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新聞對照:英國最後煤礦坑 下月熄燈


Lights Out in Britain for the Coal Industry

KELLINGLEY, England — Tens of thousands of British coal miners have lost their jobs in recent decades, during the steep decline of an industry that stoked the nation’s industrial rise, sustained it through two world wars and once employed more than one million people.

Chris Jamieson will be one of the very last.

In December, his job is set to disappear when Kellingley colliery, Britain’s last deep coal mine, is scheduled to close for good.

In the mine’s empty parking lot, Mr. Jamieson, 50, is already thinking about the moment in a few weeks’ time when the last group of miners is hauled to the surface. He expects to work the final shift at the colliery, which has been reduced to little more than a quarter of its peak work force and is succumbing to pressure from cheaper imported coal.

“I will be putting the lights out,” he said, adding that, after a quarter-century in the industry, he would particularly miss not just his paycheck but the unique camaraderie among colleagues who work together underground.

“We are the last of the dinosaurs,” he said.

Like the largest dinosaurs, the miners have left a giant footprint.

Though open cast mining will continue in Britain, Kellingley’s closing is the final chapter in the story of underground mining, an enterprise that spanned more than two centuries and helped make Britain an industrial power and a thriving exporter.

The miners have not gone quietly. In the 1980s, they mounted bitter strikes to resist closings, and even as their clout has steadily diminished through the subsequent decades, they have remained proud and defiant.

“Coal put ‘great’ into Great Britain — it’s as simple as that,” said Chris Kitchen, president of the once mighty National Union of Mineworkers, which in the 1970s sometimes brought the country to a halt with its demands.

“It fueled the Industrial Revolution, it kept the lights on, it kept people warm, it worked as a nationalized industry,” Mr. Kitchen said. He is a former Kellingley miner and spoke in the miners’ social club in Knottingley, a few miles from the colliery.

Here, the mood is understandably subdued because the colliery closing means not just the loss of a well-paid job (miners here can expect to earn around £20, or more than $30, an hour), but also of a way of life.

Partly because of the dangers underground, miners enjoyed a special status in the labor movement.

Even now, mining remains a risky job; on their way to work, Kellingley’s miners pass a memorial they built to 17 people who died here.

Inside a cluttered office, the union branch secretary, Keith Poulson, recalled having to pronounce one colleague dead underground and trying to resuscitate two others, who also died from injuries.

“Going out and telling a wife that her husband isn’t coming home,” Mr. Poulson said, is “the most difficult job I’ve ever had in my life.”

Nevertheless, Mr. Poulson, 55, said he remained as passionate about mining as he was when he started work in 1977, believing he had a job for life.

That notion was shattered 30 years ago, when plans to close collieries deemed uneconomical led to a confrontation between the miners and the Conservative government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

The result was a bitter, divisive and sometimes violent dispute, involving splits in communities and clashes with horse-mounted police — and eventual defeat for the striking miners.

Those events still reverberate around this region, where mining engendered a camaraderie and sense of identity with which few other occupations can compete.

So the closure of Kellingley, known as “Big K,” is a blow to Yorkshire, whose residents have a reputation for plain-speaking.

Paul Routledge, an author, journalist and Yorkshire native who has written extensively about the miners, describes this part of the country as “England’s Texas, but without the sun and the guns.”

Coal, he said, “was so integral to the life of this part of the world that it was part of the cultural fabric.” Villages were sometimes created around collieries, which supported clubs, bands and, in earlier decades, schools and hospitals.

“It was the linchpin of everything,” he said, one reason the area suffered so acutely when many mines closed after the strike.

The National Union of Mineworkers, he added, “was a power in the land, not just in industrial muscle but in political muscle,” and acted as the “Praetorian Guard of the union movement.”

But in confronting the Thatcher government, which was intent on curbing the influence of organized labor, the union overreached. Government officials had prepared for the strike, sat it out and then pushed through the closings. Looking back, Mr. Routledge calls it “an act of industrial policy by Margaret Thatcher invigorated by political vindictiveness.”

At the time, even some not naturally aligned to the unions expressed alarm, including Harold Macmillan, the former Conservative prime minister. He said that it broke his heart to see the fate of the miners, “the best men in the world, who beat the kaiser’s army and beat Hitler’s army and never give in.”

At its headquarters, the National Union of Mineworkers still displays the banners of its branches, but these are now industrial relics.

The reality lies at the converted Caphouse colliery, which is now a mining museum, attracting 120,000 visitors a year, including thousands of schoolchildren for whom coal extraction is history.

Darran Cowd, the museum’s collections officer, said it was hard to overestimate the role mining played in this part of Yorkshire until a few decades ago.

“If you stood on any high ground and couldn’t see pit head gear somewhere around you, that would be unusual,” he said.

But confronting a gradual switch to green energy, and facing cheaper coal imports from Russia, the United States and Colombia, Kellingley’s coal is now uncompetitive.

“When you look at the world economy, British coal, to a degree, has got too expensive to compete without government support,” Mr. Cowd said.

UK Coal, the company that operates Kellingley, would not discuss the closing. But last year, Kevin McCullough, then its chief executive, blamed a “historically low international coal price” and a strong British currency.

Although it feeds nearby coal-fired power stations, UK Coal buys and sells on the international market in dollars because most coal used in Britain is imported, the company said.

Mr. Poulson said he believed that there were ways to save Kellingley, which he said had enough reserves to remain open until the 2030s.

More than a fifth of Britain’s energy needs are still met by coal. When Kellingley closes, the Drax coal-fired power station, a few miles away, “will burn Russian coal for the next 10 to 15 years, because it’s needed so that the lights don’t go out,” Mr. Poulson said. He said he was angry that money from the mineworkers’ pension fund had not been used to help keep the colliery going, while other energy sectors, including nuclear, receive substantial state aid.

Mr. Kitchen, leader of the National Union of Mineworkers, said, “It would have been nice if someone had tried to assist and take away the roadblocks, instead of just building barricades in front of us.”

But with the battle lost, the miners are closing in on their last working day at Kellingley.

“It will be an emotional time for the men that are losing their jobs,” Mr. Kitchen said, asking: “Is it something to celebrate?”

He would like a brass band to lead a march out of the pit, he said, but that decision rests with Kellingley’s miners.

“They should decide how they want to mark it,” he said. “If they want to just let it slip away quietly, that’s up to them.”

英國最後煤礦坑 下月熄燈


英國最後一個地下煤礦坑凱靈利礦坑(Kellingley colliery)預定12月永久關閉。50歲的賈米森將是關閉當天最後一班礦工,他說:「我將會熄燈。」賈米森說,做了25年煤礦工人,他懷念的不只是豐厚的薪水,還有與他在地底下一起打拚的同事間特殊的革命情感。他說:「我們是最後絕種的恐龍。」就像大恐龍,礦工留下巨大的腳印。












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