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Investors Again Willing To Put Money in Brazil
By Dan Horch

SÃO PAULO, Brazil – Six months ago, stocks and bonds in Brazilian companies were left for dead. Brazil was sinking deeper into a recession. Its currency, the real, was reeling. And the government-controlled energy giant Petrobras, was embroiled in a corruption scandal that weakened President Dilma Rousseff.
六個月前,巴西企業的股票和債券遭遺棄等死。巴西陷入更深的衰退。巴西幣里奧搖搖欲墜。政府控制的能源巨擘「 巴西國家石油公司」陷入貪瀆醜聞,削弱了總統狄瑪.羅塞芙的威信。

Although Brazil is still recovering from its malaise, its major companies are attracting investors again. President Rousseff has taken steps to cut the budget deficit. And Petrobras sold $2.5 billion in bonds with a 100-year maturity.

But hurdles remain. Investors have lost billions in companies under investigation in possible securities law violations. The real has dropped nearly 40 percent against the dollar in the last year, adding to losses for foreign investors. Inflation is still more than 8 percent. And should the government’s progress in stabilizing the national debt falter, fears of a ratings downgrade could again send the currency plunging.

But some companies are tapping the public markets. Once under new management in February, Petrobras – the world’s most indebted energy company, with about $130 billion in debt – moved quickly to build cash reserves. In the last two months, it raised more than $11 billion from the China Development Bank, the Standard Chartered Bank and three Brazilian banks.

In early May, the Brazilian subsidiary of the Spanish telecom giant Telefónica issued new shares and raised $1.4 billion to help finance its acquisition of Vivendi’s Brazilian telecom unit. A local insurance brokerage firm, Par Corretora, just held an initial public offering, the first Brazilian company to do so in almost eight months. It raised a modest $190 million, but that exceeded the high end of its target range.
五月上旬西班牙電信巨擘「西班牙電信」巴西分公司發行新股募得14億美元,用以收購法國維旺迪旗下巴西部門。當地保險經紀公司Par Corretora剛剛首次公開發行股票,是近八個月來第一家公開募股的巴西企業,募得1.9億美元,雖不多,已高於設定目標的上限。

“The success of recent offerings shows that there is a demand for quality names,” said Jean-Marc Etlin of the Brazilian investment bank Itaú BBA.

More transactions are considered likely. The reinsurance company IRB-Brasil is expected to file for an initial public offering, seeking to raise $1.3 billion.

The government has an interest in helping to elevate the capital markets. IRB and Caixa Econômica Federal’s insurance division are partly owned by the government, which is eager to raise new money to close a gaping budget deficit. Brazil’s deficit is 7.5 percent of its gross domestic product; in contrast, the deficit of Greece was 3.5 percent of G.D.P. last year.

“The government, given its need for money, will probably be aggressive about opening capital in the companies it owns,” said Eliana Chimenti, an analyst.

Some $4 billion is expected to come from selling offshore petroleum reserves.

“Uncertainties have lifted enough that investors can see opportunities,” said Renato Ejnisman, head of Banco Bradesco BBI. “There are good names available at good prices.”


2015-06-30聯合報/G9/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生 原文參見紐時週報七版下

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