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紐時摘譯:狗狗入監 接受偵測訓練


Puppies Sent to Prison to Become Skilled Life-Savers
狗狗入監 接受偵測訓練

By Ethan Hauser

OPELIKA, Alabama – Little Opelika was about to be honored for her community service by the mayor of this Alabama city for which she is named. She waited. And she fidgeted. And then she barked. It was prison for her.

Opelika is part of the Canine Performance Sciences Program at Auburn University, which breeds and trains dogs to use their powerful sense of smell to keep people safe. After a year of preparation, Opelika will probably be placed with a government agency or a private security firm to sniff out bombs, narcotics or other threats.

The dogs, mostly Labradors – a breed chosen for its sociability – emerge from the prisons “more mature mentally,” said Jeanne Brock, an instructor at Auburn.

For many years, dogs at Auburn were trained to find improvised explosive devices – homemade bombs. That focus changed about eight years ago, when Auburn’s scientists got a new challenge: how to detect an I.E.D. that is on the move, carried by a would-be bomber.

What was the most effective way, Paul Waggoner and his colleagues wondered, for dogs to patrol crowded areas? They found their answer in the work of Gary Settles of Pennsylvania State University, whose research had shown that humans produce thermal plumes that emanate from our bodies and entrain gaseous particles.

Most of these particles, like traces of perspiration or perfume can also betray contact with hazardous materials, like those used in bombs. Instead of screening each person, then, the dogs could inspect the “human aerodynamic wakes” that trail behind people in motion and alert a handler.

Dr. Waggoner began experimenting with even more elusive targets, including pathogens.

No one knows precisely what makes a dog’s sense of smell so sensitive, but Dr. Waggoner and others say olfaction may be “the most ‘preserved’ sense – it’s probably the most ancient one.”

Dogs’ eyes and ears remain closed for about 14 days after birth, Dr. Waggoner said, but “pups come out smelling, that’s how they interact and get around the world.” Dogs have 40 times as many olfactory receptors as humans do – 220 million versus five million. Yet what might be most striking is not that dogs can detect odors at parts per trillion but that they can discriminate among so many scents.

Auburn’s trainers have known that the dogs must be continually rewarded when they have given an alert they have found a target odor. But until recently, the scientists could only speculate on the brain activity behind the dogs’ extreme drive.

That picture is becoming clearer now, through a neuroscience project. In the study, Gopikrishna Deshpande, Dr. Waggoner and others are using functional magnetic resonance imaging recordings to better understand what happens in a dog’s brain when the animal is presented with odors and with photographs and videos of human faces.

Dr. Deshpande said early data revealed that dogs presented with a learned odor show increased activity in two brain areas: the hippocampus, where memories are stored, and the caudate nucleus, which is associated with rewarding feelings.

They are also focusing on the default mode network. The more integrated the network is with the rest of the brain, the higher the likelihood of “referential thinking,” a foundation necessary for sophisticated emotional states.

It is widely understood that the first year of an animal’s life is vital for imprinting. For the Auburn dogs, this is when they must grasp the kind of trusting but strict relationship they will have with their eventual handlers.

Originally, Auburn relied on local families to foster the puppies, said Dr. James Floyd, a former director of the program. Despite the precise guidelines the volunteer hosts were given, Dr. Floyd said, “you’d visit to check on them and there they’d be, up on the couch, watching TV, being fed potato chips.”

About 80 percent would fail to meet the rigorous detector-dog standards: “The main problem was lack of structure,” Ms. Brock said.

Knowing that service animals had been successfully trained in prisons, the program leaders decided in 2004 to place dogs at a prison in Florida. The failure rate fell quickly. Now Auburn works with five prisons in Florida and Georgia.

Grady Perry, a former warden in Georgia, said that for the inmates chosen to be teamed up with dogs, the experience can have a positive influence. “This is their chance not only to be a responsible adult but a responsible citizen,” he said.


2015-08-11聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生 原文參見紐時週報十版上

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