last year Delta put a number of changes to the fare rules into effect and announced that basic economy had spread to more than 450 markets since its introduction in 2012. Now the other big domestic carriers plan to follow suit. United said during its quarterly earnings call in January that it plans to introduce an entry-level fare “that will appeal to the purely price sensitive customer” in the second half of this year. American Airlines said during its quarterly call that it will roll out the first phase of a basic economy product in the same time frame.

For the most cost-conscious travelers, no-frills fares allow them to afford certain trips that they might not otherwise have been able to take. And, of course, no-frills fares are good for the airlines.


2016-02-28/聯合報/D2/紐約時報賞析 田思怡譯

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