Ethics Divide China and the West
醫學倫理規範 中西不同
By Didi Kirsten Tatlow
BEIJING – China is spending hundreds of billions of dollars annually to become a leader in biomedical research, building scores of laboratories and training thousands of scientists.
But some experts worry ethical boundaries are being crossed.
Scientists around the world were shocked in April when a team led by Huang Junjiu, 34, at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, published the results of an experiment in editing the genes of human embryos.
The technology, called Crispr-Cas9, may one day be used to eradicate inheritable illnesses. But in theory, it also could be used to change such traits as eye color or intelligence.
The Chinese tried to modify a gene that causes a blood disorder called beta-thalassemia. The experiment failed in 85 embryos.
Scientists in the West generally object to this sort of research on the grounds that it amounts to genetic engineering of humans.
“The consensus among the scientific community is, ‘not for now,’ ” said Huso Yi, the director of research at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Center for Bioethics.
Chinese scientists seem in no mood to wait.
“I don’t think China wants to take a moratorium,” Mr. Yi said. “People are saying they can’t stop the train of mainland Chinese genetics because it’s going too fast.”
Training in ethics for Chinese scientists was introduced, under pressure from the West, only a dozen years ago.
“The ‘red line’ in the West and in China are not too similar,” said Deng Rui, a medical ethicist at Shanxi Medical University. “Confucian thinking says that someone becomes a person after they are born,” he added. “That is different from the United States or other countries with a Christian influence, where because of religion they may feel research on embryos is not O.K.”
The state does set limits, Ms. Deng said: “Our ‘red line’ here is that you can only experiment on embryos that are younger than 14 days old.”
Chinese scientists adhere to globally accepted ethical and scientific norms, said Zhai Xiaomei, a member of the country’s National Medical Ethical Committee. But many scientists experience pressure not to do so, she acknowledged.
“Inside China, there are people who are opposed to international standards, citing cultural differences,” Ms. Zhai said. “This force is actually quite powerful sometimes.”
In the case of Dr. Huang’s experiment, the national committee decided that it was ethically acceptable because it “was not for reproductive purposes,” Ms. Zhai said, a stance that surprised some overseas scientists.
“They chose to use embryos that would soon be destroyed. So far, we have been regarding it as a very fundamental research, instead of interventions in or editing of germ cells,” Ms. Zhai said.
But she struck a warning note: “If you want to edit genes in germ cells with the intention of using this right away, it’s absolutely not O.K., because the technology has yet to become mature.”
Disturbed by the recent study, Rao Yi, a professor of biology and director of the four-year-old Center of Life Sciences at Peking University, run jointly with Tsinghua University, warned that scientific research in China urgently needed more effective ethical oversight.
“The more technology we have, the more dangerous we are to ourselves and entire humankind,” Dr. Rao said.
Chinese scientists are generally poorly paid, he said, but may receive a bonus of up to $32,000 per article from the state for publishing in international scientific journals, providing financial incentives for pushing the boundaries.
“Do first, talk later” is the attitude of many, Dr. Rao and two colleagues wrote recently on iScientist, an online community for Chinese researchers.
More unpleasant scientific surprises are looming, several scientists said.
“Right now, human gene editing is the main thing,” Mr. Yi said. Geneticists in China “don’t want to be guided by Western people.”
2015-07-14聯合報/G5版/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生譯 原文參見紐時週報十版下