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紐時摘譯:此處賣薯條 也有人販毒


Stop to Buy Drugs And a Side of Fries
此處賣薯條 也有人販毒

By Kim Barker

Some customers pour beer into clear McCafé plastic cups and drink it right in the open. A man called Shamrock swills straight vodka from a Dasani water bottle at a table near the entrance.

Recently, a man headed straight for the bathroom, pausing only to open his backpack and grab a bag of heroin, known as “dog food.” Another day, a couple shared a McDonald’s vanilla shake at a side table and swallowed “sticks,” the anti-anxiety prescription drug Xanax, and “pins,” the anti-anxiety pill Klonopin. And another day, an ambulance showed up to carry away a regular who had been stabbed in an adjacent doorway, leaving blood all over the sidewalk.
幾天前,一名男子直奔洗手間,只是為了打開背包拿包俗稱「狗食」的海洛因。另一天,在靠牆的一張桌子,一對男女分享著一杯香草奶昔,還吞了「棍子」(抗焦慮處方藥贊安諾) 「大頭釘」(另一種抗焦慮藥克諾平)。又有一天,救護車出現載走一名常客,他在隔壁門口被人拿刀捅了,人行道上滿是鮮血。

The Times Square of today often seems like a theme park, a blend of wax museums, flashy billboards and slow-walking, street-clogging tourists. But this nearby McDonald’s, on Eighth Avenue between 34th and 35th Streets, is a throwback to a seedier era in New York, a place where tourists sit amid drug addicts looking for a fix or dozing at tables after taking methadone, or maybe something else.

“The tourists don’t know anything,” said Nichole, 29, a former heroin user who goes to the McDonald’s regularly. “I love when they walk in here and look around and everybody is nodding out on a table. Because they have no idea what’s going on.

Why there? Because within a three-minute walk are a clinic that dispenses methadone, used to treat heroin addiction; two outpatient substance-abuse programs; and a needle exchange. The neighborhood has few cheap options for hanging out. Some nearby fast-food restaurants are out of order, or allow only paying customers to use them.

What is left is pretty much McDonald’s – the restaurant of the masses, the great democratizer, the substitute for the community square, where it is possible to read or sip a cheap cup of coffee for hours. In New York City, every McDonald’s has its own flavor. At one in Brooklyn, the same group of older Latina women meet every afternoon, while at another in Queens, older Koreans gather.
剩下的大概只有麥當勞這家大眾餐廳,也是偉大的民主意識餐廳,社區廣場的替代場所,人們可在那裡閱讀或喝杯廉價咖啡坐上數小時。在紐約,每家麥當勞各有風味 。布魯克林有一家,每天下午會有同一群拉美裔老太太聚會,皇后區的另一家是韓裔老人的聚點。

Some regulars joke that the Eighth Avenue one is “zombie McDonald’s”; others call it “junkie McDonald’s.”

Many of the patrons run a circuit, from the methadone clinic to the front of the needle exchange and then down to the restaurant for a few hours to come down after the methadone, hang out with friends and maybe hustle some business. Those who still get high run a different circuit: Sometimes they will buy drugs in the bathroom and use them right away in a stall. Sometimes they will buy in the McDonald’s but then walk around the corner to shoot up.

But then they come back.

The well-lit restaurant was redone about three years ago. The prime tables are up front, large and round with cushioned swan chairs. The regulars hang out there, or sprawl on tables in the back.

“These guys, they have their thing here,” said Ray Flonard, 53. “They take over the sidewalk. You can’t move down the sidewalk with all of them. But it doesn’t hurt anyone, I guess.
53歲的雷.佛洛納德說:「這些傢伙,他們無所不在。他們占據前方。占據人行道,有了他們,人行道走不通 。不過,我想,這不傷害任何人。」

They have won this McDonald’s. They have won with sheer numbers, and because they always return. They have won despite the police, who went there 200 times last year. They have won despite the security guard, one man who has been on the job more than 20 years and sometimes shoos away the customers who pass out on the tables. He was stabbed in the leg by a regular about four years ago.

“Every day, I go through hell,” he recently said. He did not want to give his name.

Everyone knows he leaves at 2 p.m. That is when it is much easier to do business. Almost anything is for sale. Loose cigarettes are 50 cents each. An iPod is $40. One regular said a bag of heroin runs $10.

It is hard to know what the tourists make of the mix. They come from Pennsylvania Station; from Times Square; and from the Big Bus New York double-deckers that stop outside for passengers to use the bathroom.

Other regulars, the so-called normals, frequent this McDonald’s, like the nun of 70 years who sometimes sits in the back, where she likes to watch the scene unfold like a Broadway show.

“I get an ice cream cone for a dollar,” said the nun, Elaine Goodell, 89, who lives in a nearby convent and works as a hospital chaplain. “Then I will usually buy a medium French fries. I love the salt and the sweet. And that’s what you get here too – the salt and sweet of humanity.”


2015-08-04聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王麗娟 原文參見紐時週報十一版上

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