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紐約時報賞析:失落一代 中東北非孩童失學


U.N. Warns of ‘Lost Generation’ Deprived of School

War and upheaval across parts of the Middle East and North Africa in recent years have driven more than 13 million children from school – 40 percent of the affected area’s school-age population, the United Nations said Wednesday.

A report by UNICEF, the U.N. Children’s Fund, cast a sobering new light on the subtle long-term destructive consequences of violent conflicts that have convulsed a region encompassing all or portions of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Yemen, Libya, Sudan and the Palestinian territories, particularly Gaza.

In some countries – particularly Syria, which once had one of the world’s highest literacy rates – many children who ordinarily would be third or fourth graders by now have rarely if ever been inside a classroom.

“Attacks on schools and education infrastructure – sometimes deliberate – are one key reason many children do not attend classes,” UNICEF said in a summary of the report.

In Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya alone, it said, nearly 9,000 schools are out of use because they have been “damaged, destroyed, are being used to shelter displaced families or have been taken over by parties to the conflict.”

Other reasons, the summary said, include “the fear that drives thousands of teachers to abandon their posts, or keeps parents from sending their children to school because of what might happen to them along the way – or at school itself.”

Dr. Peter Salama, the UNICEF regional director for the Middle East and North Africa, said the report was based on calculations from the combined data for each individual population that have been compiled by the agency over the years.

“We’ve had country-specific numbers in the past, but not the aggregate of major trends in the region,” Dr. Salama said in a telephone interview from Amman, Jordan. “For us, it’s actually quite staggering when you aggregate the numbers across these countries.”

Five or 10 years ago, he said, it was unusual to have even 10 percent of the school-age populations in the region out of school. “Now it’s 40 percent,” he said.

“Their educational achievements are going to be quite low,” he said. “These are the future professionals in these societies.”

While death, mayhem, hunger and disease are among the most obvious risks to civilians in these conflict zones, the collapse in primary education is another compelling reason for families with young children to flee. This partly explains the increasing surge of migrants into Europe, Dr. Salama said.

“Seventy to 80 percent of asylum seekers have been from Syria,” he said. “It’s not coincidental.”

In Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, where millions of Syrians have fled since the war in their homeland began in 2011, more than 700,000 refugee children are unable to attend school because the education systems in those countries cannot cope with the extra load, the report said.

Dr. Salama said the report highlighted what he called another alarming issue: If children are not in school, they are often working, and exploited in hazardous jobs.

A parallel trend, he said, is increased recruitment of children into military and paramilitary organizations.

“In the past there was child recruitment, but it tended to be older boys in noncombat roles,” Dr. Salama said. “That has really changed in the last year or two.”

He said, “We are on the verge of a lost generation of kids.”

失落一代 中東北非孩童失學

















標題中的Lost Generation加引號別有用意。這個詞原本說的是第一次世界大戰期間成年的一代,人生態度因幻滅而憤世嫉俗為其特色,故稱「迷惘的一代」或「失落的一代」;也指一戰期間眾多英年早逝的年輕人。

讓這個詞發揚光大的是一戰後活躍於國際文壇的美國小說家海明威(Ernest Hemingway)和費茲傑羅(Scott Fitzgerald)等人,所以這個詞也專指此一世代的美國作家。

本文用Lost Generation描述因動亂無法就讀小學的學童超過1300萬人,稱為「失學的一代」,敘利亞的問題尤其嚴重。UNICEF發起的No Lost Generation Initiative就是要讓敘利亞的學童復學。

另外,常見新聞報導用“lost decade”形容某個國家的經濟長期陷入低迷,宛如「失落的十年」。有經濟學家甚至認為1990年代迄今,日本已淪入第三輪的「失落十年」。

校園遭戰火波及毀損,報導接連使用damageddestroyed,前者是損,後者是毀,有程度上的差別。台北引起國際媒體注意的「名畫」受損事件是damaged,若嚴重到destroyed就無法修復了。Damaged當名詞時只有法律上的「損害賠償費」才能用複數。例如:The jury awarded damages of over $9 million to the victims.

900萬美元對許多人來說,是數額驚人的款項(a staggering amount of money)。報導說將各國失學兒童人數加總後的結果很嚇人,就是用staggering,這個字有大得驚人、令人震驚的意思,例:a staggering achievementa staggering defeat



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