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新聞對照:調查:娘子軍進陸戰隊 全隊更帶勁


Marine Corps Study Finds No Detriment to Morale in Mixed-Gender Combat Units

The Marine Corps has long held concerns that integrating women into combat units could erode morale in all-male platoons and lead to increased sexual tension that would undermine fighting capability. But a Marine Corps study made public by a women’s advocacy group this week found that after months of testing mixed-gender combat units, troops reported morale equal to that of all-male groups and higher than noncombat integrated groups.

In addition, the study found sexual assault levels no higher than in the Marines as a whole.

Men and women in a test group of about 400 Marines “feel a strong sense of belonging to the military, even more so when compared to other Marines of the operating forces,” the study found.

The 1,000-page study, known as the Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force, was prompted by a mandate from the Obama administration to integrate women into all combat jobs by 2016 or justify exemptions.

In September, the Marine Corps released a four-page summary of the study that said female Marines were slower, less accurate with weapons and had more injuries than men.

About 300 additional pages were released this week without the permission of the Marine Corps by Women in International Security — a group that is an advocate for women in combat roles and was leaked the documents. The additional pages suggested that although women were not as physically strong, on average, as men, the Marine Corps could successfully integrate women by setting clear standards.

“There has been this band of brothers idea that there is something special about having only men, and adding women will ruin it,” said Ellen Haring, a senior fellow at the advocacy group and a reserve Army colonel. “The study doesn’t bear that out.”

When told by the Department of Defense in 2013 to integrate combat forces by 2016, other military branches responded by analyzing combat specialties to create gender-neutral standards based on the physical demands of the job. If a woman could meet the standards, she could serve in the position. The Army, Air Force and Navy have not indicated that they will ask for exemptions.

But the Marine Corps, with a 93 percent male force dominated by infantry members who carry heavy loads and live in spartan conditions, had a harder task.

A military official with knowledge of the decision who was not authorized to speak for the Marines said the former commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., who now heads the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recommended exempting women from the infantry. The Marine Corps declined to comment.

The Corps approached the question of integration differently from other branches. It commissioned the nine-month ground combat study that put 300 men and 100 women in teams that performed combat skills ranging from shooting to hiking and climbing walls.

“Instead of seeing if women could meet standards, they essentially set up a race to see who was better,” Ms. Haring said.

The study found all-male units overwhelmingly outperformed integrated units in physical tasks — particularly tasks requiring upper body strength, such as evacuating an injured Marine from a turret or throwing a backpack onto a wall. But, the report said, integrated groups excelled at complex decision-making. It also concluded that adding women to all-male groups would probably improve the behavior of the groups as a whole.

“Integration of females is likely to lower the instance of disciplinary action, and this has been shown in general across the Marine Corps,” the report said.

During the months women and men were in proximity, the task force recorded seven sexual assaults. Only one was formally reported. The numbers, the report said, were not significantly different from those of other units.

“There are no indications that rates of sexual harassment and sexual assault will rise following gender integration,” the report concluded.

Brig. Gen. George W. Smith Jr., director of the Marine Corps Force Innovation Office, sounded a note of caution in the memorandum he submitted with the study findings, saying diluting strength in pursuit of inclusion was “a prescription for failure.”

“Our future enemies will be the ultimate arbiter of such decisions — when lives of our Marines are in the balance. Those who choose to turn a blind eye to those immutable realities do so at the expense of our Corps’ war-fighting capability.”

調查:娘子軍進陸戰隊 全隊更帶勁



陸戰隊九月時公布這份研究的四頁摘要,指出女性隊員動作較慢、使用武器精確度較低,也更容易受傷。不過,提倡女性戰鬥角色的組織「女性參與國際安全」(Women in International Security, WIIS)未獲陸戰隊許可,逕自披露的另外三百頁報告內容指出,女性平均而言雖不如男性強壯,但在設定明確的標準之後,陸戰隊還是能成功的讓女性融入戰鬥角色。





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