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A Man of Sheep, and a Man of Letters
By Roslyn Sulcas

MATTERDALE, England – James Rebanks picked up a newborn lamb by the scruff of its neck and set it on its feet. It stood, shaking and weak. “We’re going to lose that one,” he said. He got back onto the quad bike that he uses to patrol his farm, 120 hectares of hilly land near this parish in the Lake District, where his family has farmed for about 600 years. “Sometimes it happens,” he said stoically.

Birth, death and everything in between are Mr. Rebanks’s daily bread as a sheep farmer in this beautiful but inhospitable part of the country. But he is no isolated, anachronistic figure striding into the hills. He has a degree from Oxford, a Twitter account with almost 65,000 followers, a best-selling book and a part-time job as an adviser to Unesco (on managing tourism in developing economies.)

“There is a James who can put a suit on and talk to people,” Mr. Rebanks, known on Twitter as the Herdwick Shepherd, said one evening last month at his modest home, a repurposed barn that he shares with his wife of 13 years, Helen, and their three children. “And there is the James at home, obsessing about sheep.”

Mr. Rebanks’s book, “The Shepherd’s Life,” was a surprise hit on the British best-seller lists after its publication in April. It describes the passage of the seasons and the realities of farming: herding, shearing, feeding, castrating, mucking, chopping. But it is also a memoir about his family, a love letter to the land, to his forebears and to a way of life that is centuries old.

In prose, Mr. Rebanks, 40, evokes a world unknown to the 16 million tourists who visit the Lake District each year. He is part of a tiny community – perhaps 300 families – that he describes in “The Shepherd’s Life” as “the forgotten people who live in our midst, whose lives are often deeply traditional

“We live in arguably the most literary landscape in the world,” he said. “For 200 years, it has been defined in words by Arthur Ransome, Beatrix Potter, Wordsworth, Coleridge. So you have an outsider’s version and insiders not bothering to explain to people, this is what we have to say.”

Life changed for Mr. Rebanks after he began to post on Twitter scenic photographs and brief reports about the daily life of the farm in 2012. He acquired thousands of followers. Among them was The Atlantic, which commissioned an article about the odd intersection of Twitter and his traditional way of life. Then in 2013, a literary agent asked if he had ever thought about writing a book. Mr. Rebanks told him that he had already written one.

In fact, he has been writing since he was in his early 20s: poems that became the basis for some of “The Shepherd’s Life” and short stories.

“But life got in the way,” he said. “I had to juggle two or three jobs to keep the farm going; we had kids. I got really depressed, and Helen said, ‘Don’t worry, it will all happen by the time you are 40.’ ”

It has happened. “The Shepherd’s Life” has been greeted with laudatory reviews. But farming, he said, comes first.


2015-06-23聯合報/G5/UNITED DAILY NEWS 張佑生 原文參見紐時週報十二版下

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