Traditional Toys May Beat Gadgets in Language Development
電子玩具 讓父母、嬰兒「噤聲」
By Pam Belluck
Baby laptops, baby cellphones, talking farms – these are the whirring, whiz-bang toys of the moment, many of them marketed as tools to encourage babies’ language skills.
But a new study raises questions about whether such electronic playthings make it less likely that babies will engage in the verbal give-and-take with their parents that is so crucial to cognitive development.
The study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, found that when babies and parents played with electronic toys that are specifically advertised as language-promoters, parents spoke less and responded less to baby babbling than when they played with traditional toys like blocks or read board books. Babies also vocalized less when playing with electronic toys.
“My hunch is that they were letting the baby interact with the toy and they were on the sidelines,” said Anna V. Sosa, an associate professor of communications science and disorders at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, who led the study.
The study builds on a growing body of research suggesting that electronic toys and e-books can make parents less likely to have the most meaningful kinds of verbal exchanges with their children.
“When you put the gadgets and gizmos in, the parents stop talking,” said Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a professor of psychology at Temple University who was not involved in the new study, but who has found similar effects with e-books and electronic shape-sorters. “What you get is more behavioral regulation stuff, like ‘don’t touch that’ or ‘do this,’ or nothing because the books and toys take it over for you.”
She added, “A toy should be 10 percent toy and 90 percent child, and with a lot of these electronic toys the toy takes over 90 percent and the child just fills in the blank.”
Sosa said she was surprised by the results. She had expected some parent-baby pairs would talk more with one type of toy, while others would talk more with another.
But the results were consistent almost across the board. When electronic toys were being used, parents said about 40 words per minute, on average, compared with 56 words per minute for traditional toys and 67 words per minute with books.
The study was small – 26 families – and most were white and educated. So the researchers say the results might be different with a larger and more diverse group. But the study is notable because it sought to capture real world parent-child playtime in their homes without researchers watching.
2016-01-31/聯合報/D2版/紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷譯
說文解字 看新聞 張佑生
讀者從用字遣詞可看出作者對兒童電子玩具(electronic toys)的態度:whirring是連續發出低鳴聲;whiz-bang原指呼嘯聲,俚語則有「頂級」、「超炫」的意思。在報導中都只是gadget和gizmo,奇巧的新發明小玩意兒,噱頭居多。電影「玩命關頭」系列英文片名Fast & Furious也是頭韻的例子。
標榜促進兒童語言學習的電子玩具功能越炫,攸關認知發展的親子口語互動反而減少,因為家長變觀眾。Sideline原意是球場邊線,俚語on/from the sidelines意指「旁觀」,沒有實際介入。運動選手因負傷、生病不能上場的動詞也用sideline。
例如本季最後一次打NBA明星賽的洛杉磯湖人隊球星布萊恩,曾入選但因傷無法上陣:Injuries have sidelined Kobe Bryant from some All-Star Games for which he was selected.
Study Gauges Impact of Weather Disasters on Crops
50年間1成穀物 毀於極端氣候
By Nicholas St. Fleur
Droughts and heat waves wiped out nearly a tenth of the rice, wheat, corn and other cereal crops in countries hit by extreme weather disasters between 1964 and 2007, according to a new study.
The paper, published in Nature, examined data on the effects, over five decades, of extreme temperatures, floods and droughts on national crop harvests.
“People already knew that these extreme weather events had impacts on crop production,” said Navin Ramankutty, a geographer from the University of British Columbia and an author of the report. “But we didn’t know by how much, and we didn’t have a basis for how that might change in the future.”
Ramankutty and his team combined data from a disaster database with food production information from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. They looked at about 2,800 weather disasters, such as the 1983-1984 drought in Ethiopia and the 2003 European heat wave, along with data on 16 different cereals, including oats, barley, rye and maize, grown in 177 countries.
They found that droughts cut a country’s crop production by 10 percent, and heat waves by 9 percent, but that floods and cold spells had no effects on agricultural production levels. His team estimated a loss of more than 3 billion tons of cereal production from 1964 to 2007 as a result of droughts and heat waves.
“We don’t think about it much, but rice, wheat and maize alone provide more than 50 percent of global calories,” said Ramankutty. “When these grain baskets are hit, it results in food price shocks, which leads to increasing hunger.”
As the global population soars, food production will need to increase to feed the extra mouths. But if the world is to meet those demands, it must do so efficiently and sustainably, said Pedram Rowhani, a land-change scientist from the University of Sussex in Brighton, England, and another of the study’s authors.
2016-01-31/聯合報/D2版/紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷譯
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