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紐約時報賞析:伊斯蘭教派領袖 中東扇風點火


Sectarian Leaders Fan Flames in Middle East
伊斯蘭教派領袖 中東扇風點火
By Kareem Fahim

The Shiite leaders of Iran and the Sunni rulers of Saudi Arabia traded insults over the deaths of hundreds of Iranian pilgrims near Mecca. The government of Bahrain, long criticized for repressing the country’s Shiite majority, expelled the Iranian ambassador, after accusing Iran of shipping arms to Bahrain and trying to foment “sectarian strife.”

And a group of hard-line Sunni clerics in Saudi Arabia, fired up by Russia’s intervention in Syria, issued a scathing sectarian call for holy war.

Events over the last few weeks have raised fears of an accelerating confrontation between the region’s Shiite and Sunni Muslims, with Saudi Arabia and Iran escalating their power struggle, extremists attacking Shiite mosques in the Persian Gulf and armed conflict aggravating religious differences in Iraq, Syria and now Yemen.

But as the violence flares and crosses borders, national and religious leaders seem as eager as ever to stoke the fires, mobilizing followers using implicit or naked sectarian appeals that are transforming political conflicts into religious struggles and making the bloodshed in the region harder to contain, scholars and analysts say.

“This is unprecedented, and we don’t have a road map,” said Rami Khouri, a senior fellow at the Issam Fares Institute at the American University of Beirut. “When political dynamics fail, people turn back to religion. We are in this terrible moment of transition where sect is very high in people’s minds.”

“Radical individuals are deliberately fomenting this violence,” he added. “And irresponsible governments allow it to happen.”

The perils of sectarian polarization have been evident for more than a decade, since the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. In the last few years, tensions have been inflamed by the war in Syria.

The latest violent turn has been “ratcheted up by the Iranian-Saudi conflict,” Khouri said. Iran’s latest broadsides over the pilgrims’ deaths near the Saudi city of Mecca during the hajj came as the gulf states have taken an increasingly hard line against what they call Iran’s meddling in the region — going so far as to mount a large-scale military offensive in Yemen aimed at defeating a rebel group they say is allied with the Iranians.

As the Sunni monarchies have rallied their citizens for war, the rulers seem ill-prepared for the potential fallout: Several times over the last few months, Sunni extremists have carried out deadly attacks on Shiite mosques in the Persian Gulf.

Troubling another fault line, Russia’s decision to intervene in Syria alongside the government of President Bashar Assad, Iran and Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia, brought calls for retaliation from hard-line Saudi clerics known as Salafis, but also mainstream Islamist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which referred to Assad as a “treacherous Alawite criminal.”

The Saudi clerics, denigrating their longtime adversaries, including Shiite Muslims and Alawites, who practice an offshoot of Shiite Islam, also took aim at the “Orthodox crusader Russia,” which they said, was picking up where the Soviet force driven from Afghanistan by Muslims more than a generation ago had left off.

In an online statement signed by 55 clerics, they warned that if the “holy warriors” were defeated in Syria, Sunni nations would also fall “one after the other.”

Madawi al-Rasheed, a visiting professor at the Middle East Center of the London School of Economics, said the strong sectarian tone of the statement represented the sort of pronouncements that have made the region’s hostilities harder and harder to arrest.

“The language of sectarianism involves elimination and purification, and these are very dangerous words to use in any conflict,” al-Rasheed said. “It makes it more difficult to see a space for dialogue and political solutions or compromises. Religious conflicts are more difficult to resolve than political ones.”By invoking Afghanistan, the letter “conjured the image of martyrdom and fighting the infidels,” she said, portending “a longer war.”



說文解字看新聞 張佑生

美國政治學大師杭亭頓(Samuel P. Huntington)主張「文明衝突」(clash of civilizations)將取代意識形態或政治,成為未來戰爭的導火線,論文後來出版成書《文明衝突與世界秩序的重建》。

杭亭頓列出的主要文明包括儒家、西方、日本、印度、伊斯蘭、東正教等。然而,教派歧異(sectarian differences)讓阿拉伯國家忙於內鬥,杭亭頓關於伊斯蘭文明聯合起來對抗西方文明的預言並未(或尚未)實現。

本篇探討中東的教派衝突,有不少閱讀新聞、理解當地情勢所需的字彙。Sectarian指教派、宗派、學派的,但在國際新聞通常指的是伊斯蘭教派間的。Sect是教派,西藏喇嘛教派中的密宗可說是the Esoteric Sectthe Jodo Sect是「淨土宗」(日本佛教教派)。

Sunni(遜尼)與Shiite(什葉)是伊斯蘭教(Islam)的兩大教派,沙烏地阿拉伯與伊朗分別是兩大教派的龍頭,數百名伊朗到沙國麥加的朝覲者(pilgrim)遭踐踏慘死,讓兩國找到相互攻訐(traded insults)的理由。


英國小說家佛斯特(E. M. Forster)的《此情可問天》(Howards End)中,瑪格麗特勸告妹妹海倫儘管有理,但對亨利不得無禮時表示:No doubt you’re right logically, and are entitled to say a great many scathing things about Henry. Only, I won’t have it.

學者警告當前情勢前所未有,沒有路線圖(road map)可循。這個字原意是交通路線圖,但在國際新聞常用來比喻指引未來行動的計畫。

The Middle East Road Map不是中東地圖,而是Roadmap for Peace in the Middle East,尤指以色列和巴勒斯坦關係正常化的進程。

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