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紐時摘譯:甲蟲寄生蟻穴 善於模仿


A Social Parasite’s Sophisticated Mimicry
甲蟲寄生蟻穴 善於模仿

By Carl Zimmer

An ant colony is an insect fortress: When enemies invade, soldier ants quickly detect the incursion and rip their foes apart.

But some invaders manage to slip in with ease, none more mystifyingly than the ant nest beetle.

Adult beetles stride into an ant colony in search of a mate, without being harassed. They lay eggs, from which larva hatch. And, it seems, workers feed the young beetles as if they were ants.

When the beetles become adults, the ants swarm around them, grooming their bodies. But then the beetles sink their jaws into ant larvae and freshly moulted adults to drink their body fluids.

“They’re like vampire beetles,” said Andrea Di Giulio of Roma Tre University in Rome.

Dr. Di Giulio and others have now discovered the beetles can perform uncanny impressions, mimicking a range of ant calls.

He and his colleagues study a species of ant nest beetle called Paussus favieri, which lives in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, where it infiltrates the nests of Moroccan ants, known as Pheidole pallidula.
他和同事研究一種叫做投彈手甲蟲(Paussus favieri)的步行蟲,這種甲蟲分布於摩洛哥的阿特拉斯山脈,牠們會滲透到也稱作義大利家蟻的一種摩洛哥螞蟻(Pheidole pallidula)的巢穴裡。

Like many ant species, Pheidole pallidula makes noises by rubbing its legs against ridges on its body. The meanings of these signals vary from species to species; leaf-cutting ants summon bodyguards to return to the nest; in other species, a queen trills to her workers to attend to her. Scientists say Pheidole pallidula ants make three distinct sounds, each by a different caste: soldiers, workers and the queen.

Dr. Di Giulio and his colleagues noticed Paussus favieri, also have ridges, suggesting that they too can make sounds. But related beetles that don’t invade ant nests don’t have this kind of anatomy. So the scientists set the beetles on microphones and listened carefully. The beetles began to sing. They made three sounds, each closely resembling the one made by a different ant caste. “We were stunned by finding such a complex pattern of signals,” Dr. Di Giulio said.

He wondered if the beetles were mimicking the ants in order to trick them. They installed a miniature loudspeaker in a chamber and buried it in sand, then put ants in the chamber and played beetle calls through the speaker.

The ants crawled toward the sound to investigate, waving their antenna in a pattern they use only to detect fellow ants. Then “they started digging to the speaker, like they were rescuing somebody,” said Dr. Di Giulio.

The scientists published their findings in July in the journal PLOS One.

Scientists refer to ant nest beetles as social parasites. Instead of infecting a single host’s body, they hijack an entire society.

Dr. Di Giulio said the new findings demonstrate just how impressive parasites can be.

“The parasite is actually more complex than related beetles that are not parasites,” he said.


2015-08-18聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 莊蕙嘉 原文參見紐時週報十版下

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