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紐約時報賞析:美基礎設施 抗駭客大作戰


Infrastructure Armageddon
美基礎設施 抗駭客大作戰
By Nicole Perlroth

Over the last four years, foreign hackers have stolen source code and blueprints to the oil and water pipelines and power grid of the United States and have infiltrated the Department of Energy’s networks 150 times.

So what’s stopping them from shutting us down?

The phrase “cyber-Pearl Harbor” first appeared in the 1990s. For the last 20 years, policymakers have predicted catastrophic situations in which hackers blow up oil pipelines, contaminate the water supply, open the nation’s floodgates and send airplanes on collision courses by hacking air traffic control systems.

“They could, for example, derail passenger trains or, even more dangerous, derail trains loaded with lethal chemicals,” former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned in 2012. “They could contaminate the water supply in major cities, or shut down the power grid across large parts of the country.”

It is getting harder to write off such predictions as fearmongering. The number of attacks against industrial control systems more than doubled to 675,186 in January 2014 from 163,228 in January 2013, according to Dell Security – most of those in the United States, Britain and Finland.

And in many cases, outages at airports and financial exchanges – like a computer outage that took down computers at airports across the country late Wednesday, including Kennedy International Airport in New York and Logan Airport in Boston – are never tied to hacks.

But it’s clear hackers are trying.

Last year, the Department of Homeland Security announced that it was investigating an attack against 1,000 energy companies across Europe and North America. In 2012, 23 gas pipeline companies were hacked by online spies, according to a Homeland Security report. Private investigators later linked the attack to China.

Last year, in a disclosure overshadowed by the news of the attack on Sony, a German federal agency said that in an attack at an unnamed steel mill, hackers had managed to jump from the company’s corporate network to its production systems, causing significant damage to a blast furnace.

And in an extensive attack at Telvent, an information technology and industrial automation company now owned by Schneider Electric, Chinese hackers made off with its product source code and blueprints to facilities operated by its customers, which include 60 percent of the pipeline operators in North America.

For now, dire predictions of destructive online attacks on U.S. targets ignore the fact that the actors with the ability to cause the gravest harm to America’s critical infrastructure – China and Russia and allies like Israel and Britain – are sufficiently deterred from doing so by fear of retaliation or because of long-standing trade and diplomatic relationships. And attacks by those aggressively trying to get such a capability – Iran, North Korea and Islamic militant groups – are still several years off.

“Despite all the talks of a cyber-Pearl Harbor, I am not really worried about a state competitor like China doing catastrophic damage to infrastructure,” said Michael Hayden, former head of the National Security Agency. “It’s the attack from renegade, lower-tier nation-states that have nothing to lose.”

Just how far off are they? That is the question troubling policymakers at the National Security Council and intelligence and law enforcement agencies. Federal officials have repeatedly warned that Islamic State militants have been exploiting social media for recruitment, and are developing tools to break into their enemies’ systems.

Those capabilities were sufficient to prompt the assassination of Junaid Hussain, the chief of the Islamic State’s cyberarmy, who was killed by an airstrike in Syria in August. But for now, federal officials say, the Islamic State does not have a significant ability to cause damage through online attacks.

“It’s not easy to pull off a spectacular attack,” said James A. Lewis, a security expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “People are always saying in theory they can do something, but it’s not at the level of a Pearl Harbor or a 9/11.”


2015-11-15/聯合報/D2/紐約時報賞析 李京倫譯

說文解字看新聞 張佑生

姑且不論宗教信仰,《聖經》(Holy Bible, the Bible)是學習英文的利器,因為許多英文單字源自聖經,了解典故有助於理解單字的含義。以本文標題中的Armageddon為例,語出聖經當中的《啟示錄》(Revelation),意指世界末日善惡決戰的場地,中譯為「哈米吉多頓」,如今泛指毀天滅地的大決戰或大規模戰爭,像是nuclear Armageddon1998年好萊塢電影Armageddon描述彗星撞地球,中文片名譯成「世界末日」。搖滾歌曲Armageddon It是英國搖滾團體Def Leppard的作品,但歌詞內容與世界末日無關。


巴黎遭恐攻,媒體用scene of horror and apocalypseapocalyptic scenes描述宛如末日的現場慘狀。這個字也來自《啟示錄》,1979年的好萊塢電影Apocalypse Now有個響噹噹的中文片名:現代啟示錄。

另一個與大災難有關的字是catastrophic,名詞catastrophe,源自希臘文,意指突然的大變動、大禍、大敗、尤指悲劇的結局,例如《哈姆雷特》最後,王子總算完成復仇,自己也賠上性命。也指令特定個人或群體難以承受的事件,例如,中華隊假如無法打進12強(Premier 12)棒球賽的前八強,對關心棒球的國人可說是個catastrophe。無論是catastrophe還是Armageddon或者Apocalypse,都是偏難的英文字彙(big word)。

標題的infrastructure意指基礎建設,像是道路、港口、發電廠、通訊設施、飛機場、軍事基地等,字首infra意指「在下位的」。馬克思的唯物史觀主張,社會下層結構 (infrastructure)決定其上層結構 (superstructure)。「下層結構」指所有的經濟活動,包括生產力和生產關係,所反射產生的通稱為「上層結構」,泛指文化及意識形態的活動,包括政治、文藝、法律、哲學等。馬克思的經濟決定論引起許多批判。

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