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紐時摘譯:腦震盪治療 持續尋尋覓覓


The Hunt Continues for Effective Concussion Treatments
腦震盪治療 持續尋尋覓覓

By Barry Meier and Danielle Ivory

In a small building in Marrero, Louisiana, patients in a clear capsule breathe pure oxygen.

The procedure, known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, uses a pressurized chamber to help scuba divers overcome the bends. But Dr. Paul G. Harch offers it as a concussion treatment.

One patient, Rashada Parks, said that she had struggled with mood swings ever since she fell and hit her head more than three years ago. Antidepressants hadn’t helped her. But after 40 hourlong treatments, or dives, her symptoms have subsided.

Three studies run at a cost to American taxpayer of about $70 million have all found that the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen reported by patients may have resulted from a placebolike effect. But advocates of the treatment recently persuaded American lawmakers to spend more money investigating whether the studies were flawed.

A growing industry has developed around concussions. An estimated 1.7 million Americans are treated every year after suffering concussions from falls, car accidents, sports injuries and other causes. While the vast majority quickly recover with rest, a small percentage of patients experience lingering effects a year or longer afterward. Along with memory issues, symptoms can include headaches, dizziness and vision and balance problems.

Over the last decade, the United States Defense Department has spent more than $800 million on brain injury research. And as people become more aware of the debilitating long-term consequences of repeated concussions, businesses have been chasing salable solutions. The search for ways to treat and prevent concussions has spawned screening tools, helmet sensors and brain imaging devices. But as the industry booms, medical experts are raising concerns that it is a business where belief frequently outruns fact.

Not long ago, the field of brain injury research was small. Little attention was paid to concussion, which is also called mild traumatic brain injury. That changed after reports showed that hundreds of thousands of American service members were returning from Iraq and Afghanistan impaired by concussions caused by battlefield blasts and accidents. In 2007, Congress allocated $600 million for research and treatment, splitting the funds between traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.

Dr. David X. Cifu, a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond who also works for the Veterans Affairs Department, said that the government funds spawned a research feeding frenzy. “It was a small field that got amazingly large because a lot of people were making stuff up and claiming things,” Dr. Cifu said.

Some specialists said they believed the military’s approach to concussions suffered from a basic problem. While agreement exists on the symptoms that define a concussion at the time when one occurs, a similar definition did not exist to describe what happens after a concussion, including how the injury’s symptoms change over time. In addition, many soldiers who are diagnosed with a mild brain injury also have PTSD, a condition with symptoms similar to those associated with a concussion.

A few years ago, a major producer of football helmets, Riddell, announced that it was on the trail of a way to reduce injuries by using electronic impact sensors to monitor head blows. The National Football League was so enthusiastic about the potential that it studied the performance of impact sensors in the Riddell helmet in eight N.F.L. games. But the league ended the experiment, saying the data produced was too crude to be of value.

The end of the N.F.L’s field test, however, hasn’t dimmed enthusiasm for sensors among coaches and parents. In the fall, players on several college football teams will wear mouth guards equipped with sensors made by i1 Biometrics. As with much in the concussion business, experts are still uncertain whether the data will result in fewer concussions or simply create statistical noise.

Medical experts say that in some ways, the search for new approaches has returned to the starting line. A concussion expert with the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. David W. Dodick, said he believed a cheap nutritional supplement, N-acetylcysteine, could help treat concussion symptoms, and he hoped to study it.

It would not be the first time that the supplement has been tested for that use. In 2008, the United States Defense Department began a study of it in soldiers in Iraq who had sustained a concussion. That trial showed benefits, but Dr. Dodick said that a dispute about the trial overshadowed a possible breakthrough and that N-acetylcysteine might be a valuable tool.


2015-07-21聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 王麗娟 原文參見紐時週報十版上

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