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新聞對照:美慈善志工 「蝙蝠俠」車禍亡


‘Route 29 Batman,’ Who Thrilled Sick Children, Is Struck by Car and Killed

A Maryland businessman who thrilled thousands of sick children with his impersonation of Batman over more than a decade was hit by a car and killed on Sunday on a highway in western Maryland, the state police said.

The man’s real name was not Bruce Wayne, but Leonard B. Robinson, 51, the father of three adult children from Owings Mills, Md., near Baltimore. For years he visited hospitals, schools and charity events dressed as the Dark Knight to the delight of thousands of children battling cancers and other serious diseases as well as bullying. He gave out thousands of dollars worth of gifts and books and signed autographs as “Batman.”

The police said Mr. Robinson was having engine trouble late Sunday and had pulled over on Interstate 70 to look under the hood of his Batmobile, a custom-made black Lamborghini decked out with the superhero’s insignia. He was standing on the car’s passenger side, which was still partly in the fast lane, when he was struck by a Toyota Camry that sideswiped the Batmobile.

He was pronounced dead at the scene.

The driver of the Camry was not injured and no charges were filed against him, the police said.

Mr. Robinson gained national attention in 2012 after dash-cam video of him being stopped by police officers in Silver Spring, Md., went viral. He was pulled over for failing to display a license plate, but the officers, who were amused by the encounter, promptly let him go without a ticket so that he would not be late to an event at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. The video has been watched more than 940,000 times on YouTube alone.

“When we replay the traffic-stop video, we smile and laugh, fondly remembering the day that MCP met a real superhero,” the Montgomery County Police Department said in a statement. “We hope that the Dark Knight’s bright light shines on.”

Mr. Robinson, who made a fortune building a cleaning business that he later sold, began masquerading as the Dark Knight in 2001 to cater to an obsession of his youngest son. The boy grew up, but the role grew on Mr. Robinson, who became known variously as the Route 29 Batman, Beltway Batman and Baltimore Batman.

“Eventually, it sinks in and you become him,” he told The Washington Post in 2012. “It feels like I have a responsibility that’s beyond a normal person. And that responsibility is to be there for the kids, to be strong for them, and to make them smile as much as I can.”

Sharen Sumpter-Deitz, a board member of the South Charleston Convention and Visitors Bureau in West Virginia, said in a post on Facebook that Mr. Robinson was returning home from his third appearance at a festival there.

He worked closely with Hope for Henry, a charity that throws superhero parties in hospitals and was founded by a couple whose son died from a rare blood disorder. “Our superhero, Lenny B. Robinson, is gone,” the charity said on Facebook on Monday. “So, so sad.”

美慈善志工 「蝙蝠俠」車禍亡

常常打扮成漫畫人物「蝙蝠俠」到醫院探望病童的美國馬里蘭州大善人羅賓遜(Lenny B. Robinson),16日晚間開著「蝙蝠車」行經馬里蘭州州際公路時,車子拋錨下車察看,卻遭後方車輛撞死。








VideoThe police stopped Batman for not displaying his license plate.


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