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紐約時報賞析:暖化危機 馬紹爾群島抗滅頂


A Pacific Island Nation Slips Into the Relentless Rising Sea
暖化危機 馬紹爾群島抗滅頂
By Coral Davenport

Linber Anej waded out in low tide to haul cement chunks and metal scraps to shore and rebuild the makeshift sea wall in front of his home. The temporary barrier is no match for the rising seas that regularly flood the shacks and muddy streets with saltwater and raw sewage, but every day except Sunday, Anej joins a group of men and boys to haul the flotsam back into place.

“It’s insane, I know,” said Anej, 30, who lives with his family of 13, including his parents, siblings and children, in a four-room house. “But it’s the only option we’ve got.”

Standing near his house at the edge of a densely packed slum of tin shacks, he said, “I feel like we’re living underwater.”

Worlds away, in plush hotel conference rooms in Paris, London, New York and Washington, Tony A. deBrum, the foreign minister of the Marshall Islands, tells the stories of men like Anej to convey to more powerful policymakers the peril facing his island nation in the Pacific as sea levels rise – and to shape the legal and financial terms of a major United Nations climate change accord now being negotiated in Paris.

DeBrum’s focus is squarely on the West’s wallets – recouping “loss and damage,” in negotiators’ parlance, for the destruction wrought by the rich nations’ industrial might on the global environment.

Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas. In Bangladesh, some 17 percent of the land could be inundated by 2050, displacing about 18 million people.

But the Marshall Islands holds an important card: Under a 1986 compact, the roughly 70,000 residents of the Marshalls, because of their long military ties to Washington, are free to emigrate to the United States, a pass that will become more enticing as the water rises on the islands’ shores.

The debate over loss and damage has been intense because the final language of the Paris accord could require developed countries, first and foremost the United States, to give billions of dollars to vulnerable countries like the Marshall Islands. Senior Republicans in Congress are already preparing for a fight, they say on behalf of the American taxpayer.

“Our constituents are worried that the pledges you are committing the United States to will strengthen foreign economies at the expense of American workers,” 37 Republican senators wrote last month. “They are also skeptical about sending billions of their hard-earned dollars to government officials from developing nations.”

DeBrum is undeterred.

“It does not make sense for us to go to Paris and come back with something that says, ‘In a few years’ time, your country is going to be underwater,’ ” deBrum said in an interview at his seaside home in Majuro, the capital of the Marshall Islands. “We see the damage occurring now. We’re trying to beat back the sea.”

In the global fight over climate change, leaders of vulnerable low-lying island nations have long sought to draw attention to their plight. They have staged symbolic events like an underwater Cabinet meeting, gone on hunger strikes and delivered anguished speeches to the United Nations.

In the meantime, Anej and millions like him cope with the fallout while stranded on disappearing shores.

“I’m the oldest – I can’t leave my parents,” he said. “But I don’t want my kids to drown here.”

On defense matters, the Marshall Islands’ strategic value to the United States no longer rests on the Pacific nuclear testing grounds but on Kwajalein, the largest of the Marshall atolls, which is home to the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site.

The 1,200 Americans who live on the base launch missiles, operate space weapons programs and track NASA research, supported by an annual budget of $182 million. About 900 Marshallese workers take a ferry to the base every day to support them.

The Pentagon, which has a lease on Kwajalein until 2066, has commissioned scientific studies on the effect that rising sea levels will have on the base’s mission. In 2008, a tidal wash flooded the base and destroyed all the freshwater supplies on the island. The military responded with expensive desalination machines and heavy-duty sea walls made of riprap, a fortified granite used in hydraulic engineering.

That is the kind of adaptation deBrum wants to see on the islands where his people live, and it would not be cheap. Among the most contentious terms to be negotiated in Paris will be a pledge, put forth during the 2009 climate change summit meeting in Copenhagen by Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state at the time, that rich countries would mobilize $100 billion annually by 2020 to help poor countries control their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the punishing effects of climate change.


2015-12-13/聯合報/D2/紐約時報賞析 陳韋廷譯

說文解字看新聞 張佑生

本文導言和報導尼泊爾強震重建進度落後的導言都屬於描述性導言(descriptive lead),透過寫景方式呈現新聞主題,makeshifttemporary都是將就湊合的意思,非長久之計,要對付日漸上升的海平面,當然不堪一擊。

No match for是不堪對手一擊;more than a match for則是對手不堪一擊。中文說「棋逢對手」,英文則是find/meet your match (in somebody),而且是技高一籌的對手。例:The champion finally met his match and lost the game.

Recoup是補償投資花費的損失。例如電影賣座欠佳,片商可藉影碟回本:Movie studios can turn to video sales to recoup the costs of a movie that does poorly at the box office.

與其他面臨滅頂危機的太平洋島國不同,馬紹爾群島握有居民可自由移居到美國的王牌,也可用strongest/best/trump/winning card

海平面越升越高,這張通行證越來越誘人(enticing)。在梅爾維爾(Herman Melville)的《白鯨記》(Moby Dick)中,敘事者Ishmael初見有毀天滅地之能的白鯨時,感嘆其沉靜之姿太誘人,容易讓人產生錯誤的第一印象:Yet calm, enticing calm, oh, whale!

這個字的動詞是entice,特指誘使某人去做某事或到某處。以台積電到南京設廠為例,符合北京當局用廠區和租稅優惠吸引外資的做法:China has set up various technology parks with tax incentives to entice companies.或:The city offered the company tax breaks as an enticement to build a factory there.條件好到無法拒絕:The offer was too enticing to refuse.

在巴黎力爭權益的馬紹爾外長德布魯姆,剛輸掉國會選舉,明年元月下台。選民嫌他疏於經營地方。畢竟,All politics is local.登上紐時頭版也幫不了他。此為後話。

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